Early predictions show France has chosen suicide

[...] LOL what a joke. Enjoy becoming a territory of Islam you chcken shits. I am laughing at this...its pathetic.
It's nothing to laugh about -- unless you believe what happens with the aggressive Muslims in France will have no eventual effect on the U.S.

Europe is a foothold for the Third Jihad. Each of the European (and Scandinavian) nations the Islamist invaders occupy becomes a major stepping stone for them.
[...] LOL what a joke. Enjoy becoming a territory of Islam you chcken shits. I am laughing at this...its pathetic.
It's nothing to laugh about -- unless you believe what happens with the aggressive Muslims in France will have no eventual effect on the U.S.

Europe is a foothold for the Third Jihad. Each of the European (and Scandinavian) nations the Islamist invaders occupy becomes a major stepping stone for them.
If I don't laugh I might cry....people willingly signing their own suicide note.
It is ridiculious there are asking for shit, i am surprise that they did not wake up and vote for Marine, well big big joke with Macron !
Macron opens labour reform talks with unions and bosses

Look jayjay said this on link i give you.

You people voted for this man, now shut up. He will turn the French labour market, while a bit constipated, into the free-for-all, fire and hire as you please, bottom of the rung economy that blue collar workers in the UK experience every day. Get used to zero-hours contracts, no sick-leave and firings when you get pregnant. After all, he's better than Le Pen, or is he?
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.
Live: Follow the first round of France's legislative elections - France 24
Predictions are the CUCK party has won a large majority. Funny how the FN finished 3rd according to predictions yet will get least amount of seats.....I thought France was home of democracy? LOL what a joke. Enjoy becoming a territory of Islam you chcken shits. I am laughing at this...its pathetic.

The turnout was the LOWEST in MODERN HISTORY, only 48% went out and voted, so 52% of the French didn't bother to vote. This very low turnout and such an incredibly high staying at home rate illustrates that the MAJORITY of French have basically just given up completely on not only the democratic process but also on politics itself, of course next weekend in the Second Round of voting it might be expected that the turnout will be higher and the Conservative supporters of Les Républicains will vote in greater numbers

The French Socialist Party have now TOTALLY COLLAPSED, in this First Round they have only 7.4% of the vote, so a complete disaster for the Left-Wing in France.

En Marche! have 28.2% Les Républicains/UDI/DVD have 21.5% FN have 13.2%



Look at the Turnout in relation to the Abstentions (staying at home) 23, 170,977 voted and 24,400,342 stayed at home, that is shockingly high number
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It is ridiculious there are asking for shit, i am surprise that they did not wake up and vote for Marine, well big big joke with Macron !
Macron opens labour reform talks with unions and bosses

Look jayjay said this on link i give you.

You people voted for this man, now shut up. He will turn the French labour market, while a bit constipated, into the free-for-all, fire and hire as you please, bottom of the rung economy that blue collar workers in the UK experience every day. Get used to zero-hours contracts, no sick-leave and firings when you get pregnant. After all, he's better than Le Pen, or is he?

Well 10.6 MILLION French voted for Marine Le Pen and those 10.6 MILLION people are only going to be added to with each subsequent Islamic Terrorist attack and each kick in the face that Macron gives to the French blue collar workers, the FN already have more French supporting them than the traditional Conservative party and a lot of the Socialist vote has collapsed going straight to the FN, in previously held Socialist areas they have been voting straight FN.

Hopefully Macron who fucks a Grandmother who in 5 years will be 70 years old, hopefully he's going to fuck the French blue collar workers so completely that there will be SEVERE VIOLENCE from the French workers on the streets across France, I mean MEGA VIOLENCE and them burning down entire buildings.

The French workers as you know have on more than one occasion brought the whole of France to a complete shutdown.
If I don't laugh I might cry....people willingly signing their own suicide note.
I don't understand it. It is a phenomenon which should be the subject of intense sociological examination. I am utterly baffled by it.

The situation is this is the First Round, Les Républicains got 3.5 million of their supporters out to vote, the FN got 2.9 million of their supporters out to vote.

In the First Round of the Presidential Election on 23 April, François Fillon (Les Républicains) got 7.2 million votes and Marine Le Pen (FN) got 7.6 million votes.

