Zone1 Each Day of Creation was 1000 of our current years

Sorry bout that,

1. We are about to close this out.
2. The end of the world is coming.
3. And I'm one who looks forward to the event.
4. The Jews will get their Kingdom, and then no other people will be able to disagree one bit.
5. Its coming, I can feel the head bump, the coming birth will be glorious.
6. But don't get me wrong, it will be more than a baby being born, it will be marvelous.
7. We need to get the Jews to go ahead and build that Temple of theirs, the Kingdom awaits.
8. What will force that building whats there now off the Temple Mount, G-ds hand.
9. Its coming soon, and I am watching.

Sorry bout that,

1. We are about to close this out.
2. The end of the world is coming.
3. And I'm one who looks forward to the event.
4. The Jews will get their Kingdom, and then no other people will be able to disagree one bit.
5. Its coming, I can feel the head bump, the coming birth will be glorious.
6. But don't get me wrong, it will be more than a baby being born, it will be marvelous.
7. We need to get the Jews to go ahead and build that Temple of theirs, the Kingdom awaits.
8. What will force that building whats there now off the Temple Mount, G-ds hand.
9. Its coming soon, and I am watching.


Revelation says there is no temple because Jesus is the temple.

Sorry bout that,

1. The one coming from heaven, has no Temple, and the giant city some 2500 miles squared will be brought down to earth, I'm not sure how that will be pulled off, but in G-D's hands all things are possible.
2. I know he can perform miracles and will make this look like childs play in the sand.

You have missed the point. Many christians, such as yourself, place salvific requirements on personal belief or views of the Bible.

A few points of consideration:
  • Christ never spoke of the "New Testament" or what we would consider the Bible. Regarding the OT and the subject of Divorce, Jesus is pretty clear that God never intended for divorce, however, Moses still wrote down instructions in Deuteronomy. It would then seem clear, that Moses, had at times, wrote "Law" that wasn't inspired by God. For some of you, that may blow your mind and the narrative of your Biblical belief system.
  • Christ never told any disciple or believer that they needed to believe in "the Bible".
  • The Bible itself never says to the reader that a believer must believe in the Bible.
  • The Bible itself never speaks of its own infallibility.
  • Most references to scripture found in the NT letters are directly speaking to the OT. The NT authors did recognize the authority and inspiration from each other. But it is a great assumption to assume the NT authors knew that their writings would be considered scripture or be elevated to that of the OT.
  • Early Christians were taught to read "scripture" in light of the messianic perspective. That scripture was the OT.
  • RCC Traditions: The current canonical Bible, is primarily organized and decided by the RCC. The RCC is body that decided what WAS scripture. How can we be 100% sure they got it right knowing the vast manipulations carried out by the RCC
  • Still, 1000 years later, Martin Luther didn't agree with the current day cannon.
  • What did first, second, third century Christians do without The Bible? Most were illiterate. They heard the gospel cause they couldn't read.
  • Most early Christians didn't have access to all the letters of the early authors.
In Summary: The viewpoint and narrative that one must hold such strict views on the Bible is not warranted. The letters contained in "The BIble" are wonderful documents that can be used to further one's faith. But we are not saved because of a belief system in the Bible and that is my point.

My whole point is that salvation does not hinge on what one believes about the bible, but what the Bible points too, or is within. I believe there is a legitimate difference

The point is documented......there is only one way to find fellowship with the God of Creation. "I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO MAN (or woman) cometh unto the Father, but by ME." -- John 14:6

Of course...........all proponents of an anti-chirst doctrine must attempt to refute the actual words of the Holy Scriptures. Muslims, Jews, JW, Mormons who contradict the Word of Truth with their false doctrines of declaring that men can become gods...and the RCC who declares that their man made traditions are superior to the Word of God, thus they must use extra books of the Bible that did not become church doctrine untill 1500 years after the Holy Bible was drafted.....much like the Muslims whose supposed Holy Book did not come into existence until 630.......centuries after the last Apostle of Christ died, the only ones that are authorized to present Doctrine from God.
Sorry bout that,

1. We are about to close this out.
2. The end of the world is coming.
3. And I'm one who looks forward to the event.
4. The Jews will get their Kingdom, and then no other people will be able to disagree one bit.
5. Its coming, I can feel the head bump, the coming birth will be glorious.
6. But don't get me wrong, it will be more than a baby being born, it will be marvelous.
7. We need to get the Jews to go ahead and build that Temple of theirs, the Kingdom awaits.
8. What will force that building whats there now off the Temple Mount, G-ds hand.
9. Its coming soon, and I am watching.


