Due To Biden's Weakness, Russia Primes Nuclear Missile 12 Times More Powerful Than One Dropped on Hiroshima

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
If Trump hadn't had a soft coup done to him, this would not be happening.

Saber rattling by a paper tiger. Putin's antics are as transparent as Trump Vodka.
Right now, Americans, the real one's, would be very very pleased to see a 2-4 megaton detonation dead center of DC, they do not represent America in any fashion, and as a warrior class American I can attest to the fact that I absolutely do not support the depraved criminal enterprise masquerading as the federal government in the least bit, they are the enemy of all humanity!
This stunt shows Putin is feeling the pain. Bigly. His Ukraine gambit is giving him flaming hemorrhoids.

He's reacting like a bitch.
If Trump hadn't had a soft coup done to him, this would not be happening.


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