Zone1 Each Day of Creation was 1000 of our current years

The only way you can get 1000 from each day is to apply Signified Scripture as being Literal where in the book of Genesis is 1000 years mentioned per each fact, a day is defined as a cycle of day and night in the very first chapter. Other Literal passages of scripture declare that Adam and Eve were created in the "Beginning......." not thousands of years after the beginning. Example: Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6.

If each day literally represented an expanded time table.....such as each day being 1000 years........Houston, you have a problem: that means plants were created 3000 years (day 3) after creation began, yet it would have had to exist for 1000 years without the ability to pollinate or reproduce.....why? Because the insects that carry the pollen were not created until 1000s of years later.

How about the life span of Adam......which the scriptures declare was over 900 years? If Adam was created on the last day of creation the 6th day that represented, 1000s, millions or billions of years.......Adam, at the very least would have had to have lived 1000 years to exist after the last day of creation......a literal contradiction from the age mentioned in scripture (930 years) -- Genesis 5:5

You either believe and accept God at His having the ability to speak creation into existence by the very authority of His stated Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence........or you are buying into falsehoods.
Peter clearly told us that a day unto the Lord is one thousand of our years. When the world was made, it was made by God. Why wouldn't it be made according to God's time? The reason it is not mentioned in Genesis is because Adam had not yet been given his time of reckoning and therefore it wasn't necessary to count the days of creation according to the days given to Adam after the fall. Not sure what your significance is in saying Adam was created in the "Beginning"? All the days of creation were considered to be in the beginning and yes, Adam was created on the 6th day of creation and thus was created in the beginning.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

The creation of the earth ( ie in the beginning) includes the 6 days of creation of the earth. Yes, Matthew 19;4 and Mark 10:6 speak of the creation of man being in the beginning so evidently the beginning includes all the days of creation. But this does nothing to nullify the idea that God created heaven and the earth in 6 of his days and rested on the seventh. I would imagine that to an immortal being, 6 or 7 thousand years is not a very long time. Your problem is that you take days according to our time of reckoning and compare them to God's days and feel that it is a very long time. One could ask why God didn't simply snap his fingers and have all of creation finished in less than a second of our time? But NO! He takes all the time he desires to do what he wishes to do. It wasn't until after the days of creation and after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve fell and became mortal and at that time was given his time of reckoning according to the rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun. It was from that time that Adam and Eve began to count the number of years of their life. Yes, Adam lived from the time he fell to be 930 years according to scripture.

Now before Adam and Eve had fallen, the Lord told them the following:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Here God specifically tells Adam and Eve that in the very day that he eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that they should surely die. Now it is true that after they partook of the fruit, they hid themselves because of their nakedness and when facing God they were cast out of the garden and suffered a spiritual death in that they were cast out of his presence, and at that time the seeds of death began to work upon them to eventually bring them to a physical death. However, they were not completely dead at that time. It wasn't until 930 years after this event that Adam died. Now if you are counting according to Adam's time of reckoning which is the same as ours today, Adam didn't fully die on the very day he partook of the fruit. It wasn't until 930 years later that he was completely dead. So if you are to equate his physical death to the decree of God, then Adam didn't die on the very day he partook of the fruit according to Adam's later time of reckoning. But he did die within the very day of God's time of reckoning which, according to the Apostle Peter, is 1000 of our years. There is nothing that counters this line of reasoning. God simply created the heaven and the earth according to his time of reckoning as Peter has told us, and later After Adam and Eve fell, they were given their time of reckoning. When God spoke, it was after his time of reckoning and Adam surely did die within a thousand years.

According to the prophet Joseph Smith, the book that John saw that was sealed with seven seals has the interpretation that the seven seals are 7000 years of the earths temporal existence. In other words, the seven seals represent the seven thousand years of this earth's temporal existence. This means that from the fall of Adam and Eve until the earth is renewed in celestial glory, will be 7000 years. This would be 7 days unto the Lord according to his time. The 7th thousand year period will be the millennial period when Christ reigns on the earth. It is a type of a sabbath day for this earth. I believe what Peter said in 2 Peter 3 is very significant. 1000 years of our time to the Lord is but a day unto him.
What does it mean figuratively to you?

