Dump Trump. And Then?

The GOP is stuck, and Hillary will be the next president.

If they try a maneuver to dump Trump, they will nearly have riots at the convention, and millions of Trump voters will likely stay home in November.

If they stick with Trump, Hillary cruises to a win.

The 2016 race is over, turn out the lights.

........and NO, Gary Johnson, or any other third party candidate is going to beat Hillary.

the country isnt ready for Johnson, he won't even make a chip in the paint much less a dent ..
The GOP is stuck, and Hillary will be the next president.

If they try a maneuver to dump Trump, they will nearly have riots at the convention, and millions of Trump voters will likely stay home in November.

If they stick with Trump, Hillary cruises to a win.

The 2016 race is over, turn out the lights.

........and NO, Gary Johnson, or any other third party candidate is going to beat Hillary.

the country isnt ready for Johnson, he won't even make a chip in the paint much less a dent ..
Keep telling yourself that.
The GOP is better off losing with Trump than ousting him with some trickery (no matter how 'legal' it is) because if Trump gets toppled at the convention,
you'll have an entire generation of Trumpbots that will hate the GOP for the rest of their lives.

Better to let them have their cake and eat their loss.

I'm afraid you're right. Wow first time I ever said that to you. The world must be coming to an end.
"Dump Trump. And Then?"

Split the party and lose the election.
If they stick with Trump they'll lose anyway. That's certain.

Perhaps a Cruz-Rubio ticket. If either of them had run adn the other had stayed out the one running would probably be the nominee. They simply split the votes each time adn Trump won.
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
Actually Trump has pulled the fewest primary votes of any GOP nominee in the past 30 years.
Trump is a disgrace and a party that names him their nominee will be out of business in a few years.

The GOP set that in motion when they first nominated the career drunk......
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
Actually Trump has pulled the fewest primary votes of any GOP nominee in the past 30 years.
Trump is a disgrace and a party that names him their nominee will be out of business in a few years.

That's ass backwards Rabbi and that's why the R's will be in mega trouble if you pull this stunt. Trump received more votes in the primaries than any other nominee in the past 30 years.

I have no idea how you came up with that bullshit you posted. He topped everyone by around1.4 million and that was after having to split votes with 16 other candidates in the beginning.

HISTORY! Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Record by 1.4 Million Votes

Trump received 13,406,108 votes to date in the elections according to www.thegreenpapers.com.

As a result Trump has more votes than any candidate in Republican history.

Trump shattered the previous record by 1.4 million votes — and that was with 17 candidates in the race

George W. Bush had 12 million votes in 2000. The Republican Party also set a party record this year in pre-convention state election turnout with over 28 million votes to date which is 139% of the record high voter turnout in 2008. This increase in votes can be attributed to Donald Trump.
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If one thinks that the R's dumping Trump will come with no payback think again. Not only will said replacement candidate lose big time, but all House and Senate races will be moving targets for defeat.

Honestly, you have to expand your bases and check out the drumbeat. If you think that the Trump supporters were angry before at the Republican Party watch the hell they unleash in the general if the RNC fucks over Trump.
If one thinks that the R's dumping Trump will come with no payback think again. Not only will said replacement candidate lose big time, but all House and Senate races will be moving targets for defeat.

Honestly, you have to expand your bases and check out the drumbeat. If you think that the Trump supporters were angry before at the Republican Party watch the hell they unleash in the general if the RNC fucks over Trump.

I sincerely hope that you people are heavily armed...
If one thinks that the R's dumping Trump will come with no payback think again. Not only will said replacement candidate lose big time, but all House and Senate races will be moving targets for defeat.

Honestly, you have to expand your bases and check out the drumbeat. If you think that the Trump supporters were angry before at the Republican Party watch the hell they unleash in the general if the RNC fucks over Trump.

Actually, that is also one of the reasons that many in the GOP leadership want Trump out. They think that if Trump is at the top of the ticket, it will hurt many Republicans who are running for re election to the House and Senate.

Guess they're damned if they do, and they're damned if they don't.
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
Actually Trump has pulled the fewest primary votes of any GOP nominee in the past 30 years.
Trump is a disgrace and a party that names him their nominee will be out of business in a few years.

That's ass backwards Rabbi and that's why the R's will be in mega trouble if you pull this stunt. Trump received more votes in the primaries than any other nominee in the past 30 years.

I have no idea how you came up with that bullshit you posted. He topped everyone by around1.4 million and that was after having to split votes with 16 other candidates in the beginning.

HISTORY! Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Record by 1.4 Million Votes

Trump received 13,406,108 votes to date in the elections according to www.thegreenpapers.com.

As a result Trump has more votes than any candidate in Republican history.

Trump shattered the previous record by 1.4 million votes — and that was with 17 candidates in the race

George W. Bush had 12 million votes in 2000. The Republican Party also set a party record this year in pre-convention state election turnout with over 28 million votes to date which is 139% of the record high voter turnout in 2008. This increase in votes can be attributed to Donald Trump.
George W. Bush had 12 million votes in 2000. The Republican Party also set a party record this year in pre-convention state election turnout with over 28 million votes to date which is 139% of the record high voter turnout in 2008. This increase in votes can be attributed to Donald Trump.

This is what happens when Stupid is allowed to run riot....
you'll have an entire generation of Trumpbots that will hate the GOP for the rest of their lives.

