Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted

We know Clinton wrote a letter to a Senator to get him out of the draft and said he "loathed the military".

Actually, you got that one wrong. He didn't write a letter to a senator, he wrote it to an army officer who had talked to him about joining ROTC. He gave his sensible reasons for not wanting to participate in a war that EVERYONE agrees today was a horrible mistake.
So? He still said he loathed the military.
I leave "concepts" to simpletons like you who can't argue facts.

You didn't argue a "fact", you made a partially incorrect claim, which was taken out of context. Again, have to assume you are some kind of retard. Then again, we can tell that from your posts.
I leave "concepts" to simpletons like you who can't argue facts.

You didn't argue a "fact", you made a partially incorrect claim, which was taken out of context. Again, have to assume you are some kind of retard. Then again, we can tell that from your posts.
Did Clinton write that he "loathed the military"? Yes.

That is a fact. But then, you don't deal in facts so you continue to whine and cry.
Did Clinton write that he "loathed the military"? Yes.

That is a fact. But then, you don't deal in facts so you continue to whine and cry.

He stated he loathed the military's participation in an unjust, brutal and racist war based on a lie. But don't let little facts like that bother you. It's not like you ever served, either.
"I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military"-Draft Dodger Slick Willy.

Hey look, I was correct. He did say it.
"I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military"-Draft Dodger Slick Willy.

Hey look, I was correct. He did say it.

Wow, he didn't say, HE loathed the military, he said many young people did at that time.

Thank God many brave young men stood up to a war based on a lie, where we were murdering millions of innocent people.
Oh, and how did Joe Biden manage not to serve? Five deferments and then suddenly after the last one ran out he claimed asthma.

Asthmatic Joe.

Okay, let's look at that.

Joe Biden's first eligibility for the draft was 1961. In 1961, the military just wasn't taking that many people.

By the time his studies were over, he was 26... an age they really didn't want you at that point. But if he wasn't asthmatic, they'd have probably made him a JAG officer. He wouldn't have been walking around a rice paddy.

Unlike Trump, who avoided military service because a doctor lied about his having Bone Spurs.
"I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military"-Draft Dodger Slick Willy.

Hey look, I was correct. He did say it.

Wow, he didn't say, HE loathed the military, he said many young people did at that time.

Thank God many brave young men stood up to a war based on a lie, where we were murdering millions of innocent people.
Hey stupid, your spin won’t work.

He loathed the military.
Oh, and how did Joe Biden manage not to serve? Five deferments and then suddenly after the last one ran out he claimed asthma.

Asthmatic Joe.

Okay, let's look at that.

Joe Biden's first eligibility for the draft was 1961. In 1961, the military just wasn't taking that many people.

By the time his studies were over, he was 26... an age they really didn't want you at that point. But if he wasn't asthmatic, they'd have probably made him a JAG officer. He wouldn't have been walking around a rice paddy.

Unlike Trump, who avoided military service because a doctor lied about his having Bone Spurs.
Link to this lie by Trump’s Dr?
He explained in detail how his “story” led to that conclusion.

Give up, you can’t spin this.

But he didn't say HE loathed the military, and he didn't say it to a Senator. So your claims were just- wrong.

Here is the full text of his letter to Colonel Holmes, an ROTC officer who never understood it, but vindictively held on to it for 30 years.

Here was a guy who COULD have avoided the draft by joining ROTC, but decided that his conscience wouldn't allow him to do that. It's a letter of a thoughtful young man who had to deal with a choice none of us really can understand today.

The Washington Post logoLt. Col. Alexander Vindman retires, citing campaign of ‘bullying’ and ‘retaliation’ by Trump after impeachment testimony

An Army officer who played a high-profile role in President Trump’s impeachment proceedings is retiring from the military over alleged “bullying” and “retaliation” by the president, his lawyer said Wednesday.

a man wearing a uniform and standing in a room: Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman during the House impeachment inquiry, Nov. 19, 2019. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)

The Washington Post logoLt. Col. Alexander Vindman retires, citing campaign of ‘bullying’ and ‘retaliation’ by Trump after impeachment testimony

An Army officer who played a high-profile role in President Trump’s impeachment proceedings is retiring from the military over alleged “bullying” and “retaliation” by the president, his lawyer said Wednesday.

a man wearing a uniform and standing in a room: Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman during the House impeachment inquiry, Nov. 19, 2019. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
Not much of a warrior.
Bullshit. This was all made up to smear Vindmann. He had a duty to testify before Congress and whistle blowers should be protected. That will be another reason to vote against Trump. Trump will end his career as President.

He was not a whistleblower since the Act only applies to members of the intelligence community and not to POTUS. And in any event, it does not apply to disagreements over policy.

The Act defines a matter of "urgent concern" as:​
  1. a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters ...

Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act | Wikiwand
The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998,[1] amending the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 and the Inspector General Act of 1978, sets forth a procedure for employees and contractors of specified federal intelligence agencies to report complaints or information to...

He is a whistleblower. He was called to testify before Congress and he told them the truth. He has a duty to the Constitution as Congress has the power of oversight.
Can you tell me which particular military member she is personally intervening in, and pressuring them to deny?

Thank you, I will await your deflection.
She said 1000. Ask her.

You don’t seem to have understood the question. I put it in bold it for you, so won’t miss it this time.
She is denying 1000 of them.
Oh? Please provide me a link that shows she is interfering in the Internal process and telling them to deny those promotions because I haven’t seen anything to that affect. I think you are flailing in defense of anything Trump.
Holding them up isn't interfering?

You are a moron.

You do not understand the question?

What internal process is she interfering in?

Who is she pressuring the military to deny a promotion to?

She is denying promotion to 1000 members of the military due for promotion. When I was an O-2, the budget was in such crappy shape, I wore O-3 for over a year before getting paid for it!

Can you show me where holding up equals denial?

Those personnel will not get the respect offered the higher rank and it will cost them money. You must think it would be OK if they were never promoted. They don't get back pay!

Nope, don’t think it is ok.

Do you think it is ok for the President to interfere in promotions for political vengeance?

What do you not understand about the title "Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces"?

Didn't see you crying for these folks.


Trump does not have total power over the military. Congress can defund any military action the President undertakes. Congress also has the power of oversight which extends to the military.

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