Dumbocrat policy continues to collapse the US


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Key points from this article:

The Congressional Budget Office has forecasted a fresh recession to hit next year if Taxmageddon, a nearly $500 billion tax increase, hits the nation and Congress and the President drive us off the "fiscal cliff." President Obama has done nothing but ignore this warning.

Uncertainty affects your personal finances, too. Think about this: If you're a middle-class American family, Taxmageddon means that your taxes are going up about $4,100 next year. How does that affect your thinking about traveling for Thanksgiving in a couple of months? Buying Christmas presents? What about saving for retirement or your children's education?

Morning Bell: Obama and Congress Are Choosing to Cause a Recession
Obama is obliterating the middle class.

Think about it - it makes sense if you're a marxist. The wealthy have so many options and influences, it will take a long time to drop them into poverty to make them "equal" with the dumbocrat parasites. But you can drop the largest portion of the population - the middle class - fairly quickly. Once 90% of the population is living in poverty, you convince them the wealthy is to blame for it and hope the 90% turn on the 10%. Mission Accomplished.

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