About 83% of them won't even be around to vote in 2020, so no big loss.

but the Sanders youth movement sure will... looks like the Dems have a lock on the next 16 years... Thanks Donnie.

That's entirely beside the point.

maybe your point, not mine.

That's called a non sequitor.
Don't dump the Trump...

Why dumping Trump would be even worse than keeping him
Saturday 25th June, 2016 - To deny, ignore or spin away the fact that he won the nomination fair and square, and deserves to be the nominee, is beyond comprehension.
Conservatives who are understandably appalled by the prospect of a Donald Trump nomination - and therefore understandably intrigued by the notion of a revolt among the delegates - should be careful what they wish for. Dumping Trump at next month’s Republican convention could cause far more permanent damage to the GOP than sticking with him. That outcome should be avoided at all costs.

Trump has legitimately won the GOP presidential nomination. He played by the rules, beat out 16 other candidates and surpassed the required 1,237-delegate limit. If disgruntled Republicans want to question voters’ rationale in supporting Trump, they have that right. But to deny, ignore or spin away the fact that he won the nomination fair and square, and deserves to be the nominee, is beyond comprehension.

Party rules are crystal clear about voting for the nominee on the first ballot. The winner of a particular primary or caucus receives the largest number of bound delegates at the convention. Trump, having won 40 of these contests, has accomplished this impressive goal. While some senior Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, have suggested delegates should follow their conscience at the convention, this approach defeats the spirit of the entire process. It’s not illegal, but it’s morally wrong.

Such a move would smell of sour grapes on the part of the GOP establishment, which would be seen as having changed the rules to remove the undesirable figure who won the nomination. Yes, it’s their party and they can do as they please. At the same time, such a move would be perceived as undemocratic, underhanded and incredibly devious by many party members and potential voters.


See also:

Trump: British 'Want to Be Able to Have a Country Again...And I Think It's Happening in the U.S.'
June 24, 2016 | Speaking from his newly renovated golf course in Turnberry, Scotland on Friday, Republican Donald Trump said he sees a "big parallel" between the United Kingdom's historic vote to leave the European Union and the trend in the United States: "People want to take their country back, and they want to have independence in a sense, and you see it with Europe, all over Europe."
Trump said he expects other countries to follow Britain's lead: "You're going to have, I think many other cases, where they want to take their borders back, they want to take their monetary back, they want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. So I think you're going to have this happen more and more. I really believe that. And I think it's happening in the United States." Trump said people want borders: "They don't necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don't know who they are and where they come from, they have no idea." Asked how his administration would approach the Britain's exit from the E.U., Trump said, "You just have to embrace it...it's not a question of approaching it, it's the will of the people. It's always the will of the people, ultimately, that wins out."

He also responded to President Obama's remark in April that it could take a decade for the U.K. to negotiate a new trade agreement with the United States if it leaves the European Union. "Well, President Obama did say, I guess, that they (U.K.) should move to the back of the line. That wouldn't happen with me. The U.K.'s been such a great ally for so long, they'll always be at the front of the line." Trump noted that Obama probably said that because he believed the European Union was "going to stay together." "But it didn't stay together, and I felt it wouldn't stay together, and again, I think that's what's happening in the United States, it's not staying together, it's a really positive force taking place -- they want to take their country back, the people want their country back, we don't want to lose our jobs, we don't want to lose our borders, they want to have wage increases."

Trump said Obama was "inappropriate" to urge the U.K. to stay in the E.U., and he even suggested that Obama's comments may have produced the "exit" result. Responding to a question about the supposedly dire economic consequences of the Brexit vote, Trump said if the pound sterling goes down in value, more people will come to his new golf course. "But for traveling and for other things, I think it could very well turn out to be positive. Nobody really knows. You'll know in about five years, you'll be able to analyze it, and maybe it will take even longer than that. But what is known is, they've taken back their independence, and that's a very, very important thing." Trump said he believes the U.K. will "end up being stronger" for leaving the European Union, "and they'll control everything about their country."

Trump: British 'Want to Be Able to Have a Country Again...And I Think It's Happening in the U.S.'
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
Trump's supporters have already seriously punished the GOP. And will continue to do so. Almost certainly it will be President Clinton after November, almost certainly with a Dem Senate, and maybe a Dem House. All the GOP can rationally do is try to save as many seats in the House as possible. And if there is a serious fight at the convention, that will give the Dems even more votes.
So you have a GOP Representative running for re-election, and someone says, "Do you support Trump?"
And the fellow answers, "Yes". Then many Republicans that just cannot stand Trump decide they cannot vote for him. But if he answers "No", then the Republicans that support Trumps, decide that they cannot vote for him.
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
We know YOU are all for it. He wants to stop illegal immigration & you support it. You've made your desire to be able to hire illegals well known. Imo that nullifies ALL of your opinions. You are no better than the scumbag liberals on this site that spout nonsense day after day.
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
We know YOU are all for it. He wants to stop illegal immigration & you support it. You've made your desire to be able to hire illegals well known. Imo that nullifies ALL of your opinions. You are no better than the scumbag liberals on this site that spout nonsense day after day.
LOL. You disagree with me on one point, cannot disprove anything I write about it, and that nullifies anything I believe?
You are a fine example of a Trump voter.

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