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
It's about patience. Read it in context. Peter was addressing people who were anxious about the Lord's coming. Peter simply assures them that his coming is imminent, that the Satan would be baptized in fire before their very eyes. They just needed to be patient.

Christians like to change the meaning in words in the Bible. No wonder their confusion.
That's not what it says. Nothing about a capital sentence. It says die. The day they know good and evil is the day they die.
"The day you eat or it, you will die"

Man was t meant to die, but be TRANSFORMED. It doesn't say he would die that day, only that he was now destined to die
There is a lot of assumptions in this thread.

Peter's statement is an attempt to humanize and understand a possibly unknowable god. It's call anthropomorphism and I don't believe that Peter's statement is didactic in nature. I believe Peter's intent is to inform the reader that God is not bound by our natural and physical constraints of time.

There are plenty of theological and non-theological historical scholars that absolutely accept that the creation account is allegorical and metaphorical. Again, how do you relay to a reader 4000 years ago how creation happened? You dumb it down in a way that allows comprehension. And we are assuming that Moses was given the exact details of creation? And if Moses was given the details, why not be more precise? Maybe, because Moses didn't understand what was shown or presented?

We are also assuming, that a man raised as an Egyptian, wasn't influenced by the Egyptians? We also assume that there isn't another side to the "Moses" story. A couple of interesting reads:

As for "Creation" science, I like what Neil Degrasse Tyson said once "The Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go". A lot of truth in that statement.

At the end of the day, who gives two rats asses about creation. God, nor Jesus never said that your salvation hinges on what you believe.
He didn't say it was a spiritual death as well. Just a spiritual death.
Actually He didn't say it was a spiritual death. He simply said, "for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die".
Actually He didn't say it was a spiritual death. He simply said, "for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die".
He didn't say it was a biological death, either, did he.

But Adam didn't die that day biologically, did he.
Death came to Israel through idolatry. This dead people did not repent but instead sinned more and more (Hos 13:1-2), which they did as living, breathing biological organisms. When Ephraim died, he did not die in the flesh.

Likewise with the Pharisees, who, like, whitewashed tombs, knowing not the Father, were the walking dead, full of dead men's bones (Mt 23:27). Strangers to God, they were dead. Apart from the spirit, the body is dead (Jas 2:26). "It is the Spirit who gives life," Jesus said. "The flesh is no help at all." (Jn 6:63).

Sin had killed Paul (Rom 7:11). Obviously, Paul wasn't physically dead.

Death was condemnation. "The soul who sins shall die." (Ez 18:20) Plain and simple. That's the way these tribal people thought. Adam did not keel over when he ate of that tree.
Peter clearly told us that a day unto the Lord is one thousand of our years. When the world was made, it was made by God. Why wouldn't it be made according to God's time? The reason it is not mentioned in Genesis is because Adam had not yet been given his time of reckoning and therefore it wasn't necessary to count the days of creation according to the days given to Adam after the fall. Not sure what your significance is in saying Adam was created in the "Beginning"? All the days of creation were considered to be in the beginning and yes, Adam was created on the 6th day of creation and thus was created in the beginning.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

The creation of the earth ( ie in the beginning) includes the 6 days of creation of the earth. Yes, Matthew 19;4 and Mark 10:6 speak of the creation of man being in the beginning so evidently the beginning includes all the days of creation. But this does nothing to nullify the idea that God created heaven and the earth in 6 of his days and rested on the seventh. I would imagine that to an immortal being, 6 or 7 thousand years is not a very long time. Your problem is that you take days according to our time of reckoning and compare them to God's days and feel that it is a very long time. One could ask why God didn't simply snap his fingers and have all of creation finished in less than a second of our time? But NO! He takes all the time he desires to do what he wishes to do. It wasn't until after the days of creation and after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve fell and became mortal and at that time was given his time of reckoning according to the rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun. It was from that time that Adam and Eve began to count the number of years of their life. Yes, Adam lived from the time he fell to be 930 years according to scripture.

