Durham probe will lead to indictments 'at the top' in coming months.

Ahhhh...thank you for self-identifying as one of those snowflakes who will go to their dying day refusing to accept Mueller's final report declaring ' NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION'.

That's not what Mueller's report concluded. But hey, if you can't tell from that NPR recording that they are speaking to Barr's letter inaccurately describing the report then go ahead and kid yourself. As for collusion the Mueller report didn't come to a conclusion. Except that there were multiple interactions between the Trump campaign and Russia to include sharing polling data.
That's EXACTLY what Mueller's report said, snowflake.
- No 'collusion'
- No crime.
- No Indictment
- No successful coup

There were quite a few indictments actually. But no, the Mueller report never stated there was no collusion.

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There were quite a few indictments actually. But no, the Mueller report never stated there was no collusion.

Then provide me with the link to Trump's Indictment and Sentencing.

Had Mueller found actual collusion Democrats would have wasted no time removing Trump from office and sending him to prison, if they could. The fact is that Mueller reported finding NO COLLUSION. That has been supported over and over as more and more evidence has been revealed exposing Hillary's and Obama's failed attempted Coup and that the only ones who were colluding / collaborating with the Russians was Hillary, Obama, and their people.

Again I have shared links to evidence proving Hillary, Obama, and their teams acquired Russian Intel Service (RIS)-authored propaganda and used it as the basis of their coup attempt. Both Comey and Hillary were paying Trump-hating ex-foreign spy Steele, who was also working for the Russians. Steele was playing and getting paid by everyone - Hillary, Comey, and the Russians.

'Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that President Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election....[W]hile this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,"

- OF COURSE the conspirators were not going to leave it at that. After their witch hunt and millions of tax dollars wasted Mueller's report had to leave that sliver of 'doubt' in snowflake minds, to justify their wasted time, effort, tax dollar millions, and illegal investigative tactics / techniques.

'Special counsel Robert Mueller found no proof that President Donald Trump criminally colluded with Russia and reached no conclusion about whether Trump obstructed justice'

"(T)he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
- Mueller

Did not establish:
- Found no evidence of wrongdoing
- Did not find evidence of collusion
- Could not prove the Democrats' false claims.

"no, the Mueller report never stated there was no collusion"

You are WRONG and your bitter, irrational hatred and TDS will not allow you to embrace reality. It's over, snowflake. Let it go.

Why? Mueller made it quite clear that due to DOJ policy they were never going to indict the president.
The fact that the DOJ was not going to Indict the President is completely separate from the fact that Mueller stated despite all of their investigating they / he could not establish / prove / come up with any evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians.

Hillary and Obama attempted to accuse the President of colluding with the Russians by using RIS-authored propaganda, and Mueller could not produce evidence to support Hillary's and Obama's coup attempt.

IF they had found any evidence of such a crime is when the DOJ's refusal / inability to Indict the President factors in. It never got to that point because Mueller reported his stacked witch hunt team could find no evidence to support the faux 'Russian Collusion' claim.

WHY are you still so rabidly against a former President who was falsely accused of colluding with Russians when the CURRENT President and his family have been proven to have been engaged in Russian money laundering and Biden having taken millions from Russia during Biden's campaign yet you don't bat an eye, showing no concern over the Biden crime / treason syndicate's taking hundreds of millions from not only Russia but the CCP?
Then provide me with the link to Trump's Indictment and Sentencing.

Had Mueller found actual collusion Democrats would have wasted no time removing Trump from office and sending him to prison, if they could. The fact is that Mueller reported finding NO COLLUSION. That has been supported over and over as more and more evidence has been revealed exposing Hillary's and Obama's failed attempted Coup and that the only ones who were colluding / collaborating with the Russians was Hillary, Obama, and their people.

Again I have shared links to evidence proving Hillary, Obama, and their teams acquired Russian Intel Service (RIS)-authored propaganda and used it as the basis of their coup attempt. Both Comey and Hillary were paying Trump-hating ex-foreign spy Steele, who was also working for the Russians. Steele was playing and getting paid by everyone - Hillary, Comey, and the Russians.

'Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that President Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election....[W]hile this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,"

- OF COURSE the conspirators were not going to leave it at that. After their witch hunt and millions of tax dollars wasted Mueller's report had to leave that sliver of 'doubt' in snowflake minds, to justify their wasted time, effort, tax dollar millions, and illegal investigative tactics / techniques.