So next weekend 18 June in the Second Round of the Legislative Elections, there is no reason why the majority of those 7.2 million Les Républicains voters and those 7.6 million FN voters from the First Round of the Presidential Election should not go out and vote.

Elections are all about mobilising your vote, perhaps those people have voting fatigue, but even so it's only a short amount of time to vote on just one day out of 365 days in one year, so if you cannot be bothered going out to vote then you only have yourself to blame.

Unlike the Socialists who are finished, the Conservatives and the Right-Wing live on which is good and together will form a forceful opposition.

The established Left-Wing in France is now dead and buried, the French Socialists their previous lowest point was with Lionel Jospin in 2002 and thanks to the disaster of the Presidency of François Hollande they are now finished, Benoît Hamon achieved the worst result for the Socialists in 43 years.

France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Typical Ignorant Leftist Troll IsaacNewton, when an educated person shows what a complete uneducated gibbering idiot he is, he rates it "Funny"

No IsaacNewton everyone is laughing at you being an imbecile, THE Isaac Newton must be rolling in his grave that such a moron like you is using his name.

Idiots like IsaacNewton are why PlannedParenthood should have a Retroactive Abortion policy, where moronic Leftists can be taken to be aborted, considering they are completely useless to any society.

France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

Go away you uneducated Troll and boil your empty head while you read Mother Jones, you moronic little chimp.

Or better still go and hang yourself in your garage, uneducated chimps like you shouldn't be allowed to have access to oxygen anymore.

I have a degree in History and Politics....you have a degree in Moron.


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France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

I could tell you all about Gaul, but you are too stupid to register anything as it is.
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

I could tell you all about Gaul, but you are too stupid to register anything as it is.

Yes tell us Mr Science about your wikipedia experiences. Move on to your Nazi praises Betty, you know you are dying to do that.
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

More you fucking uneducated Leftist moron:


From the below:




French History, Past History of the French People and Country

Come on uneducated Leftist Moron post links to show that France was named after a throwing axe :lol:

Idiotic stupid Leftist c*nt :lol:
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

I could tell you all about Gaul, but you are too stupid to register anything as it is.

Yes tell us Mr Science about your wikipedia experiences. Move on to your Nazi praises Betty, you know you are dying to do that.

I've posted links Uneducated Leftist Troll Moron.

Come on post links to show that France was named after a throwing axe, you sad uneducated pathetic Leftist :lol:

IssacNewton Literally The Stupidest Person At This Forum :lol:
France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca. Enemies were terrified of this weapon.

The French have been around a long time, they'll be just fine. Americans have to survive the fake fundamentalist Kristians that reject science and reality. Now THAT'S a challenge.

"France is named after a battle ax known as the Francisca."

^ That of course is incorrect.

No the name France is from the Latin Francia which means "country of the Franks" they were Regnum Francorum (Kingdom of the Franks) from 481-843.

The Francisca was a throwing axe that was developed by the Franks c. 500 and used by the Franks, similar to the Viking throwing axe. Saint Gregory of Tours in his "Historia Francorum" (History of the Franks) twice refers to the Francisca in the Latin securis and bipennis.

A securis is a single-bladed, double-handed axe and a bipennis is a symmetrical and double-headed hand axe.

Wrong, but you have you your 'sources', Breitbart maybe? Or Wikipedia. Perhaps Conservapedia?

I could tell you all about Gaul, but you are too stupid to register anything as it is.

Yes tell us Mr Science about your wikipedia experiences. Move on to your Nazi praises Betty, you know you are dying to do that.

Regnum Francorum - Kingdom of The Franks, in green:


Francia -
Country of the Franks where France gets it's modern name from:



Uneducated Leftist Moron Troll IsaacNewton thinks that France was named after a throwing axe :lol:

The Francisca.

The alt right wing is being slaughtered in Europe, good riddance
They have been smashed in the UK. That was one of the great features of the election.
Ukip finished. BNP didnt even field candidates. All the other white trash loons struggled to fill in the forms and sat this one out.
They havent gone away though. They just crawl back under their rock until the next disaster they can exploit.

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