Dutch man arrested for wearing Pig Hat.

One person walking on the freeway might get hit by a car. They would certainly get arrested. 50 stops traffic.
This kind of civil rights violations are exactly what Liberals want to bring to The United States.
Evidently you have never been to a Univ. Of Arkansas football game...

So you support someone's right to burn a Koran?
Burn the Koran, Burn the Torah, Burn the Bible, burn the Flag of your choice.
All the above are legal under the Constitution of the United States... If that upsets you
move to Canada,
Pig Hats Are Out In The New Europe: Dutch Man Arrested For Wearing Pig Hat

The leader of the anti-Islamification of Europe Pegida movement in the Netherlands, Edwin Wagensveld, has been arrested for wearing a furry hat in the shape of a pig’s head, Dutch media have reported.

Wagensveld was, according to the police, engaging in “provocative behavior” by wearing the joke hat, which is widely available at party shops and is normally worn by children.
The arrest, which demonstrated how little freedom of speech is left in Europe, occurred during a protest in the town of Ede organized by Pegida Netherlands against the planned arrival of 1,400 “asylum seekers” there.

Well. Guess anything pertaining to pork is now a no no.

We have an asshat in the White House but no one every arrests him.
More defense of savages...
Nope, common sense. Get come.

Oh i got it and its got you pegged
Carry this through a Jew picnic, I can't help with stupidity at that level.
This kind of civil rights violations are exactly what Liberals want to bring to The United States.
Evidently you have never been to a Univ. Of Arkansas football game...

So you support someone's right to burn a Koran?
Burn the Koran, Burn the Torah, Burn the Bible, burn the Flag of your choice.
All the above are legal under the Constitution of the United States... If that upsets you
move to Canada,

When did I say that free speech upsets me?
ooohhhhh ya found one.......now how many muslims will kill you for simply disagreeing with them LLMMAAOOOOOOO yeah its just the same
Europe is becoming a totalitarian pro Islamic dictatorship.

It's is unbelievable to send somebody to jail for wearing a pig's hat!

Just beyond ridiculous!

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