Now before Adam and Eve had fallen, the Lord told them the following:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Here God specifically tells Adam and Eve that in the very day that he eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that they should surely die. Now it is true that after they partook of the fruit, they hid themselves because of their nakedness and when facing God they were cast out of the garden and suffered a spiritual death in that they were cast out of his presence, and at that time the seeds of death began to work upon them to eventually bring them to a physical death. However, they were not completely dead at that time. It wasn't until 930 years after this event that Adam died. Now if you are counting according to Adam's time of reckoning which is the same as ours today, Adam didn't fully die on the very day he partook of the fruit. It wasn't until 930 years later that he was completely dead. So if you are to equate his physical death to the decree of God, then Adam didn't die on the very day he partook of the fruit according to Adam's later time of reckoning. But he did die within the very day of God's time of reckoning which, according to the Apostle Peter, is 1000 of our years. There is nothing that counters this line of reasoning. God simply created the heaven and the earth according to his time of reckoning as Peter has told us, and later After Adam and Eve fell, they were given their time of reckoning. When God spoke, it was after his time of reckoning and Adam surely did die within a thousand years.

According to the prophet Joseph Smith, the book that John saw that was sealed with seven seals has the interpretation that the seven seals are 7000 years of the earths temporal existence. In other words, the seven seals represent the seven thousand years of this earth's temporal existence. This means that from the fall of Adam and Eve until the earth is renewed in celestial glory, will be 7000 years. This would be 7 days unto the Lord according to his time. The 7th thousand year period will be the millennial period when Christ reigns on the earth. It is a type of a sabbath day for this earth. I believe what Peter said in 2 Peter 3 is very significant. 1000 years of our time to the Lord is but a day unto him.
No..........any translation you might use, Peter did not Clearly declare that 1 day is equal to 10000 years. Peter declared, 1000 years is "LIKE".......1 day to the Lord. LIKE: to resemble. RESEMBLE: Appear like. Appear Like: At a glance, impression without CERTAINTY. In Biblical terms this passage is Signified or Symbolic. The very next passage (2 Peter 3:9) context and maintaining the subject matter, Peter is speaking about the longsuffering of God in keeping His promises. What might seem like many years to man is a small amount of time to God.

Longsuffering: Patient endurance.

What is clear: the passage you "highlighted", -- Genesis 2:17 can not mean that Adam would die on the same day he sinned by breaking God's only law in the Garden of Eden, as there is a literal biblical record of Adam living 930 years, the majority outside the protective Garden of Eden where man had access to immortality by partaking of the tree of live just as explained in (Genesis 3:22-34). As long as Adam and Eve were within the Garden that God had prepared expressly to protect, and provide for Adam.......Adam would have access to the tree of life, making God's statement in (Genesis 2:17) a lie.

Your greatest problem with comprehension and LOGIC is the fact that IF 1 day is equal to 1000 years.........Adam lived 2000 years at the least having been created on day 6 while living past day 7 as recorded in scripture (Genesis 5:5) Adam lived past the fall of mankind 930 years. Who to believe? The Scriptures that were all inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (2 Tim. 3:16-17)? or......... Your cults false doctrine from the supposed church of Latter Day Saints or other cults like the JWs, or ISLAM, that contradict the Spirit of Truth? I Choose to put on the whole armor of God...........His Word. (Eph. 6:11-24)

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God...........a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15. How does one rightly divide the word of truth? First and passage of scripture will contradict another passage of scripture, as all were inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth.....i.e, the Holy Ghost.
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He didn't say it was a biological death, either, did he.

But Adam didn't die that day biologically, did he.
If it was a day unto the Lord, then he surely did.

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
No..........any translation you might use, Peter did not Clearly declare that 1 day is equal to 10000 years. Peter declared, 1000 years is "LIKE".......1 day to the Lord. LIKE: to resemble. RESEMBLE: Appear like. Appear Like: At a glance, impression without CERTAINTY. In Biblical terms this passage is Signified or Symbolic. The very next passage (2 Peter 3:9) context and maintaining the subject matter, Peter is speaking about the longsuffering of God in keeping His promises. What might seem like many years to man is a small amount of time to God.

Longsuffering: Patient endurance.

