Dusty Baker Laments Lack Of US-Born Black Players In World Series

There has been a steady decline of white players over the years in both the NBA and the NFL, so a white coach/manager could make the same claims about declining #'s.
The point here is simply that a white coach isn't free to publicly speak about it like a black coach or manager is.
I don't know what caused your brain-damaged comment. I expect you just made shit up to make a personal attack. You will have to excuse me.

You really don't know about his history? Wow!
Here's a taste:
“I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgement to irresponsible people.”
How many of those players are there in MLB?
MLB starts at the youth and amateur level and the point about African and just about every other nation with a Black population other than the US, is experiencing increases interest and participation in Baseball. In the US, Black participation in Baseball has been on the decline for decades. To insinuate that this is due to MLB not working hard enough or that White America does not want US Blacks in Baseball is dishonest and only serves to further divide us. Show me where US Blacks are being denied access to Baseball as Black participation in Baseball among non-US Blacks both here and abroad is rapidly increasing?

If MLB is forking out $150M to increase US Black participation in Baseball, what are the NFL and NBA doing to address the declining number of US Whites in their sports and the near nonexistent participation among US Latinos and US Asians?

Is Dusty implying that the current results are to to someone not stepping up to fix it or is he just sad about the results?
You really don't know about his history? Wow!
Here's a taste:
“I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgement to irresponsible people.”
You obviously never read it.

Sure, John Wayne was a racist. His answer was in response to a question about Angela Davis.

He married Latino women. Hired many black actors for his movies. Was an incredible advocate for Native Americans, hiring many for his movies. He loved Sammy Davis, Junior, even loaning him his hat worn in the film "Stagecoach" for Sammy's role as a black cowboy.

Sound racist to you?
You obviously never read it.

Sure, John Wayne was a racist. His answer was in response to a question about Angela Davis.

He married Latino women. Hired many black actors for his movies. Was an incredible advocate for Native Americans, hiring many for his movies. He loved Sammy Davis, Junior, even loaning him his hat worn in the film "Stagecoach" for Sammy's role as a black cowboy.

Sound racist to you?

Wrong, I've read it many times over the years.

Look, I don't have a problem with John Wayne, I've always loved the guy, and have seen all of his movies numerous times.

But the guy was no saint, and did hold some racist views, so if you're going to point fingers at me, you should consider covering your own bases first.
Wrong, I've read it many times over the years.

Look, I don't have a problem with John Wayne, I've always loved the guy, and have seen all of his movies numerous times.

But the guy was no saint, and did hold some racist views, so if you're going to point fingers at me, you should consider covering your own bases first.
He did not hold racist views. You half-read the article.

What bases? I was stationed at several.

Are you sure you didn't mean "basis"?
He did not hold racist views. You half-read the article.

What bases? I was stationed at several.

Are you sure you didn't mean "basis"?

Huh? o_O

He said: “I believe in white supremacy”. That is the very definition of racism!

And, come on man, you've never heard the term "cover your bases"?

What does it mean to cover your bases?​

"It is a synonym for being prepared."

"When playing sport, you may have noticed that the opponent’s team has been covering their bases. What does this term mean and what is an example of ‘covering your bases?
To cover your bases is to have a plan in place for when you are going to be playing or competing. It is a synonym for being prepared."
Huh? o_O

He said: “I believe in white supremacy”. That is the very definition of racism!

And, come on man, you've never heard the term "cover your bases"?

What does it mean to cover your bases?​

"It is a synonym for being prepared."

"When playing sport, you may have noticed that the opponent’s team has been covering their bases. What does this term mean and what is an example of ‘covering your bases?
To cover your bases is to have a plan in place for when you are going to be playing or competing. It is a synonym for being prepared."
Context man, context!

You are using a mixed metaphor with the fingers pointing back and covering bases, hence my confusion.

English - it's not just for breakfast anymore!

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