'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

He said something in a tasteless manner his boss didnt like. He got fired. Case closed. This is a free country but actions and words are not immune to a reaction.

I'm anti gay but if I had an employee that made VERY PUBLIC statements like this I would fire him and be within my right to do so.

If you don't like it write A&E or stop watching it. And for the record I've never seen this show so I have no opinion either way.

You should watch it, the bee episode was hilarious.
He said something in a tasteless manner his boss didnt like. He got fired. Case closed. This is a free country but actions and words are not immune to a reaction.

I'm anti gay but if I had an employee that made VERY PUBLIC statements like this I would fire him and be within my right to do so.

If you don't like it write A&E or stop watching it. And for the record I've never seen this show so I have no opinion either way.

See what happens if you try to fire a black guy who goes on the air and says he hates white people.
The Duck Dynasty Men before their beards:


Phil: ( high-school and college football player and almost went pro: )


Brothers in high-school:

Brothers, small: aww

All growed up....:lol:

Somehow they look less creepy with the beards. Hard to pull off that look.
seems to me that the Robertson's and A&E got together and created the redneck persona to grab a certain audience demographic...
if you watch that network with any regularity you'll notice DD is one of a long list of red necked themed shows...
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I'm going by another thread on this, but isn't this about an employer's right to hire and fire and set its own terms of employment?

Free speech? The First Amendment applies to the government, not to a employment contract two parties enter into voluntarily. Nobody's free speech is squelched outside of that contract.

yes, but it still doesnt make the basic gutlessness A&E and other media outlets show when squawked at by pressure groups right.

The only outrage here is on the part of GLAAD and thier media fellow travellers.

A&E is a business, is it not? And they make business decisions, do they not? That means they do so based on their bottom line.

As was pointed out in the other thread, a television show is constructing and selling illusions. The actors are hired to create those illusions under a contract, and anything the actor does that may either undermine that illusion or put their channel in a bad light (since a given TV show is inextricably linked with its network) can be grounds for vacating that contract. Which usually includes a 'morals' clause that says just that.

Again, this is basically Paula Deen again. So what?

I havent seen Phil's contract so I can't say if there is a morals clause, but you seriously think he violated a morals clause for speaking up for morality?
He said something in a tasteless manner his boss didnt like. He got fired. Case closed. This is a free country but actions and words are not immune to a reaction.

I'm anti gay but if I had an employee that made VERY PUBLIC statements like this I would fire him and be within my right to do so.

If you don't like it write A&E or stop watching it. And for the record I've never seen this show so I have no opinion either way.

See what happens if you try to fire a black guy who goes on the air and says he hates white people.

Didn't Oprah get a nobel peace prize for that?
yes, but it still doesnt make the basic gutlessness A&E and other media outlets show when squawked at by pressure groups right.

The only outrage here is on the part of GLAAD and thier media fellow travellers.

A&E is a business, is it not? And they make business decisions, do they not? That means they do so based on their bottom line.

As was pointed out in the other thread, a television show is constructing and selling illusions. The actors are hired to create those illusions under a contract, and anything the actor does that may either undermine that illusion or put their channel in a bad light (since a given TV show is inextricably linked with its network) can be grounds for vacating that contract. Which usually includes a 'morals' clause that says just that.

Again, this is basically Paula Deen again. So what?

I havent seen Phil's contract so I can't say if there is a morals clause, but you seriously think he violated a morals clause for speaking up for morality?
Obscenity, Indecency & Profanity

Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts | FCC.gov
Sure the Ducknecks can take their "product" (if we can suspend reality long enough to consider what they do any kind of 'product') elsewhere. But they're still going to be subject to the same kind of contract. This is how the business works.
Duck Calls | Duck Commander

This is the product they were selling long before the show came along -- and they were quite successful with it.

They don't need the show. It's just for fun.
I'm going by another thread on this, but isn't this about an employer's right to hire and fire and set its own terms of employment?

Free speech? The First Amendment applies to the government, not to a employment contract two parties enter into voluntarily. Nobody's free speech is squelched outside of that contract.

MSNBC, FN and A&E have the right to hire an fire as they wish and then viewers have a right to boycott stations if they wish. Bashir's language about Palin was disgusting, the duck guy, his is just an opinion, no hate, just opinion, Martha Stewart was over nothing, however all three were fired. I wouldn't fire any of them but that is me.

You have a right to an opinion and employers have a right to hire and fire.

I don't really liked or watched any of the shows, however free publicity...can't beat that.

Unless you are part of a protected class, then the employer has to go through hoops to get you canned without being sued for discrimination.

What the heck are you talking about?

Companies have no trouble whatsoever firing anyone at any time.

Ask anyone that's been unemployed recently.
Sure the Ducknecks can take their "product" (if we can suspend reality long enough to consider what they do any kind of 'product') elsewhere. But they're still going to be subject to the same kind of contract. This is how the business works.
Duck Calls | Duck Commander

This is the product they were selling long before the show came along -- and they were quite successful with it.

They don't need the show. It's just for fun.

Fun might be over.

Time to hit the pond and start blasting ducks again.

yes, but it still doesnt make the basic gutlessness A&E and other media outlets show when squawked at by pressure groups right.

The only outrage here is on the part of GLAAD and thier media fellow travellers.

A&E is a business, is it not? And they make business decisions, do they not? That means they do so based on their bottom line.

As was pointed out in the other thread, a television show is constructing and selling illusions. The actors are hired to create those illusions under a contract, and anything the actor does that may either undermine that illusion or put their channel in a bad light (since a given TV show is inextricably linked with its network) can be grounds for vacating that contract. Which usually includes a 'morals' clause that says just that.