What is clear: the passage you "highlighted", -- Genesis 2:17 can not mean that Adam would die on the same day he sinned by breaking God's only law in the Garden of Eden, as there is a literal biblical record of Adam living 930 years, the majority outside the protective Garden of Eden where man had access to immortality by partaking of the tree of live just as explained in (Genesis 3:22-34). As long as Adam and Eve were within the Garden that God had prepared expressly to protect, and provide for Adam.......Adam would have access to the tree of life, making God's statement in (Genesis 2:17) a lie.

Your greatest problem with comprehension and LOGIC is the fact that IF 1 day is equal to 1000 years.........Adam lived 2000 years at the least having been created on day 6 while living past day 7 as recorded in scripture (Genesis 5:5) Adam lived past the fall of mankind 930 years. Who to believe? The Scriptures that were all inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (2 Tim. 3:16-17)? or......... Your cults false doctrine from the supposed church of Latter Day Saints or other cults like the JWs, or ISLAM, that contradict the Spirit of Truth? I Choose to put on the whole armor of God...........His Word. (Eph. 6:11-24)

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God...........a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15. How does one rightly divide the word of truth? First and passage of scripture will contradict another passage of scripture, as all were inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth.....i.e, the Holy Ghost.
On it tells us that the word used for comparing a day unto Lord with our days in 2 Peter 3:8 is:

Strong's Concordance
hós: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as
Original Word: ὡς
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: hós
Phonetic Spelling: (hoce)
Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as
Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.

So basically it is saying that a day unto the Lord is "AS" or "LIKE" 1000 of our years. And 1000 of our years is "AS" or "LIKE" a day unto the Lord. The King James also says that you should not be ignorant of this thing. Biblehub translates it as "don't let it be hidden from you". In other words, Peter is telling us that we should be aware of this fact. He is telling us that it is important to understand that 1 day unto the Lord is as 1000 of our years and 1000 of our years is as a day unto the Lord. So you are trying to tell me that it doesn't mean what it is saying? Give me a break. It means exactly what it is saying, a day unto the Lord is as a 1000 of our years and 1000 of our years is as a day unto the Lord. It doesn't not mean that. So, No!! I don't agree with your false interpretation.
Peter clearly told us that a day unto the Lord is one thousand of our years. When the world was made, it was made by God. Why wouldn't it be made according to God's time? The reason it is not mentioned in Genesis is because Adam had not yet been given his time of reckoning and therefore it wasn't necessary to count the days of creation according to the days given to Adam after the fall. Not sure what your significance is in saying Adam was created in the "Beginning"? All the days of creation were considered to be in the beginning and yes, Adam was created on the 6th day of creation and thus was created in the beginning.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

The creation of the earth ( ie in the beginning) includes the 6 days of creation of the earth. Yes, Matthew 19;4 and Mark 10:6 speak of the creation of man being in the beginning so evidently the beginning includes all the days of creation. But this does nothing to nullify the idea that God created heaven and the earth in 6 of his days and rested on the seventh. I would imagine that to an immortal being, 6 or 7 thousand years is not a very long time. Your problem is that you take days according to our time of reckoning and compare them to God's days and feel that it is a very long time. One could ask why God didn't simply snap his fingers and have all of creation finished in less than a second of our time? But NO! He takes all the time he desires to do what he wishes to do. It wasn't until after the days of creation and after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve fell and became mortal and at that time was given his time of reckoning according to the rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun. It was from that time that Adam and Eve began to count the number of years of their life. Yes, Adam lived from the time he fell to be 930 years according to scripture.

Now before Adam and Eve had fallen, the Lord told them the following:

Genesis 2:15-17
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Here God specifically tells Adam and Eve that in the very day that he eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that they should surely die. Now it is true that after they partook of the fruit, they hid themselves because of their nakedness and when facing God they were cast out of the garden and suffered a spiritual death in that they were cast out of his presence, and at that time the seeds of death began to work upon them to eventually bring them to a physical death. However, they were not completely dead at that time. It wasn't until 930 years after this event that Adam died. Now if you are counting according to Adam's time of reckoning which is the same as ours today, Adam didn't fully die on the very day he partook of the fruit. It wasn't until 930 years later that he was completely dead. So if you are to equate his physical death to the decree of God, then Adam didn't die on the very day he partook of the fruit according to Adam's later time of reckoning. But he did die within the very day of God's time of reckoning which, according to the Apostle Peter, is 1000 of our years. There is nothing that counters this line of reasoning. God simply created the heaven and the earth according to his time of reckoning as Peter has told us, and later After Adam and Eve fell, they were given their time of reckoning. When God spoke, it was after his time of reckoning and Adam surely did die within a thousand years.

