Besides Trump, Is There Any GOP Presidential or VP Candidate You Don't Hate??

Except for that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
How many states did Nixon win in 72?

Was Watergate before or after the election?

Can you at least pretend you have a brain?
How many states did Nixon win in 72?
Was Watergate before or after the election?
Can you at least pretend you have a brain?
Who gives a fuck what happened in 1972? ANS: no one. Its 2023 in case your senility is kicking in.
I don't hate former VP Michael Pence. He's a bit of an odd duck, with a spine.
I don't hate former VP Michael Pence. He's a bit of an odd duck, with a spine.
His views on abortion are disqualifying. Mike would alienate young voters, so he is an "also ran".
Its between Trump and Desantis. I'll vote Desantis in the primary, but it looks like Trump has it locked-up.
Republican Candidates who are not all Crazy Train

Nikki Haley
Tim Scott
Mike Pence
Chris Christie

Those who are Crazy Train

Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis
Republican Candidates who are not all Crazy Train

Nikki Haley
Tim Scott
Mike Pence
Chris Christie

Those who are Crazy Train

Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis
LOL!! So you type nonsense, well done. Trump and Desantis are "Crazy Train" because?
Republican's that I like?
Current running:
*Nikki Haley
*Bill Hurd
*Tim Scott

Not running yet:

Depending on the Demiocratic candidate, I would vote for these individuals, which is rare for me. But since I like them, they have no chance.
LOL!! So you type nonsense, well done. Trump and Desantis are "Crazy Train" because?

Why is Trump Crazy Train?

He claims to have won the 2020 election
He is a Crybaby Loser
He spread COVID misinformation
He worships Putin

Why is DeSantis Crazy Train?

He declared War on Mickey Mouse
He based his campaign on Woke
He passes laws that are anti-immigrant, anti gay and transexual, anti-black

"The indictment of Trump by special counsel Jack Smith for his efforts to undermine the 2020 election, placed a sharper focus on Pence’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, including the revelation that he kept contemporaneous notes. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Pence showed no regrets or equivocations in the hours after Smith unveiled his indictment. He did not weigh in on what he thought the outcome of a trial would be. He also did not foreclose the possibility that he would appear as a witness. But he did let loose on Trump and his co-defendants, calling them “a group of crackpot lawyers that kept telling him what his itching ears wanted to hear.”

It seemed like just yesterday when the MAGA crowd was casting their vote to put Pence back in the White House -- not a single one of them was calling him a traitor, or "Judas Pence" - but all of a sudden...on Jan 6th....that same crowd wanted to hang him......How did this crowd not know beforehand that their VP was a traitor? Didn't Trump warn them? Matter of fact, how did Trump not know his VP was a "traitor" -- isn't he supposed to be smarter than that? got me to thinking, besides Trump, do any of you folks like anybody you nominated in the past for the GOP presidential ticket??

It seems Ronald Reagan is the only candidate that current Republicans don't actively hate -- but everyone else after him, it's like yall hate ALL OF THEM....why? Your party nominated them.....

Bush Sr......Yall hate him a globalist, ex CIA Deep State boss...blah blah....
Bush Jr......yall pretend yall didn't even vote for him and claim he is actually a Democrat......but yall voted for him twice.....
McCain.....yall celebrated his death
Palin.....Yall use to say she was the second coming of Reagan....then.....nothing...she isn't even more popular than Kari Lake these days.....and she ain't won shit...
Romney......Went from voting for him in 2012; to outwardly hating him in 2013 and beyond....why? Because he lost to the black guy?
Paul Ryan....went from praising him as one of the "Young Guns" of the GOP to hating him now...even tho his tax cuts are the only thing Trump really got passed...

And now Mike Pence.........Question is....why should any of us trust any candidate yall nominate today won't be a candidate yall turn around and hate tomorrow? It's almost like hate is the point.....sad.....

I like DeSantis. He's right of Trump on almost every issue. Has a better record. No personal drama or indictments. No baggage.