My response to the verse in Matthew 24 can be found at the following link:

The generation that would not pass away
When the explanation is recorded unambiguously by the same author that you are suggesting will not die until the Lord Returns........there is no link required in order to mold the scriptures around your doctrine. The scriptures are supposed to mold you, not the inverse.

What exactly is recorded in John 21:22 forward? The author who professes to be the same John being addressed in the chapter and declaring that its true because he (John) is the one bearing witness to the event. (John 21:24) According to John it was the gossip among the other disciples that declared, ".........So the SAYING (what is a saying? To express supposition: What is a supposition? To express an opinion, not a record of fact) the saying spread among the brothers, that this disciple would not die; YET JESUS DID NOT SAY TO HIM THAT HE WAS NOT TO DIE.........." -- John 21:22-24

The scriptures self interpret when allowed, void of injecting personal opinion. John, the author of this the one that declared that Jesus did not say he would not die.....

What then is the explanation? Jesus is appearing to the 7 disciples addressed in this chapter, after His death and resurrection. What then is contained in chapter 21 from the gospel of John? John is recording what Jesus is revealing to Peter, Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loved Him more than these.......after the 3rd time that Peter answered Jesus with a " know I love you, you know everthing....Jesus had just informed Peter that he would be placed in prison, opposite the freedom he had when he was young (a place he did not want to be (John 21:18) Peter then asked, "What about John?" (John 21:21), the apostle Jesus loved like a brother.

Jesus then declared "IF..................he should tarry until I return, what is it to you?" (John 21:22). John himself explains that Jesus did not say that he would not die......declaring that is the truth. (John 21:24). The return Jesus was speaking could have meant when Jesus communicated with John through an angel to record the book of revelation around 90AD (Rev. 1).....

John is the only Apostle to live up to the 2nd century. There is actually no record declaring how he died...there is some hint that he was still alive around 98 AD....but that is based upon nothing ancient rumors. All we do know is that John was inspired by Jesus to record the book of revelation of things to shortly take place upon earth.

John clearly understood that Jesus did not say that he would not die. John then states that his record is true and accurate, but it was INCOMPLETE (meaning John had more to write as scripture)......that a complete record would be impossible to record. (John 21:25)
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The Apostle Peter teaches us the following:

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

After going through the seven days of creation, the Lord placed Adam and Eve into the garden of Eden and gave them the following command regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

How do we know that Adam and Eve were still under the Lord's time and not the reckoning of time that we have now? The proof is in how long Adam lived before he died.

Genesis 5:5
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

So if the Lord God was telling the truth when he told Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.", then Adam should have died in the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit. But we see in Genesis 5:5 that Adam died when he was 930 years old. So did God lie? No. Adam had not yet received his time of reckoning until after he had partaken of the forbidden fruit. Before that time, all things were reckoned according to the Lord's time. Thus each day of creation was 1000 years of our time and when Adam died, he died within one day of the Lord's time which is 1000 of our years. Therefore Adam did die on the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit as God had told him. It was simply according to God's time which is 1 day = 1000 years of our current time of reckoning.
I don't read these accounts literally like you do.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Well I'm confused on just what was created during a 6,000 year period? I can't think of anything in the birth of the universe, birth of the sun, creation of the solar system, etc., that remotely comports with so brief a period.

Perhaps God was using the Metric System?
When the explanation is recorded unambiguously by the same author that you are suggesting will not die until the Lord Returns........there is no link required in order to mold the scriptures around your doctrine. The scriptures are supposed to mold you, not the inverse.

What exactly is recorded in John 21:22 forward? The author who professes to be the same John being addressed in the chapter and declaring that its true because he (John) is the one bearing witness to the event. (John 21:24) According to John it was the gossip among the other disciples that declared, ".........So the SAYING (what is a saying? To express supposition: What is a supposition? To express an opinion, not a record of fact) the saying spread among the brothers, that this disciple would not die; YET JESUS DID NOT SAY TO HIM THAT HE WAS NOT TO DIE.........." -- John 21:22-24

The scriptures self interpret when allowed, void of injecting personal opinion. John, the author of this the one that declared that Jesus did not say he would not die.....

What then is the explanation? Jesus is appearing to the 7 disciples addressed in this chapter, after His death and resurrection. What then is contained in chapter 21 from the gospel of John? John is recording what Jesus is revealing to Peter, Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loved Him more than these.......after the 3rd time that Peter answered Jesus with a " know I love you, you know everthing....Jesus had just informed Peter that he would be placed in prison, opposite the freedom he had when he was young (a place he did not want to be (John 21:18) Peter then asked, "What about John?" (John 21:21), the apostle Jesus loved like a brother.