According to the prophet Joseph Smith, the book that John saw that was sealed with seven seals has the interpretation that the seven seals are 7000 years of the earths temporal existence. In other words, the seven seals represent the seven thousand years of this earth's temporal existence. This means that from the fall of Adam and Eve until the earth is renewed in celestial glory, will be 7000 years. This would be 7 days unto the Lord according to his time. The 7th thousand year period will be the millennial period when Christ reigns on the earth. It is a type of a sabbath day for this earth. I believe what Peter said in 2 Peter 3 is very significant. 1000 years of our time to the Lord is but a day unto him.
Why doesn't he just show up here now & get this thing over with instead of just stringing us along? Joel Osteen has made enough cash off this deal. Tell God to get moving.
Why doesn't he just show up here now & get this thing over with instead of just stringing us along? Joel Osteen has made enough cash off this deal. Tell God to get moving.
I'll let you tell him what you want.
On it tells us that the word used for comparing a day unto Lord with our days in 2 Peter 3:8 is:

Strong's Concordance
hós: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as
Original Word: ὡς
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: hós
Phonetic Spelling: (hoce)
Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as
Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.

So basically it is saying that a day unto the Lord is "AS" or "LIKE" 1000 of our years. And 1000 of our years is "AS" or "LIKE" a day unto the Lord. The King James also says that you should not be ignorant of this thing. Biblehub translates it as "don't let it be hidden from you". In other words, Peter is telling us that we should be aware of this fact. He is telling us that it is important to understand that 1 day unto the Lord is as 1000 of our years and 1000 of our years is as a day unto the Lord. So you are trying to tell me that it doesn't mean what it is saying? Give me a break. It means exactly what it is saying, a day unto the Lord is as a 1000 of our years and 1000 of our years is as a day unto the Lord. It doesn't not mean that. So, No!! I don't agree with your false interpretation.
Why must you quote sources "other than the holy scriptures"? You went in start with the symbolism of LIKE and end with "LIKE AS" a conclusion? :huh1: For LIKE AS to be definition, LIKE AS means Similar, a "Simile. If something is similar it is not EXACT. As order to twist your cult's private interpretation of 1 day......literally = 1000 must contradict other, literal revelations found in scriptures. Pointed out are but a few.........Adam would have lived at least 2000 years instead of the quoted 930 years........plants would have had to exist without the ability to reproduce for 1000 years before the source of pollenising was created (flying insects).

The answer is simple. Simply locate the literal text in Genesis that states that each day is equal to 1000 years.....if not, you are by definition......using Symbolism in order to make your private interpretation fit your cults doctrine.

The scriptures self-interpret, (the very next passage of scripture , verse 2 Peter 3:9, explains that Peter was addressing the longsuffering patience of God in comparing how man looks at time as compared to God (by context and subject matter this is a signified/symbolic text)......there is no private interpretation of prophecy/scripture) -- 2 Peter 1:20. Strange is it not? Within the same Book, same author........the author expressly forbids private interpretation (yet you are privately interpreting and contradicting the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.......there is only one place that doctrinal TRUTH exists, and its not located at Strong's Concordance. What is truth? "Sanctify (make pure) them through Thy truth; Thy word is TRUTH." -- John 17:17

Your faith might come from sources that were not inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth....such as the Book of Mormon, The Watch Tower Bible, the Koran, the RCC traditions..... Strong's Concordance (which you are grossly misapplying)....etc., But as for ME.....I shall construct my faith around the doctrine located in the Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17
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There is a lot of assumptions in this thread.

Peter's statement is an attempt to humanize and understand a possibly unknowable god. It's call anthropomorphism and I don't believe that Peter's statement is didactic in nature. I believe Peter's intent is to inform the reader that God is not bound by our natural and physical constraints of time.

