Dutch television show exposes panel of children to naked ''trans'' people

Gives credence to why some American web site operators providing a platform for such influencers look to the more relaxed European sources to define grooming rather than looking to the more strictly defined American Legal institutions.
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These are 10-12 year old kids. Five individuals undressed in front of them.

''At first you think, huh? But later you realize that it’s actually pretty normal,'' one of the children were inluenced to narrate.

This is what happens when you lose the ability to question if even your own side is going too far.

I doubt it's everyone who believes in supporting the occasional kid who might think they are the wrong gender, this is basically advertising.
These are 10-12 year old kids. Five individuals undressed in front of them.

''At first you think, huh? But later you realize that it’s actually pretty normal,'' one of the children were inluenced to narrate.

All western states are hijacked by satanists.
Like Russia too
Looks like there's now a second television show exposing kids to this in order to ''normalize all bodies''

This one being aired on a British state-run outlet called Channel 4.

In episode three of the show, young Brits will be introduced to nude transgender individuals in order to “educate” the kids on gender transition and gender-affirming surgeries.

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Liberals would hate Trangenders if Trump put on a wig and lipstick, took hormones and decided to transition.

I'm sure it's completely coincidental that friendly usmessageboard web site operators have chosen to define grooming based on a UK model source where grooming children is literally being streamlined on television.

I'd still love to know who decided that one. Though I think I have a pretty good idea...
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