'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

I told you all so. The DD family is going to tear up the A&E contract and tell the 'boys who pee sitting down' where to stick the duck calls.
The 'duck call' will become a symbol of free speech.
The DD family will all be muti multi millionaires in a couple of years.
The DD family will accept an offer from FOX.
There will be more duck calls hanging in vehicle back windows then there are ducks in the country.
This time the 'boyz' who pee sitting down bite when they should have swallowed.
Thanks to Bobo many people have reached the end of their patience with 'all things LIB'.
Bobo can thanks A&E for losing his party another few million votes next year.
A&E WILL issue a statement claiming 'it was all a misunderstanding and of course Phil will always be welcome on his own show. Sorry. Once the DD family makes a decision it's made permanently.
I'd love to be in the conference room at A&E listening to the 'boys who pee sitting down' try to wiggle their cute little bums out of the mess they created.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

You are remembering something that never existed. People having totally free speech? Never existed unless you lived out in the wilderness somewhere all by yourself. Free speech never existed. Yes, white Christian male heterosexuals were pretty much able to say what they wanted, but not blacks, not women, not homosexuals, not anyone who disagreed with the mainstream ideology of the former America. People lost their jobs for what they said. They went to prison (remember the McCarthy era?). They were beaten, lynched and murdered. Crosses were burned on their front lawns. Women were put in mental institutions. Total free speech has never existed for most people in America.

It's Payback time for White Heterosexual Christians!



Yep, the white, male, heterosexual Christians, no matter how stupid were the only ones who had free speech. Too stupid to even understand the point of this thread. It's payback time for everyone else, LOL. That's the point of the thread. Try to keep up.
I told you all so. The DD family is going to tear up the A&E contract and tell the 'boys who pee sitting down' where to stick the duck calls.
The 'duck call' will become a symbol of free speech.
The DD family will all be muti multi millionaires in a couple of years.
The DD family will accept an offer from FOX.
There will be more duck calls hanging in vehicle back windows then there are ducks in the country.
This time the 'boyz' who pee sitting down bite when they should have swallowed.
Thanks to Bobo many people have reached the end of their patience with 'all things LIB'.
Bobo can thanks A&E for losing his party another few million votes next year.
A&E WILL issue a statement claiming 'it was all a misunderstanding and of course Phil will always be welcome on his own show. Sorry. Once the DD family makes a decision it's made permanently.
I'd love to be in the conference room at A&E listening to the 'boys who pee sitting down' try to wiggle their cute little bums out of the mess they created.

'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

Reading this, I feel this the same kind of drama that some liberal media is known for. Wasn't there outcry from some liberals when Miss California was also asked her honest opinion? In my opinion, GLAAD is becoming the obnoxious drama queen that everyone wants to ignore, and it is hurting the image of homosexuals as a group.

The Duck Dynasty Men before their beards:


Phil: ( high-school and college football player and almost went pro: )


Brothers in high-school:

Brothers, small: aww

All growed up....:lol:

Somehow they look less creepy with the beards. Hard to pull off that look.
Mel Gibson's made 4 or 5 movies since he made those marks

tapatalk post

And Michael Richards currently has a television show. But people round here don't tend to actually fact check.

Well, we don't really pay attention to shows no one is actually watching.

Geezus, it's on "TV Land". That doesn't even count as a network, does it?

So he's a minor character on a TV series starring a washed up fat chick on a basic cable network. Yeah, man, his career has really taking off. He's totally rebounded from those racist comments.

Now, let's move on to Mel Gibson. How's his career going since he outed himself as a Jew-hating drunk?

Well, he didn't work for four years. And the movies he made when he did come back all turned into commercial bombs.

Sorry, man, you don't come back professionally from being a bigot.

Now, hey, the DD guys might survive this. The whole appeal of this show is "Let's laugh at the Rednecks", so why are we surprised when they act like.... rednecks.

So, IMO A&E should have known who and what they signed up.

More at the link.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson appears to verbally attack gay people in newly emerged video - NY Daily News

I've heard the first few minutes, but I doubt that I can stick it out for the long haul. I have a tough time with his mindset.

