Durable US recovery at hand

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Its something all people who love this country should be celebrating.

How I wish they were all so honest
And predicting the future is bullshit. Everyday I hear a different claim from one modern economist or another. The funniest part about this one, is that the growth is a direct result of the SAME PROBLEM THAT LED TO THE 2008 COLLAPSE. An expansion of credit through artificially low interest rates that will again, lead to malinvesment and yet again, another bubble and burst. Beyond that, the federal government is almost completely insolvent without a rope. Treasury issuance was bought primarily by the fed last year and is on pace to do even more of it this year while the federal govt. spends us into a black hole of debt that is virtually unsolvable.

Here are some tall signs of why this is hardly worth getting excited about.

Almost three years after it began, the U.S. recovery may strengthen as autos and housing begin to reemerge as mainstays of growth

That's where I stopped reading this opinion piece.
Those aren't facts, they are opinions. There is a really huge difference between fact and opinion.
I work in the housing construction industry, the pace here is good and has been since 2010. yeah the pay is not as good as it should be 20 bucks an hour, should be 30, but I am self employed so I work faster to earn more per hour.
I was in the industry during the 80's and 90's. It took 5 years then to begin working at a good pace.
You can be a negative Nelly all you want but there are many jobs in the paper and craigslist. If your not working it's cause you don't want to.
I have diversified to where I do more than one trade also.
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pretending there is no recovery when the numbers say there is is not going to win you an election.
The facts yet again out that the right doesnt care about the country.

They only care about their party
I work in the housing construction industry, the pace here is good and has been since 2010. yeah the pay is not as good as it should be 20 bucks an hour, should be 30, but I am self employed so I work faster to earn more per hour.
I was in the industry during the 80's and 90's. It took 5 years then to begin working at a good pace.
You can be a negative Nelly all you want but there are many jobs in the paper and craigslist. If your not working it's cause you don't want to.
I have diversified to where I do more than one trade also.

Hmm...is that a fact...hmmm...funny how no one is building but you claim everything is just fine....odd. :doubt:


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Pretending opinions are facts and that numbers aren't manipulated will not make you smarter than you were when blind sided by the 2008 collpase where rhetoric ran high on the good vs. really bad debates from economists at that time.
Pretending opinions are facts and that numbers aren't manipulated will not make you smarter than you were when blind sided by the 2008 collpase where rhetoric ran high on the good vs. really bad debates from economists at that time.

You do realize who you are trying to explain this to right?
why are you people pretending the facts stated in that article are not facts?
Ford this month raised its 2012 forecast for total U.S. vehicle sales to as much as 15 million. If Ford’s prediction is on the mark, industrywide vehicle purchases would rise by about 2 million this year from 12.7 million in 2011, according to Carson. Such an increase has occurred only three times in the past 40 years, and in each of those cases -- 1971, 1976 and 1984 -- an economic recovery was taking hold, he said.

the right will deny any fact to protect their party.

they love only it
I work in the housing construction industry, the pace here is good and has been since 2010. yeah the pay is not as good as it should be 20 bucks an hour, should be 30, but I am self employed so I work faster to earn more per hour.
I was in the industry during the 80's and 90's. It took 5 years then to begin working at a good pace.
You can be a negative Nelly all you want but there are many jobs in the paper and craigslist. If your not working it's cause you don't want to.
I have diversified to where I do more than one trade also.

Hmm...is that a fact...hmmm...funny how no one is building but you claim everything is just fine....odd. :doubt:

if no one is building, why are there new construction in the area?

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