Earth to president Dumb, this isn't a rally for your ego!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Although he said some encouraging words.....if I was one of the folks drenched...I'd think the guy was here for a pap rally!

Recovery will be a long and difficult road, and the federal government stands ready, willing and able to support that effort,” he added, pledging to pass federal funding for recovery efforts.

But Trump, a former reality television personality, also mentioned the “ratings” that came from the storm when defending the timing of pardoning controversial former Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday night.

“I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally,” he said. “You know, the hurricane was just starting.”
“We want to be looked at in five years, in 10 years from now as, this is the way to do it,” he said. “We want to do it better than ever before.”

Trump to this day, has yet to reach out to the families of the 10 sailors that died in that ship collision....I guess, its hard to rally a base when for that one!!
Are you kidding? Was that fool really talking about ratings for a natural disaster?
check it out at 4:35 in this 'youtube' video . Its pretty inspiring . We Americans dodged a bullet this time . Smart American voters and likely GOD's help we got President Trump . If GOD hadn't cared we coulda got 'prezident hillary' tumbling and tripping down those airplane stairs with 'bj clintoon' following behind her . --- --- check it out and count yer blessings TRed !!
The response could hardly be worse; the First Lady and $300 dollars sunglasses is out of place, but that is Dump and his current purchase.
Although he said some encouraging words.....if I was one of the folks drenched...I'd think the guy was here for a pap rally!

Recovery will be a long and difficult road, and the federal government stands ready, willing and able to support that effort,” he added, pledging to pass federal funding for recovery efforts.

But Trump, a former reality television personality, also mentioned the “ratings” that came from the storm when defending the timing of pardoning controversial former Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday night.

“I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally,” he said. “You know, the hurricane was just starting.”
“We want to be looked at in five years, in 10 years from now as, this is the way to do it,” he said. “We want to do it better than ever before.”
/----/ Libtards would condemn President Trump is he didn't go just like they did to Pres Bush after Katrina. SO he might as well do the right thing and go.
The response could hardly be worse; the First Lady and $300 dollars sunglasses is out of place, but that is Dump and his current purchase.
/----/ Got any fake outrage over this you cretin?
Search Results
Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank
May 30, 2009 - Michelle Obama and Jill Biden spent their 100th day in Washington bagging food for hungry children at the Capital Area Food Bank. ... The first lady wore cropped gray capri pants and a yellow argyle cardigan with silver and metallic pink sneakers. ... UPDATE: The first lady’s kicks are ...
check it out at 4:35 in this 'youtube' video . Its pretty inspiring . We Americans dodged a bullet this time . Smart American voters and likely GOD's help we got President Trump . If GOD hadn't cared we coulda got 'prezident hillary' tumbling and tripping down those airplane stairs with 'bj clintoon' following behind her . --- --- check it out and count yer blessings TRed !!

For the last time, the man isn't my president, he's yours all yours
Although he said some encouraging words.....if I was one of the folks drenched...I'd think the guy was here for a pap rally!

Recovery will be a long and difficult road, and the federal government stands ready, willing and able to support that effort,” he added, pledging to pass federal funding for recovery efforts.

But Trump, a former reality television personality, also mentioned the “ratings” that came from the storm when defending the timing of pardoning controversial former Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday night.

“I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally,” he said. “You know, the hurricane was just starting.”
“We want to be looked at in five years, in 10 years from now as, this is the way to do it,” he said. “We want to do it better than ever before.”
/----/ Libtards would condemn President Trump is he didn't go just like they did to Pres Bush after Katrina. SO he might as well do the right thing and go.
If anything, its the people that matters in all this, not his bullshit cabinet croonies...which we all know is doing their jobs.....the people need to hear from this clown that he cares, that their needs and wants are top on his list and he will make sure that everything will someday be okay....lets face it, Trump is not comfortable around people who aren't pre-selected to kiss his white ass.
check it out at 4:35 in this 'youtube' video . Its pretty inspiring . We Americans dodged a bullet this time . Smart American voters and likely GOD's help we got President Trump . If GOD hadn't cared we coulda got 'prezident hillary' tumbling and tripping down those airplane stairs with 'bj clintoon' following behind her . --- --- check it out and count yer blessings TRed !!

What an embarrassment. And it looks like Melania is in charge in her brand new clothes. I doubt she got her feet wet.

pino trump is utterly incompetent and tone deaf.

All he cares about are HIS RATINGS. He could bring those ratings up by lying about making a donation. or he could pretend to hand out supplies - Play Doh??? It worked for him in Louisiana and the dumb RWNJs fell for it.
check it out at 4:35 in this 'youtube' video . Its pretty inspiring . We Americans dodged a bullet this time . Smart American voters and likely GOD's help we got President Trump . If GOD hadn't cared we coulda got 'prezident hillary' tumbling and tripping down those airplane stairs with 'bj clintoon' following behind her . --- --- check it out and count yer blessings TRed !!

What an embarrassment. And it looks like Melania is in charge in her brand new clothes. I doubt she got her feet wet.

pino trump is utterly incompetent and tone deaf.

All he cares about are HIS RATINGS. He could bring those ratings up by lying about making a donation. or he could pretend to hand out supplies - Play Doh??? It worked for him in Louisiana and the dumb RWNJs fell for it.

His new title, should be President Photo Opt....cause that's all this guy is looking out it looks in print...such a douche bag,
The response could hardly be worse; the First Lady and $300 dollars sunglasses is out of place, but that is Dump and his current purchase.
/----/ Got any fake outrage over this you cretin?
Search Results
Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank
May 30, 2009 - Michelle Obama and Jill Biden spent their 100th day in Washington bagging food for hungry children at the Capital Area Food Bank. ... The first lady wore cropped gray capri pants and a yellow argyle cardigan with silver and metallic pink sneakers. ... UPDATE: The first lady’s kicks are ...


They always worked for the working class.

pino trump worked for pino trump and other 1%ers.

Or haven't you noticed him whining that the storm brought his ratings down. Just like he bragged that 9/11 collapsing the Twin Towers made his tower the tallest.

He's slime.
Who the fuck shows up in Texas with a cheering section waiting on him, especially in a time like this?

Donald Fuckin Trump and god only knows how these morons got there to cheer him on?

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