I was more offended at how boring he was...didn't stick around long enough to get to the homophobic part if there was any there.
Mel Gibson's made 4 or 5 movies since he made those marks

tapatalk post

And Michael Richards currently has a television show. But people round here don't tend to actually fact check.

Well, we don't really pay attention to shows no one is actually watching.

Geezus, it's on "TV Land". That doesn't even count as a network, does it?

So he's a minor character on a TV series starring a washed up fat chick on a basic cable network. Yeah, man, his career has really taking off. He's totally rebounded from those racist comments.

Now, let's move on to Mel Gibson. How's his career going since he outed himself as a Jew-hating drunk?

Well, he didn't work for four years. And the movies he made when he did come back all turned into commercial bombs.

Sorry, man, you don't come back professionally from being a bigot.

Now, hey, the DD guys might survive this. The whole appeal of this show is "Let's laugh at the Rednecks", so why are we surprised when they act like.... rednecks.

Why don't you just admit to being wrong and shut the hell up ?

tapatalk post

So, IMO A&E should have known who and what they signed up.

More at the link.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson appears to verbally attack gay people in newly emerged video - NY Daily News

I've heard the first few minutes, but I doubt that I can stick it out for the long haul. I have a tough time with his mindset.

I was more offended at how boring he was...didn't stick around long enough to get to the homophobic part if there was any there.

I will translate this liberal post for you all. It says I don't need proof to hate I'm a liberal

tapatalk post
Fans Go Online to 'Bring Back Phil Robertson' | CNS News

Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

No one hates gays. Repeating your lie isn't going to make it true.

And you complete disrespect to a good and honorable man just shows us how much you hate everything that is good and decent in this world.
If some toothless, haggard, nappy headed dumbshit can pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow, and that goes for all those part time Christians out there, then Hell awaits you also.

I've not seen where he is picking and choosing what parts of the Bible to follow.

And if one does follow the Word, you have to be dedicated to it as a whole and as the Word of Jehovah. It appears from what I've read that Phil and other family members attempt to do that.

Tastes like bullshit...

You know what Bull crap tastes like?:eek:
Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

No one hates gays. Repeating your lie isn't going to make it true.

And you complete disrespect to a good and honorable man just shows us how much you hate everything that is good and decent in this world.

leave it to the left wing reactionaries ot try to make this an issue about gays. it's an issue of frre speech and right to your own personal opinion

So, IMO A&E should have known who and what they signed up.

More at the link.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson appears to verbally attack gay people in newly emerged video - NY Daily News

I've heard the first few minutes, but I doubt that I can stick it out for the long haul. I have a tough time with his mindset.

I was more offended at how boring he was...didn't stick around long enough to get to the homophobic part if there was any there.

I will translate this liberal post for you all. It says I don't need proof to hate I'm a liberal

tapatalk post

I have more than 1 thing to do today and couldn't wait for Jethro to finish whatever he started; sorry.
Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

The "thought leaders" of the GOP seem to be whomever makes the most outlandish comments.... Not looking good for their Party.
Republicans see a hairy hillbilly who kills ducks as "creative" and a "Leader". No wonder they hate gays.

No one hates gays. Repeating your lie isn't going to make it true.

And you complete disrespect to a good and honorable man just shows us how much you hate everything that is good and decent in this world.

leave it to the left wing reactionaries ot try to make this an issue about gays. it's an issue of frre speech and right to your own personal opinion

I'm going by another thread on this, but isn't this about an employer's right to hire and fire and set its own terms of employment?

Free speech? The First Amendment applies to the government, not to a employment contract two parties enter into voluntarily. Nobody's free speech is squelched outside of that contract.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

You are remembering something that never existed. People having totally free speech? Never existed unless you lived out in the wilderness somewhere all by yourself. Free speech never existed. Yes, white Christian male heterosexuals were pretty much able to say what they wanted, but not blacks, not women, not homosexuals, not anyone who disagreed with the mainstream ideology of the former America. People lost their jobs for what they said. They went to prison (remember the McCarthy era?). They were beaten, lynched and murdered. Crosses were burned on their front lawns. Women were put in mental institutions. Total free speech has never existed for most people in America.

Living in the past there Esmeralda. There are over 20 million slaves in the world right now, what are you doing about that?


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