Dumb and Dumber


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
The more things change...Winston Churchill said it best, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Today with all this talk of recalls and the confusion that is our government, it seems nothing really changes. So long as single issues and low turnout control our elections, tea party ideologues and the unlearned are a given. Alexis de Tocqueville may still be the best commentator on America. But has our Senate too changed, dumber?

"I have already observed that the American statesmen of the present day are very inferior to those who stood at the head of affairs fifty years ago. This is as much a consequence of the circumstances as of the laws of the country....

...On entering the House of Representatives at Washington, one is struck by the vulgar demeanor of that great assembly. Often there is not a distinguished man in the whole number. Its members are almost all obscure individuals, whose names bring no associations to mind. They are mostly village lawyers, men in trade, or even persons belonging to the lower classes of society. In a country in which education is very general, it is said that the representatives of the people do not always know how to write correctly.

At a few yards' distance is the door of the Senate, which contains within a small space a large proportion of the celebrated men of America. Scarcely an individual is to be seen in it who has not had an active and illustrious career: the Senate is composed of eloquent advocates, distinguished generals, wise magistrates, and statesmen of note, whose arguments would do honor to the most remarkable parliamentary debates of Europe.

How comes this strange contrast, and why are the ablest citizens found in one assembly rather than in the other? Why is the former body remarkable for its vulgar elements, while the latter seems to enjoy a monopoly of intelligence and talent?

....The only reason which appears to me adequately to account for it is that the House of Representatives is elected by the people directly, while the Senate is elected by elected bodies...." Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 13

Democracy in America: TOC

Note: I originally read this excerpted in an essay by Dwight MacDonald 'Updating the Constitution.'

"A final word on politics. As in economics nothing is certain save the certainty that there will be firm prediction by those who do not know. It is possible that in some election, near or far, a presidential candidate will emerge in the United States determined to draw into the campaign those not now impelled to vote. Conceivably those so attracted - those who are not threatened by higher taxes and who are encouraged by the vision of a new governing community committed to the rescue of the cities and the impacted underclass - could outnumber those lost because of the resulting invasion of contentment. If this happens the effort would succeed." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Not to worry, Win.

There's isn't a snowball's chance in hell democracy is going to break out anywhere in the world (except maybe in some backwater overrun by pirates)
Yes we know, anyone that doesn't buy into radicals like Dwight MacDonald are just too stupid to understand.

Alexis de Tocqueville is Dwight MacDonald? Ever read MacDonald? Excellent thoughtful and knowledgeable writing, a missing quality today.

"Folk Art grew from below. It was a spontaneous, autochthonous expression of the people, shaped by themselves, pretty much without the benefit of High Culture, to suit their own needs. Mass Culture is imposed from above. It is fabricated by technicians hired by businessmen; its audiences are passive consumers, their participation limited to the choice between buying and not buying.... Folk Art was the people's own institution, their private little garden walled off from the great formal park of their masters' High Culture. But Mass Culture breaks down the wall, integrating the masses into a debased form of High Culture and thus becoming an instrument of political domination." Dwight MacDonald 'A Theory of Mass Culture'
Witticisms of Ignorance/ or how to become a congressman

It 's not whether you win or lose,
but how you place the blame.

You are not drunk
if you can lie on the floor
without holding on.


We have enough youth.
How about a fountain of "smart"?

The original point and click interface
was a Smith & Wesson.

A fool and his money
can throw one heck of a party.

when blondes have more fun do they know it?

Five days a week my body is a temple.
The other two it's an amusement park.


Money isn't everything,
but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

Don't Drink and Drive
You might hit a bump and spill something.

If at first you don't succeed
skydiving is not for you.

Reality is only an illusion
that occurs due to a lack of alcohol.

Time's fun when you're having flies.
......Kermit the Frog

We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.

Red meat is not bad for you
Fuzzy green meat is bad for you.

Ninety-nine percent of all lawyers
give the rest a bad name.

<> One good thing about Alzheimer's is
you get to meet new people every day.

Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge
to produce reproductive organs.

Alabama state motto:

At least we're not Mississippi


The latest survey shows that
three out of four people make
up 75% of the population

"You know why a banana is like a politician?"
"When he first comes in he is green, then he turns yellow and then he's rotten."

"I think Congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so we could identify their corporate sponsors."
Democracy is messy and sometimes downright rediculous. Look at what we have for president these days but what choices are there besides democracy? Fascism? Socialism? Communism? The problem with the left is that they are too juvenile and lazy to work within the system. They would rather overthrow the government when their panties get in a bunch because they were disappointed in an election. The best argument for democracy is NPR. Imagine if the only information available to Americans was government parpaganda promoted by bigots.

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