Besides Trump, Is There Any GOP Presidential or VP Candidate You Don't Hate??​

Nope, and don’t limit it to the GOPers, the dim scum aren’t worthy of escaping the noose either.
Republican's that I like?
Current running:
*Nikki Haley
*Bill Hurd
*Tim Scott

Not running yet:

Depending on the Democratic candidate, I would vote for these individuals, which is rare for me. But since I like them, they have no chance.
I'm liking these guys for 2028 or 2032...the GOP has a very deep bench.
Mike Pompeo
Chris Sununu
Jim Jordan
Tom Cotton
Why is Trump Crazy Train?

He claims to have won the 2020 election
He is a Crybaby Loser
He spread COVID misinformation
He worships Putin

Why is DeSantis Crazy Train?

He declared War on Mickey Mouse
He based his campaign on Woke
He passes laws that are anti-immigrant, anti gay and transexual, anti-black
1. Trump lost, but IMHO the dems cheated. Trump will get his chance to prove they cheated during discovery. (FBI hiding Hunter's laptop, FBI covering up for the Bidens, "Zuckerbucks", 51 traitor's, MSM bias, FBI censorship (Twitter files), etc.)
2. Trump did not lose gracefully, and he should have made sure that the National Guard was activated for J6, then there would have been no riot.
3. Trump blows smoke up Putin's ass, but he stopped NordStream2. Biden took Russian cash.
4. Trump has a weird (over-bearing?) management style, general Kelly said he is a "very flawed man".
5. I'm no fan, but if you visit his site, you need to respect his "organization", if he's crazy, he's crazy like a fox.

1. Mickey Mouse needs to be kept straight
2. You mean anti-woke, and parents support that, Ron won re-election by 20+ points
3. Bullshit. Dems can misrepresent the Laws, but that doesn't make them bad, or "crazy". We'll keep voting and see who voters support.
Republican Candidates who are not all Crazy Train

Nikki Haley-Neocon
Tim Scott-RINO
Mike Pence-Traitor
Chris Christie-Old fatso RINO

Those who are Crazy Train

Donald Trump-Real American
Ron DeSantis-Hasbeen
Sorry no. I don't want neocons nor RINOs.
You dont see party leaders on the democrat side go from leadership to vilified by their own party like the rightwing does. That is because the GOP cesspool is a cult and not a political party. You try to inject any rational point and it steam rolls you with la la land conspiracy bullshit. I am not sure how these people breath for 24 hours straight with their limited brain power.
Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars

Biden: $5 gas, 10% inflation, and a 100 billion dollar foreign war.

Oh and, cocaine.
Lefties hate them all. The WAPO team of W.&B. hated Nixon for a lot of reasons. One of them that was never talked about was that the team leader, Karl Marx Bernstein, was the son of card carrying communists and was brought up to hate Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. How in the world a newspaper could get away with unverified reports from a secret source is anybody's guess. Imagine if there was a "deep throat" in the sex, drugs and rock&roll Clinton who was never revealed. You didn't have to worry because W&B retired during the Clinton years.
I dislike Chris Christie very much.

Other than that most of the righties are pretty agreeable.

Give or take.
Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars

Biden: $5 gas, 10% inflation, and a 100 billion dollar foreign war.

Oh and, cocaine.
Gas is $3.50, inflation 3%, and Russia needs containment you pathetic liar.

Trump 23 million unemployed, and +$3 trillion deficit.
Biden 6 million unemployed and $1 trillion deficit.
Gas is $3.50, inflation 3%, and Russia needs containment you pathetic liar.

If you believe that lying leftard crap, I have a YUGE piece of swamp land I'd like to sell you.

You stupid fucktards keep trying to convince people that what they see every day with their own eyes isn't true.

Go buy some meat at the grocery store, and then tell me inflation is THREE percent, you stupid fucking lemming.

Trump 23 million unemployed, and +$3 trillion deficit.

Because of the China virus.

But sure, go ahead and blame Trump for that, you lying little leftard scumbag.

Biden 6 million unemployed and $1 trillion deficit.


You're such a little lemming, you'll believe anything you hear on CNN.

Whereas I go to the grocery store every day. It's 90 bucks a pop for me, and 390 when I have to shop for the family.

You're pissing on my leg, asshole.

If you won't stop, I'll start pissing in your face. Let's see how you like that.

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