Early Christmas presents for Ukraine: TANKS Panzerhaubitze 2000 - 10 rounds per minute, effective firing range 67km

Really? You want to BET ME that 6.102 inches doesn't equal 155mm? Please do.

Wanna bet me that you can get killed if you put a 5.56mm round into a rifle made for .223 ammunition?

And a modern HMMWV is an armored, but that does not make it a tank. An M3 Bradley also has a cannon and armor, but is not a tank.

Tell me, do you judge everything in life purely on appearance?
Wanna bet me
You are still evading my question, with another irrelevant question.

Tell me, do you judge everything in life purely on appearance?
No, I judge everything as an engineer, a designer, but you insist on the strict interpretation of the ground soldier. Don't you understand that all of these machines are a continuous variation on a theme? From the short range high trajectory mortar fire, to the mid range and long range of the tanks and howizers--- the main, most important difference between tanks and howitzers are that the tank has a smaller gun to fire at shorter range at a more flat trajectory close in requiring heavy protective plating while the mobile canon sits far back firing long range higher trajectory out of immediate threat from the enemy so only needs lighter armor plating to protect its scaled up gun. But both are still big guns driven on a mobile, track-fed carrier.
but you insist on the strict interpretation of the ground soldier

And we are talking about military equipment.

Once again, you are simply showing over and over that you do not comprehend military equipment.

5.56mm is the same as .223 inches. Yet, a .223 caliber round is not the same as a 5.56mm round.
And we are talking about military equipment.
Thanks for the heads up.

Once again, you are simply showing over and over that you do not comprehend military equipment.
No, I just used to work for a defense contractor who made much of the armor plating used. I comprehend the equipment just fine, just look at it differently as an engineer conceptually realizing that many of them are variations on a theme to optimize for specific apps, but you seem unwilling to concede and keep arguing minutiae, trivialities and irrelevancies that so I guess we will just agree to disagree.
but you seem unwilling to concede and keep arguing minutiae, trivialities and irrelevancies

I am talking about facts. It is "minutiae and trivialities" that other than the most gross appearance they are nothing alike?

I am done with this. I guess an AN-64 is the same as an F/A-18 to you. As they both have jet engines, guns, and can shoot down other aircraft.

TRAIN OF FRESH OUR TANKS ARRIVING FOR UKRAINE -- Replenishment for Armed Forces of Ukraine​

"Freedom must be better armed than tyranny." - President Volodymyr Zelensky "Early Christmas presents for Ukraine: Panzerhaubitze 2000 - 10 rounds per minute, effective firing range 67km"

Lol....all will be smoked before they get 5 miles inside the border.


Pray for the poor mofu's that will serve in those steel coffins
you joke is too old even for RT.ru

the reality :

The Ukrainian Army Has More Tanks Now Than When The War Began—Because It Keeps Capturing Them From Russia

by the way you represent the minority , the majority of Israelis support Ukraine

No serious person believes that. :bye1:
Actually, the comparisons are not quite right.

You are aware that modern helicopters are powered by jet engines, right? They have been for over 60 years now.

But there is just as big of a difference between a howitzer and a tank than between any other vastly different pieces of equipment.

Would you confuse this with a tank?


Because this literally is the same thing. An 155mm howitzer. The other one simply has it's own chassis to drive it around, instead of having to be towed. And I do mean that literally, it is the exact same gun. They just drive themselves, and can be emplaced and roadmarched faster.

However, as they have a limited number of rounds with them they are more used in a mobility phase of an operation, and are not as flexible as the towed variants.

However, as they are indirect fire weapons, there is a huge difference (without counting the armor and that they can be fired on the move) with a tank. As tanks are direct fire weapons.

In fact, the Howitzer has more in common with this:


Than it does with any tank.

Correct....they are nothing more than a heavy rolling large mortar.

Russia owns the skies...for 8 weeks now:deal: The crews in those howitzers...poor mofu's going to all get cooked in those steel coffins. Such a damned tragedy
Oh Gawd...

Hate to break the bad news to you sOn but the Russian operation makes the German blitzkrieg of Poland in 1939 look like "The Attack of the Incompetents":iyfyus.jpg:.


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