Durham Criminal Investigation Zeros In On Brennan, Communications With Comey

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

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That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.
United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailywire.com ...


That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.
United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailywire.com ...


That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.
Hopefully one or both of these crooks can be indicted, but they are slippery folks, it comes down to how well and how consistently they kept their tracks covered.

Barr fires back at Comey: FBI’s “unexplained misconduct” can’t be explained away as mistakes

“There are episodes there that simply cannot be squared with innocent mistakes.”

Barr states that he has actually “reached no determination” on what drove the FBI’s improper actions in Operation Crossfire Hurricane, but that the totality of all instances of “serious misconduct” doesn’t suggest an accidental nature:

MACCALLUM: Jim Comey spoke with Chris Wallace and he said that the 17 mistakes and omissions that were uncovered in the FISA process, he attributed it to sloppiness largely. What do you say to that?

BARR: I think there’s some of them very hard to square with the idea that these were just mistakes and sloppiness. I have said that a number of these episodes leave open the possibility of inferring bad faith or improper motive. But I hasten to add that, as I’ve said all along, that I’ve reached no determination on that, nor do I think a final determination on that is appropriate until all the evidence is there. Horowitz pretty well summed it up, which is this could be on the one hand, at the very least, gross incompetence. On the other hand, it could also be improper motive, and he was not in a position to make that call. And that’s why we have the US attorney, John Durham, looking into this.

BARR: I think there are episodes there that simply cannot be squared with innocent mistakes. And I think people have to come to terms with that.
“People,” in this case, includes James Comey himself. Comey didn’t appear inclined to do so in his own interview with Wallace, even when Wallace made it clear that he was very skeptical that these were just innocent mistakes, too. Wallace reminded Comey that at least one “mistake” had resulted in a criminal referral for potential perjury — Kevin Clinesmith’s doctoring of e-mail to hide Carter Page’s true status with the CIA — which Comey had sloughed off as “not been resolved.” That’s a pretty glib response over manufactured evidence in a spy case from the man in charge of the bureau that ran it.

Speaking of spying, Barr had a rebuttal to Comey’s refusal to admit to it. Barr also took aim at Comey for trying to use the whole FBI as a shield against criticism of his own leadership, too:

MACCALLUM: Yeah, and I want to ask you about that in a moment. Are you surprised that James Comey is so convinced himself that all of this was completely above board? He came out and said there’s no spying at all on the president.

BARR: The IG report and the recent letter from the FISA court pulls the rug out from under that analysis. There was serious misconduct, as the court itself has said. And one of the things that I object to is the tact being taken by Comey, which is to suggest that people who are criticizing or trying to get to the bottom of the misconduct are somehow attacking the FBI. I think that’s nonsense. We’re criticizing and concerned about misconduct by a few actors at the top of the FBI, and they should be criticized if they engaged in serious misconduct. That doesn’t mean we’re criticizing the FBI, and I think the tact of trying to wrap yourself in the institution and say, gee, people who are criticizing the decisions I made are attacking the institution. I noticed people feel free to criticize me. And I don’t say, gee, you’re attacking the honest men and women of the Department of Justice. I think leaders, you know, have to own their decisions and are fair game if they make bad decisions.​

That point is especially well taken. The FBI has thousands of thoughtful men and women trying to do the best they can to enforce the law and protect the country. They probably don’t appreciate it when a few who abused their authority, and broke the law, and violate the rights of American citizens to potentially play politics use them as human shields against accountability.

So who gets the last word? John Durham. When that comes, expect James Comey to get a sudden case of laryngitis.
United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailywire.com ...


That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.

This thread is extremely important; which is why the Leftists on here won't touch it with a telephone pole, lol.

People are going to find out what went on from Durham, and it appears to those who follow it closely that------------->The Obama Administration side stepped our laws and used our 5 eyes partners to feed them the dirt they wanted. And it wasn't just spying on Trump, it was Carson and Cruz also.

Now the Leftists are going to scream "conspiracy theory," lol. No it isn't! Brennan got caught with his own lies. Of course you Leftists wouldn't know it, because you didn't pay attention to where his own words proved he lied.

The Leftist bull has collapsed ever since the Mueller report. It has been down hill since then, and were it not for the phony impeachment, you would have been totally on the defensive since April. But truth be told, if you think 19 was a bad year for you, wait till 2020, lol...……..and I am not talking about the election. You are going to be under the bed hiding long before that! The truth is coming out, and you people are screwed!
Heard his phone records and emails are getting subpoenaed but he’s had three years to purge them, so there will be obvious gaps in his records.

He’ll probably end up getting nailed for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice.

United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailywire.com ...


That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.
Be sure to let us know the moment Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice are in cuffs.:21:
I wonder what new and wonderful lies the tard herd will be told to bleev when Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice are not arrested.

Maybe I should start a poll.
Difference between IG investigation and DOJ is that the DOJ (Durham's) is a criminal investigation. Bad guys are going up the river, and that should include Obama and Hillary.
Difference between IG investigation and DOJ is that the DOJ (Durham's) is a criminal investigation. Bad guys are going up the river, and that should include Obama and Hillary.

seriously are Obama and Hillary still important enough to matter?
Obama is retired and even Pence would beat Hillary like a drum.
United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailywire.com ...


That would be great except I’m sure the CIA will clean it up, delete anything necessary to keep Brennan in the clear. He’s one of my worst hated. He’s such an arrogant ass.

You don't like arrogant asses, but you're devoted to Trump. I guess you just prefer that the arrogant ass, be stupid, petty, vindictive and cruel before they get your approval.
I wonder what new and wonderful lies the tard herd will be told to bleev when Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice are not arrested.

Maybe I should start a poll.

I have a good poll question for you: Was Operation Crossfire Hurricane the biggest political scandal in US history?

Crossfire Hurricane, where the Federal Government agencies were used to "break into" and spy on the Trump campaign makes Nixon's "plumbers" look petty by comparison. The list of crimes includes, falsifying emails to get a FISA warrant, using unverified oppo research to get a FISA warrant, lying on a FISA application, using foreign intel assets to setup a FISA warrant, setting perjury traps, attempt to use the 25th Amendment to remove a president, illegal surveillance, illegal unmasking of US citizens, illegal leaks to the MSM, and I'm not even trying hard and researching the list of probable crimes.
I'm sure Durham and Barr will have a much better list.
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