Dump Trump. And Then?

All of you who have a personal dislike for Trump, are working for the Hillary campaign, the most corrupt, inept political figure of the last century. If that's who you want, then go for it. Quit pretending there is some plan B White Knight. It's Trump or Hillary. Period.

You keep wanting to elect career politicians because they make you feel comfy even though they ALL SUCK. They end up ignoring the biggest problems facing America and take care of their fat cat buddies of BOTH parties.
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
We know YOU are all for it. He wants to stop illegal immigration & you support it. You've made your desire to be able to hire illegals well known. Imo that nullifies ALL of your opinions. You are no better than the scumbag liberals on this site that spout nonsense day after day.
LOL. You disagree with me on one point, cannot disprove anything I write about it, and that nullifies anything I believe?
You are a fine example of a Trump voter.

Except Grampa doesn't like Trump. This has been another Rabbi failure. :slap:
All of you who have a personal dislike for Trump, are working for the Hillary campaign, the most corrupt, inept political figure of the last century. If that's who you want, then go for it. Quit pretending there is some plan B White Knight. It's Trump or Hillary. Period.

You keep wanting to elect career politicians because they make you feel comfy even though they ALL SUCK. They end up ignoring the biggest problems facing America and take care of their fat cat buddies of BOTH parties.

So how is Trump going to change that? The guy is raising no money and spending what he has raised on his own businesses.... The guy has admitted that he contributed to both parties to buy influence ...

He really sounds like more of the same
All of you who have a personal dislike for Trump, are working for the Hillary campaign, the most corrupt, inept political figure of the last century. If that's who you want, then go for it. Quit pretending there is some plan B White Knight. It's Trump or Hillary. Period.

You keep wanting to elect career politicians because they make you feel comfy even though they ALL SUCK. They end up ignoring the biggest problems facing America and take care of their fat cat buddies of BOTH parties.
Yeah yeah.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Hillary. A vote for Trump is a vote for losing.
Dump Trump.
The obvious move is to join the Johnson/Weld ticket. But Republcians wont do it. Because we're locked into this all or nothing mindset.
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
Interesting even you don't like any of your options.

And for the record everyone hates Cruz so it's a nuh-uh for him too
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
I don't think there's anyone who can unite the party right now. It's more likely that George Will has it right - dump Trump, run a more traditional conservative (Cruz, whoever), lose to Hillary because the Trump supporters have a temper tantrum, try to regroup in time for 2020.

So the question may be who in the world can unite the party by 2020. It would take a freakin' miracle worker.

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