Zone1 Duopoly: An American Problem

And YOU do have any idea what you’re talking about? It’s hard to tell considering that you haven’t said anything useful this entire time.

It’s easier to fling mindless insults and act snarky instead of having a civil discussion, huh?
Cool, thanks.

Maybe you can try being less of a douchebag now.
If you jump in with an unbidden thread trying to be a dilettante making uninformed, ignorant declarations, you can't bitch about it when you get knocked down again and again. Choose your words and your attitude more carefully from the get-go and you won't have to feel so threatened.
Based on the fact that they actually elect 3rd party members instead of segregating themselves into an us vs them duopoly.

Admittedly, it’s subjective to measure how divided a country is. But that, in my opinion, counts for something. It’s certainly more than we’re capable of doing.
I think its easy to see a country is divided when you look at other places like south africa where they were killing white farmers and taking their farms using the government, and hell just about every country in africa is dived to the point the war lords are killing people daily,,
and what about brazil?? they are having some division from what I hear of their last election,,,

could we call north korea divided??
of course china is divided,,

just these make me question your claim other countries are not as divided as we are,,,

there are more,,,
I think its easy to see a country is divided when you look at other places like south africa where they were killing white farmers and taking their farms using the government, and hell just about every country in africa is dived to the point the war lords are killing people daily,,
and what about brazil?? they are having some division from what I hear of their last election,,,

could we call north korea divided??
of course china is divided,,

just these make me question your claim other countries are not as divided as we are,,,

there are more,,,
Of course there are countries more divided than we are. I didn’t want to talk about China or North Korea because we certainly wouldn’t want to be anything like them. I could say the same of most African countries as well.

Are we more divided than the countries I listed? I would think so.
Of course there are countries more divided than we are. I didn’t want to talk about China or North Korea because we certainly wouldn’t want to be anything like them. I could say the same of most African countries as well.

Are we more divided than the countries I listed? I would think so.
what do you mean by "MORE DIVIDE"???

based on youre pretty pictures in the OP we seem to be equally divided,,,

It’s easier to fling mindless insults and act snarky instead of having a civil discussion, huh?
When you start right out of the gate taking shots at MY country, you would be a mindless fool to expect "a civil discussion."
I think its easy to see a country is divided when you look at other places like south africa where they were killing white farmers and taking their farms using the government, and hell just about every country in africa is dived to the point the war lords are killing people daily,,
and what about brazil?? they are having some division from what I hear of their last election,,,

could we call north korea divided??
of course china is divided,,

just these make me question your claim other countries are not as divided as we are,,,

there are more,,,
EVERY country has divisions that people who ACTUALLY LIVE THERE see and feel more intensely than those looking in from the outside who already resent their own country can understand.
What ignorant declaration did I make? Show me.
That WE have problems and other countries do not. That OTHER countries are harmonious paradises while WE are chock full of people who HATE each other. Declarations based on 0% personal experience or understanding.
When you start right out of the gate taking shots at MY country, you would be a mindless fool to expect "a civil discussion."
Showing that we don’t have viable 3rd parties like other countries do, isn’t something for you to get pissy about. It’s simply a fact.
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Hating each other.
hates a strong word and would need some real evidence thats whats going on other than you just saying it,,,

I dont hate anyone,, I do hate what the progressives in government are doing to me,,,

in fact after looking closer at your pretty pictures most of those countries are more divided,, we only have 2 sides where some of them have four or more sides,,,

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