Zone1 Each Day of Creation was 1000 of our current years

Your false premise? You are concluding that God's revelations found in the Scriptures are not based upon truth. Does it matter what "plenty" of theological and non-theologians believe? Yet you finish by declaring that it does not matter what you believe, as belief is not a factor in following the eternally righteous laws of God? Jesus never stated that you must believe? :huh1:
You have missed the point. Many christians, such as yourself, place salvific requirements on personal belief or views of the Bible.

A few points of consideration:
  • Christ never spoke of the "New Testament" or what we would consider the Bible. Regarding the OT and the subject of Divorce, Jesus is pretty clear that God never intended for divorce, however, Moses still wrote down instructions in Deuteronomy. It would then seem clear, that Moses, had at times, wrote "Law" that wasn't inspired by God. For some of you, that may blow your mind and the narrative of your Biblical belief system.
  • Christ never told any disciple or believer that they needed to believe in "the Bible".
  • The Bible itself never says to the reader that a believer must believe in the Bible.
  • The Bible itself never speaks of its own infallibility.
  • Most references to scripture found in the NT letters are directly speaking to the OT. The NT authors did recognize the authority and inspiration from each other. But it is a great assumption to assume the NT authors knew that their writings would be considered scripture or be elevated to that of the OT.
  • Early Christians were taught to read "scripture" in light of the messianic perspective. That scripture was the OT.
  • RCC Traditions: The current canonical Bible, is primarily organized and decided by the RCC. The RCC is body that decided what WAS scripture. How can we be 100% sure they got it right knowing the vast manipulations carried out by the RCC
  • Still, 1000 years later, Martin Luther didn't agree with the current day cannon.
  • What did first, second, third century Christians do without The Bible? Most were illiterate. They heard the gospel cause they couldn't read.
  • Most early Christians didn't have access to all the letters of the early authors.
In Summary: The viewpoint and narrative that one must hold such strict views on the Bible is not warranted. The letters contained in "The BIble" are wonderful documents that can be used to further one's faith. But we are not saved because of a belief system in the Bible and that is my point.

What process of salvation requires BELIEF? The very 1st step. You can't find salvation void of belief. "Many other signs (miracles) truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples; which are not recorded in this book (the gospel of John): But, these are written (recorded), THAT YOU MIGHT BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST (of Jewish prophecy, the awaited Messiah/Savior), AND THAT BELIEVING YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE THROUGH HIS NAME." -- John 20:30-31.
My whole point is that salvation does not hinge on what one believes about the bible, but what the Bible points too, or is within. I believe there is a legitimate difference.
The Apostle Peter teaches us the following:

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

After going through the seven days of creation, the Lord placed Adam and Eve into the garden of Eden and gave them the following command regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

How do we know that Adam and Eve were still under the Lord's time and not the reckoning of time that we have now? The proof is in how long Adam lived before he died.

Genesis 5:5
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

So if the Lord God was telling the truth when he told Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.", then Adam should have died in the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit. But we see in Genesis 5:5 that Adam died when he was 930 years old. So did God lie? No. Adam had not yet received his time of reckoning until after he had partaken of the forbidden fruit. Before that time, all things were reckoned according to the Lord's time. Thus each day of creation was 1000 years of our time and when Adam died, he died within one day of the Lord's time which is 1000 of our years. Therefore Adam did die on the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit as God had told him. It was simply according to God's time which is 1 day = 1000 years of our current time of reckoning.
"As" is not "is".

So what that scripture is saying, is that a day is not the same equivalent based on human verses divine perspective.

In other words, it is not saying a day = 1000 years.
"As" is not "is".

So what that scripture is saying, is that a day is not the same equivalent based on human verses divine perspective.

In other words, it is not saying a day = 1000 years.
It doesn't say that it is not equal either. But Peter thought it important to bring it up and to not be in the dark about the topic. In other words, he thought it very important to know that 1 day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as 1 day to the Lord.
It doesn't say that it is not equal either. But Peter thought it important to bring it up and to not be in the dark about the topic. In other words, he thought it very important to know that 1 day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as 1 day to the Lord.
My only point here is, science may well be right about the age of the universe.

After all, how would the concept of a billion years even be communicated with the early Hebrews?
My only point here is, science may well be right about the age of the universe.

After all, how would the concept of a billion years even be communicated with the early Hebrews?
They might say a thousand thousand thousand years.
What does it mean figuratively to you?

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

They have found tools that are 300,000 years old...and paintings in Spain and France that are 40,OO0 years old.

A thousand years a day isn't long enough. The Dead Sea is 35 million years old.
They have found tools that are 300,000 years old...and paintings in Spain and France that are 40,OO0 years old.

A thousand years a day isn't long enough. The Dead Sea is 35 million years old.
They have also found that recently dead things have dated over thousands of years old. The dating techniques used cannot be trusted.
Sorry bout that,

1. So if G-D made each day one thousand years, and we are rapidly approaching the end of 6 thousand year, less than 200 .
2. Isn't time up.

Here is my guess at the earth's temporal timeline.

0 - 1000 3967 B.C. - 2967 B.C.
1000 - 2000 2967 B.C. - 1967 A.C.
2000 - 3000 1967 B.C. - 967 A.C.
3000 - 4000 967 B.C. - 33 A.D. The meridian of time
4000 - 5000 33 A.D - 1033 A.D.
5000 - 6000 1033 A.D. - 2033 A.D. We are at 2023 A.D.
6000 - 7000 2033 A.D. - 3033 A.D. The Millennium
If you’re just going to randomly change the meanings of words in the Bible, why not just say “chair” means “bread” or “sky” means “shoe”?

A year is a year. The “a day with the lord is as a thousand years” is *obviously* not meant to be taken literally.
The morning and the evening isn't a thousand year cycle.
Sorry bout that,

1. So if G-D made each day one thousand years, and we are rapidly approaching the end of 6 thousand year, less than 200 .
2. Isn't time up.

What is the Jewish year? 5877?
By the time of Adam and Eve Sumer had agriculture, irrigation, a written language and sailboats.
We get a day from the rotation of the earth upon its axis in relation to the sun. But during the first 3 days of creation there was no sun in relation to the earth. On the 4th day of creation the earth was placed in relation to the sun and other lights in the sky. So obviously a day wasn't exactly what we have today. There is no evidence that the earth had its same rotation speed or even was rotating before being placed in its current relation to the sun. Obviously there was another source of light upon the earth during those first 3 days of creation. The days were being counted according to that other source of light from the start. The other source of light through which days were being counted likely was not taken away until after the creation and it was according to that light that days were counted.

The Apostle Peter says that you should not be ignorant of that one thing. That one thing is that a day to the Lord is as 1000 of our years. The creation of the earth was done according to what a day was unto the Lord. This is why the 1000 year millennium that is to come will be a sabbath day unto to the earth.

Well, the Revelation letter says it will happen soon... within a generation.
They have also found that recently dead things have dated over thousands of years old. The dating techniques used cannot be trusted.

Many scientific assumptions are based on the idea that the earth and its environment have remained constant over millions of years. However, they have no evidence to prove that it has. We know that the flood of Noah would have caused a great disruption in their presumed constant and we have no history of the earth prior to the creation of it approximately 13000 years ago.
If you’re just going to randomly change the meanings of words in the Bible, why not just say “chair” means “bread” or “sky” means “shoe”?

A year is a year. The “a day with the lord is as a thousand years” is obviously not meant to be taken literally.
yet the "7 days of creation" are meant to be taken literally? if you are not a fundamentalist, "7 days" means "a very long time" in god years.

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