'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement, that in no way threatens anyone, does not call for harm to be done to anyone, and at the end of the day does no real harm to anyone.

We have come to a point where one side of the political debate is given all sorts of leeway, and when they cross the line it takes a massive outswelling of outrage to even get them a slap on the wrist. On the other hand, someone on the "wrong" side of the debate is an instant target for the "butthurt group of the week's" media campaign to silence them via economic assault.

We have come to the point where if you offend the wrong 1% of the population you are ostracised without due process, and usually without being able to defend yourself.

Considering something "offensive" when it really only offends a small vocal minority may not be censorship, but it sure as hell isnt justice.

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement,

they worried that they might be destroyed like chic-fil-a was

after making similar personal comments

Chic-fil-A was destroyed?


Apparently there is no more free speach anymore. I mean really, all this phoney outrage because someone has their own personal feelings and beliefs about homosexuality that isn't in line with queer-enablers?

What's the plan, get everyone fired because they don't believe fags are "A-OK"?

And here we have our example of ignorance, stupidity, and hate from the right.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech,’ in fact our right to speak freely has never been more secure.

It does have to do with free speech. Why would these leftist queer-enabler groups go after someone for speaking his own mind in an interview? It's not as though he said this stuff on the TV show, so why is he being fired for it? A&E can do whatever it wants, but this is really about the militant left doing another political lynching of anyone who isn't in line with their views. Leftist groups are nothing but a bunch of intolerant bullies who try to ruin peoples' lives if they aren't on board with the leftist/queer agenda.
Apparently there is no more free speach anymore. I mean really, all this phoney outrage because someone has their own personal feelings and beliefs about homosexuality that isn't in line with queer-enablers?

What's the plan, get everyone fired because they don't believe fags are "A-OK"?

And here we have our example of ignorance, stupidity, and hate from the right.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech,’ in fact our right to speak freely has never been more secure.

It does have to do with free speech. Why would these leftist queer-enabler groups go after someone for speaking his own mind in an interview? It's not as though he said this stuff on the TV show, so why is he being fired for it? A&E can do whatever it wants, but this is really about the militant left doing another political lynching of anyone who isn't in line with their views. Leftist groups are nothing but a bunch of intolerant bullies who try to ruin peoples' lives if they aren't on board with the leftist/queer agenda.

had more to do with a set up perhaps

one that by now has backfired
Apparently there is no more free speach anymore. I mean really, all this phoney outrage because someone has their own personal feelings and beliefs about homosexuality that isn't in line with queer-enablers?

What's the plan, get everyone fired because they don't believe fags are "A-OK"?

And here we have our example of ignorance, stupidity, and hate from the right.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech,’ in fact our right to speak freely has never been more secure.

It does have to do with free speech. Why would these leftist queer-enabler groups go after someone for speaking his own mind in an interview? It's not as though he said this stuff on the TV show, so why is he being fired for it? A&E can do whatever it wants, but this is really about the militant left doing another political lynching of anyone who isn't in line with their views. Leftist groups are nothing but a bunch of intolerant bullies who try to ruin peoples' lives if they aren't on board with the leftist/queer agenda.

had more to do with a set up perhaps

one that by now has backfired
I learned a couple of things moments ago that set this whole DD crap on it's ear.

First is that the next season has already been shot and will air in a week or two, Phil Robertson of course will still be on it. Secondly, they won't start filming the season after that for another 4-5 months.

Here's what's going to happen. A&E will "suspend" Mr. Robertson for 4-5 months and then claim that he's learned his lesson or some shit and he'll be back in time to film the new season.

Don't doubt me.

I doubt:

"We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible," reads a statement posted on the family's Duck Commander website. "Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family."
'Duck Dynasty' Family: 'We Cannot Imagine the Show' Without Phil Robertson

Tough one to call, but I'm betting A&E will cave and the show will fizzle on it's own weight (As these sorts of things usually do). It's probably got a season or two at most.

Then FOX will hire Phil or the tea party will run him.
Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

They've made far more money being creative that you ever will as an Engineer of Womyn's Studies.
Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

The only one that talks about hating people, seem to be the Democrats trying to fix blame on Republicans. Seems that Democrats protest to much.
No, I have wondered if all of this isn't a big play for publicity for the show. Look at that guy, who would be surprised he thinks this way? I had heard of this reality tv show vaguely but it's all I'm hearing about this week. Reruns are still playing on A&E but I think I'll pass.

The man's a Christian. Who follows the Word. Of course he thinks that way.

And as far as the show goes they don't need publicity :lol:

The show has broken several ratings records on both A&E and cable television as a whole; the fourth season premiere drew 11.8 million viewers, the most-watched nonfiction cable telecast in history

Duck Dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People love seeing white trash country fucks acting like idiots.

Yeah, and those "white trash country fucks" have made more money than you ever thought of and probably 1%ers and are pretty business savvy.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

You are remembering something that never existed. People having totally free speech? Never existed unless you lived out in the wilderness somewhere all by yourself. Free speech never existed. Yes, white Christian male heterosexuals were pretty much able to say what they wanted, but not blacks, not women, not homosexuals, not anyone who disagreed with the mainstream ideology of the former America. People lost their jobs for what they said. They went to prison (remember the McCarthy era?). They were beaten, lynched and murdered. Crosses were burned on their front lawns. Women were put in mental institutions. Total free speech has never existed for most people in America.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

You are remembering something that never existed. People having totally free speech? Never existed unless you lived out in the wilderness somewhere all by yourself. Free speech never existed. Yes, white Christian male heterosexuals were pretty much able to say what they wanted, but not blacks, not women, not homosexuals, not anyone who disagreed with the mainstream ideology of the former America. People lost their jobs for what they said. They went to prison (remember the McCarthy era?). They were beaten, lynched and murdered. Crosses were burned on their front lawns. Women were put in mental institutions. Total free speech has never existed for most people in America.

Living in the past there Esmeralda. There are over 20 million slaves in the world right now, what are you doing about that?
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

You are remembering something that never existed. People having totally free speech? Never existed unless you lived out in the wilderness somewhere all by yourself. Free speech never existed. Yes, white Christian male heterosexuals were pretty much able to say what they wanted, but not blacks, not women, not homosexuals, not anyone who disagreed with the mainstream ideology of the former America. People lost their jobs for what they said. They went to prison (remember the McCarthy era?). They were beaten, lynched and murdered. Crosses were burned on their front lawns. Women were put in mental institutions. Total free speech has never existed for most people in America.

It's Payback time for White Heterosexual Christians!


...of this saga will be the incessant string of commentary from pseudo intellectual nitpickers attempting to make names for themselves. They will twist every questionable phase the man has ever uttered in a quest to discredit him. I write their antics off to pure jealousy.

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