Jesus then declared "IF..................he should tarry until I return, what is it to you?" (John 21:22). John himself explains that Jesus did not say that he would not die......declaring that is the truth. (John 21:24). The return Jesus was speaking could have meant when Jesus communicated with John through an angel to record the book of revelation around 90AD (Rev. 1).....

John is the only Apostle to live up to the 2nd century. There is actually no record declaring how he died...there is some hint that he was still alive around 98 AD....but that is based upon nothing ancient rumors. All we do know is that John was inspired by Jesus to record the book of revelation of things to shortly take place upon earth.

John clearly understood that Jesus did not say that he would not die. John then states that his record is true and accurate, but it was INCOMPLETE (meaning John had more to write as scripture)......that a complete record would be impossible to record. (John 21:25)
John 21:21-24
21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.

For all men to resurrect, they would need to either die or be changed in the twinkling of an eye. The Apostles, after hearing the words of Jesus when he said, "if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" supposed that John would never die. Jesus simple lets them know that that was not what he said. What he said was that John would tarry on the earth until Jesus was to come again. I believe the Apostles took this to mean that John would live a long, long time and thus supposed that he would not die. Jesus was clear that John would tarry on in the earth until Jesus' second coming. I believe this verse relates to Jesus other remarks to his disciples in the following verses.

Matthew 16:27-28
27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

In this verse he also does not say that anyone would never die. But did assure them that there were some among them that would not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. This verse is very clear that some among Jesus' disciples would not die until they saw Jesus coming in the glory of his Father with his angels in his kingdom. Jesus has not yet made his second coming in all his glory yet. So, taking Jesus' word that some of those disciples would never taste of death until he comes, seems to tie quite nicely to what he spoke of about John to Peter. John was to tarry until Jesus was to come again. The Apostles, knowing of both these conversations is easy to imagine that John would go on living and thus made the assumption that he would never die. But Jesus corrected them about him not dying but that he would tarry up until the time of of his second coming and after that time John might die. It is my belief that John is one whom Jesus referred to as living on to see him coming in all his glory in his kingdom with the angels of heaven.

Regardless of whether you believe John was one whom Jesus spoke of, Jesus did prophesy that some would not taste of death until they saw Jesus coming in all his glory with the angels of heaven in his kingdom. Thus, that generation was not to pass away until all that was prophesied in Matthew 24 was to be fulfilled.
Well I'm confused on just what was created during a 6,000 year period? I can't think of anything in the birth of the universe, birth of the sun, creation of the solar system, etc., that remotely comports with so brief a period.

Perhaps God was using the Metric System?
The Bible answers this in Genesis 1 and 2.
The Apostle Peter teaches us the following:

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

After going through the seven days of creation, the Lord placed Adam and Eve into the garden of Eden and gave them the following command regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

How do we know that Adam and Eve were still under the Lord's time and not the reckoning of time that we have now? The proof is in how long Adam lived before he died.

Genesis 5:5
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

So if the Lord God was telling the truth when he told Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.", then Adam should have died in the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit. But we see in Genesis 5:5 that Adam died when he was 930 years old. So did God lie? No. Adam had not yet received his time of reckoning until after he had partaken of the forbidden fruit. Before that time, all things were reckoned according to the Lord's time. Thus each day of creation was 1000 years of our time and when Adam died, he died within one day of the Lord's time which is 1000 of our years. Therefore Adam did die on the very day that he partook of the forbidden fruit as God had told him. It was simply according to God's time which is 1 day = 1000 years of our current time of reckoning.

I mean, we could probably make it 1 million if we felt like interpreting it that way
I mean, we could probably make it 1 million if we felt like interpreting it that way
That would be an extreme stretch of the imagination since the verse says, "a thousand years" and not "a million years". But if you want to interpret it that way, be my guest.
That would be an extreme stretch of the imagination since the verse says, "a thousand years" and not "a million years". But if you want to interpret it that way, be my guest.

An "extreme stretch of the imagination"???

Not really, if you can stretch your imagination to 1,000 days, how much more does it realistically need to be stretched to get it to 1 million?

I'd say once you've gone outside of the realms of reality, you've stretched it as far as it needs stretching. 2 days and a million trillion are the same for me.
surada is probably referring to matthew 24

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”.

Matthew borrowed it from Revelation.

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