Again, this is basically Paula Deen again. So what?

I havent seen Phil's contract so I can't say if there is a morals clause, but you seriously think he violated a morals clause for speaking up for morality?

Is it really that hard to read a few posts back -- indeed one already posted between yours and the one quoted?

A typical "morals clause" reads thus:
>> f at any time while Artist is rendering or obligated to render on-camera services for the program hereunder, Artist is involved in any situation or occurrence which subjects Artist to public scandal, disrepute, widespread contempt, public ridicule, [or which is widely deemed by members of the general public, to embarrass, offend, insult or denigrate individuals or groups,] or that will tend to shock, insult or offend the community or public morals or decency or prejudice the Producer in general, then Producer shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to terminating the production of the program. <<

Or here's a whole similar contract to what the Duckers would have signed. See paragraph 13 on page 15. See also section 8(b) and throughout, which makes it clear the Artist signs away all aspects of their "image", including who else they can(not) work for and what they can't do as long as they represent the illusion the Producer hires them for.

This is TV, folks. Not reality.

The TV channel is creating illusions. That's what TV deals in. It's common standard practice to control that illusion in a contract. Which let's remember is voluntarily entered into by both parties.
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Sure the Ducknecks can take their "product" (if we can suspend reality long enough to consider what they do any kind of 'product') elsewhere. But they're still going to be subject to the same kind of contract. This is how the business works.
Duck Calls | Duck Commander

This is the product they were selling long before the show came along -- and they were quite successful with it.

They don't need the show. It's just for fun.

Fun might be over.

Time to hit the pond and start blasting ducks again.

It's not like they're going to starve to death.
Yet more proof of the left's selective outrage:

FLASHBACK: Sarah Silverman Says Anal Sex is Disgusting, GLAAD Silent | Truth Revolt

There is an outright double standard that exists when it comes to commenting about homosexuality. If you are a conservative who disagrees with homosexuality you are called a homophobe. If you are a Christian who disagrees with homosexuality, you are even worse. But if you are a liberal, a Hollywood celebrity, or a left-wing comic, you get a blank check to say whatever you want.

If the recent "Duck Dynasty" ordeal is not enough to show this hypocrisy, take vile left-wing comic Sarah Silverman.

She appeared on The Howard Stern Show back in November. She made jokes about pornography, 9/11 widows, rape and anal sex. Stern asked if she has ever had anal sex to which she replies no, makes a vomiting sound and says:

What guy wants to do anal? It's like the tightest vagina that has sh*t inside.​

Where is the outrage from GLAAD on this? Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty, a double whammy conservative Christian, only mentions that he prefers vaginas over a man's anus. That prompted GLAAD's ire. Not so for Silverman, whose Comedy Central show in 2008 was nominated for a GLAAD award.​
that pic proves bill maher right ....again

[ame=http://youtu.be/fys3MsKMpms]Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, you mean Bill Maher the homophobe and misogynist?

Disgusting? Bill Maher: Priests Would Approve Birth Control if Altar Boys Got Pregnant (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Shakesville: Bill Maher: Still A Douche

Bill Maher: Master of misogyny
why did I know you make a false and ignorant statement...
Yet more proof of the left's selective outrage:

FLASHBACK: Sarah Silverman Says Anal Sex is Disgusting, GLAAD Silent | Truth Revolt

There is an outright double standard that exists when it comes to commenting about homosexuality. If you are a conservative who disagrees with homosexuality you are called a homophobe. If you are a Christian who disagrees with homosexuality, you are even worse. But if you are a liberal, a Hollywood celebrity, or a left-wing comic, you get a blank check to say whatever you want.

If the recent "Duck Dynasty" ordeal is not enough to show this hypocrisy, take vile left-wing comic Sarah Silverman.

She appeared on The Howard Stern Show back in November. She made jokes about pornography, 9/11 widows, rape and anal sex. Stern asked if she has ever had anal sex to which she replies no, makes a vomiting sound and says:

What guy wants to do anal? It's like the tightest vagina that has sh*t inside.​

Where is the outrage from GLAAD on this? Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty, a double whammy conservative Christian, only mentions that he prefers vaginas over a man's anus. That prompted GLAAD's ire. Not so for Silverman, whose Comedy Central show in 2008 was nominated for a GLAAD award.​

Conflating an individual sexual preference with a blanket judgement of an entire lifestyle?

"I'm sorry Dave... I'm afraid we can't do that..."

oh I'm gettin' some of mileage out of this
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that pic proves bill maher right ....again

[ame=http://youtu.be/fys3MsKMpms]Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, you mean Bill Maher the homophobe and misogynist?

Disgusting? Bill Maher: Priests Would Approve Birth Control if Altar Boys Got Pregnant (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Shakesville: Bill Maher: Still A Douche

Bill Maher: Master of misogyny

Actually that would be Bill Maher that got fired by ABC for agreeing with Dinesh d'Souza that the 9/11 hijackers could not be described as "cowards".
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that pic proves bill maher right ....again

[ame=http://youtu.be/fys3MsKMpms]Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, you mean Bill Maher the homophobe and misogynist?

Disgusting? Bill Maher: Priests Would Approve Birth Control if Altar Boys Got Pregnant (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Shakesville: Bill Maher: Still A Douche

Bill Maher: Master of misogyny

He is a self absorbed asshole. He is one that gets away with spewing hate because liberals love who he spews at, conservative women, Christians and others the liberals don't like to tolerate.

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