There are plenty of theological and non-theological historical scholars that absolutely accept that the creation account is allegorical and metaphorical. Again, how do you relay to a reader 4000 years ago how creation happened? You dumb it down in a way that allows comprehension. And we are assuming that Moses was given the exact details of creation? And if Moses was given the details, why not be more precise? Maybe, because Moses didn't understand what was shown or presented?

We are also assuming, that a man raised as an Egyptian, wasn't influenced by the Egyptians? We also assume that there isn't another side to the "Moses" story. A couple of interesting reads:

As for "Creation" science, I like what Neil Degrasse Tyson said once "The Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go". A lot of truth in that statement.

At the end of the day, who gives two rats asses about creation. God, nor Jesus never said that your salvation hinges on what you believe.

Your links are fascinating. Thanks. I hope you will post often.
There is a lot of assumptions in this thread.

Peter's statement is an attempt to humanize and understand a possibly unknowable god. It's call anthropomorphism and I don't believe that Peter's statement is didactic in nature. I believe Peter's intent is to inform the reader that God is not bound by our natural and physical constraints of time.

There are plenty of theological and non-theological historical scholars that absolutely accept that the creation account is allegorical and metaphorical. Again, how do you relay to a reader 4000 years ago how creation happened? You dumb it down in a way that allows comprehension. And we are assuming that Moses was given the exact details of creation? And if Moses was given the details, why not be more precise? Maybe, because Moses didn't understand what was shown or presented?

We are also assuming, that a man raised as an Egyptian, wasn't influenced by the Egyptians? We also assume that there isn't another side to the "Moses" story. A couple of interesting reads:

As for "Creation" science, I like what Neil Degrasse Tyson said once "The Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go". A lot of truth in that statement.

At the end of the day, who gives two rats asses about creation. God, nor Jesus never said that your salvation hinges on what you believe.
Your false premise? You are concluding that God's revelations found in the Scriptures are not based upon truth. Does it matter what "plenty" of theological and non-theologians believe? Yet you finish by declaring that it does not matter what you believe, as belief is not a factor in following the eternally righteous laws of God? Jesus never stated that you must believe? :huh1:

Its easy to demonstrate that what you believe is a major step in the salvation that God and His grace are God would have all men saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4-6) One either believes that "All scripture is inspired by God........" -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17..........or you refuse to believe what you read. Without the content of the Holy Scriptures.........the Christian church/kingdom could never have historically existed as faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) No one is born in nature with an innate belief in Jesus Christ......The Apostle calls such people that have never heard the word, "A law unto themselves" The problem with being a law unto one'self? You must practice and comply with ALL THE LAW, or be guilty of breaking all the law (Romans 1, 2).....when history proves that not one man, naturally born of a women, born under the law ....fulfilled the literal word of the Law, as all men sin.....there was only 1 man that was born of woman, born under the law, was tempted as are all men yet SINNED NOT (Gal. 4:4, Heb. 4:15), and that was Jesus Christ the Son of Man(Adam, David, etc.)....i.e, the Son of God.

You make a blatant ASSUMPTION and charge others of making assumptions? :dunno: This by nature is called a "logical fallacy" or a false premise based upon circular reasoning, as you demand that sources other than the actual record found in the Holy Scriptures must be considered to establish doctrinal other words, doubt what you read, instead, believe what you will. The actual word of God contradicts your conclusion. You have one topic correct, and its established by the actual content, context and subject presented by the Apostle Peter........comparing 1 year to a 1000 years is indeed a simple type of symbolism used by Peter to explain that God looks at time differently than mankind. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

In fact Peter informs us that even before the worlds were created God established a plan to provide salvation for all mankind through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:20).......the Apostle Paul declared the same, this mystery was planned by God before TIME itself was established (2 Tim. 1:9).......with this mystery revealed by the Holy Spirit of Truth at a time of God's choosing (1 Peter 1:10,12, Eph. 3:5-6).

What process of salvation requires BELIEF? The very 1st step. You can't find salvation void of belief. "Many other signs (miracles) truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples; which are not recorded in this book (the gospel of John): But, these are written (recorded), THAT YOU MIGHT BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST (of Jewish prophecy, the awaited Messiah/Savior), AND THAT BELIEVING YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE THROUGH HIS NAME." -- John 20:30-31.

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