'Special counsel Robert Mueller found no proof that President Donald Trump criminally colluded with Russia and reached no conclusion about whether Trump obstructed justice'

"(T)he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
- Mueller

Did not establish:
- Found no evidence of wrongdoing
- Did not find evidence of collusion
- Could not prove the Democrats' false claims.

"no, the Mueller report never stated there was no collusion"

You are WRONG and your bitter, irrational hatred and TDS will not allow you to embrace reality. It's over, snowflake. Let it go.

after the mueller report, US foreign intelligence had found that Manafort had used Konstantin Kilimnik to pass private polling data to Russia. If Mueller had reported that, we would have collusion as we do now. Mueller's primary findings were obstruction of justice.
A Trump loyalist is keeping the dream alive. Now there's something you don't see everyday said nobody.
We only have about 3 more years to catch up to the Russian Hoax.......and some of you asshats still believe in it........now that is fucking hilarious.
after the mueller report, US foreign intelligence had found that Manafort had used Konstantin Kilimnik to pass private polling data to Russia. If Mueller had reported that, we would have collusion as we do now. Mueller's primary findings were obstruction of justice.
Obstruction claims fell by the wayside as well. 4 years of Democrats' constant plotting, undermining, criminal targeting / investigating, and treason resulted in Democrats being exposed for having committed ... and still committing ... some of the most criminal and Un-Constitutional crimes in this nation's history.
after the mueller report, US foreign intelligence had found that Manafort had used Konstantin Kilimnik to pass private polling data to Russia. If Mueller had reported that, we would have collusion as we do now. Mueller's primary findings were obstruction of justice.
Nothing to do with Trump, as Mueller confirmed in his report.
Manafort was Trump's campaign chair.
Manafort used Konstantin Kilimnik to pass private campaign polling data to Russia.
Mueller did not have access to these facts.
He worked for Trump for 3 months...bawwwhahahahahh
Hillary is not the Devil, she is the Devil's supervisor.

Talk about "misinformation"
The Russian Collusion scandal is much worse than Watergate, but notice how it is being swept under the rug by the Press and Hollywood Hate Machine.
The Democrat Party is dependent upon an ignorant electorate.
He worked for Trump for 3 months...bawwwhahahahahh
Trump's relationship with manafort is more extensive than that.
Manafort lived in one of trump's properties since 2006

Trump's relationship with manafort is more extensive than that.
Manafort lived in one of trump's properties since 2006

You are contending no one did anything wrong at all with regards to FISA spying on the Trump campaign?
Manafort was Trump's campaign chair.
Manafort used Konstantin Kilimnik to pass private campaign polling data to Russia.
Mueller did not have access to these facts.
1. John Podesta was Manafort's partner, both engaging in the crime Mueller went after Manafort originally for - Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, Podesta was Hillary's. That means while Hillary and 'her team' was pushing the RIS-authored propaganda Podesta was involved. Interesting how Hillary, Podesta, and her team were protected despite this, despite the FACT proven that Barry and his FBI learned what Hillary was trying to do.....then took over for her.

Mueller had access to EVERYTHING....to include al of the Un-Constitutionally obtained information Comey's FBI was obtaining criminally. Mueller knew this criminal data was available because HE used to do the same thing and taught his protégé, Comey, who also was doing it, as the FISA Court proved.

So now we leave the la la land of snowflakes dwelling in the past to arrive back in current day reality....

It was proven Hillary and her team was working with the RIS to acquire their authored propaganda to use against Trump...it was proven Obama and his FBI (Comey) learned about it...and now her Lawyer is being Indicted.
- Yeah, the shit-splatter from this has already definitely gotten on both Hillary and Barry

The traitors Strzok and Page have rolled over and are working with Durham to save their own asses, and the 1st top conspirator to be indicted is reportedly Obama FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
- McCabe's boss, Comey, threw him under the bus under oath before Congress, claiming McCabe leaked classified information, so I would not be surprised to learn in the near future McCabe burns his old boss, Comey.

The entire faux 'Russia Collusion' failed Obama coup attempt has come unraveled, and the Conspirators are being brought to justice.

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