Earth will die from LACK of CO2!

It's a bit unclear to you because you're stupid. You only read it to find things to pick apart and question. It's like attempting to have a reasonable conversation with a spoiled 7-year-old who doesn't want to take a nap. When the CO2 depletes to a certain level, photosynthesis can no longer occur, and plant life dies... followed closely by all other life. This is because the plant life produces oxygen, and without it, the other life can't live. Because CO2 is a natural byproduct of mammal decomposition, in the VERY end, there will be CO2... there will not be people. It's kind of like when someone bleeds to death, and yet, they still have some blood left in their body.

The only question is, as you do, are you going concern yourself with little more than your own well being? *Or do you consider the well being of others as well?

Why do you continue to pull at my heartstrings with your debunked theory? I consider the well-being of people who are trying to put food on the table and keep jobs, over and beyond the well-being of charlatans. I consider the well-being of corporations, businesses and taxpayers, over those who are running around like Chicken Little, screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Of course I am reading it to pick it apart. I am also reading it to put it together. It is called critical thinking, you brainless numbnuts.

And it says what I quoted, not a decrease in CO2 but that eventually all it would be is nitrogen and CO2, with a little methane.

You are scanning things to find bullshit interpretations to support your own delusions. Try reading things for undertanding.

I read the article because I posted the article. I know what the entirety of the article says. Life cannot survive on nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane, therefore, it ceases to exist. What killed it, was the loss of oxygen, from the loss of plant life, which produces oxygen. What kills the plants is lack of carbon dioxide. LACK OF.... not complete absence of! So we find that while you assume you are "critically thinking" what you are actually doing is "struggling with reading comprehension." This is because you are an idiot and can't help it.

It's this same kind of shallow-brained idiocy that makes you believe man's contributions to the atmosphere, effects anything at all, with regard to the climate. This is one of those things that man of the future will get a chuckle out of, that people actually once thought.

Then explain what this means at the end of the article; "By the point at which all life disappears from the planet, we're left with a nitrogen/carbon-dioxide atmosphere with methane being the only sign of active life"

I quoted it. I posted it with my comment. If you can't deal with someone dissagreeing with your post, then don't post.

If you can, respond intelligently and explain why it end that way, so clearly the opposite of what you claim it says.
Then explain what this means at the end of the article; "By the point at which all life disappears from the planet, we're left with a nitrogen/carbon-dioxide atmosphere with methane being the only sign of active life"

I quoted it. I posted it with my comment. If you can't deal with someone dissagreeing with your post, then don't post.

If you can, respond intelligently and explain why it end that way, so clearly the opposite of what you claim it says.

Well, I did explain it to you, but I will be glad to do so again. It's not the opposite of what I said, that LACK OF carbon dioxide, will cause the plant life to die, which will, in turn, cause all other life to die. Lack of CO2, not complete and total absence of all CO2... got it? The mere fact that the Earth will be covered in decomposing remains of biology, will create carbon dioxide in the end. But there will be no plants to benefit from it, they all died years before this, due to a LACK OF carbon dioxide. CO2 doesn't create plant life. There are several things that combine to do this, including the presence of abundant CO2.

So that's about as intelligently as it can be explained to you. You didn't find a contradiction, you didn't catch me in a "gotchya" moment. I realize you may have thought this to be the case, but you are wrong.
Interestingly enough, the ones who said that global climate change didn't exist were those who were paid off by the oil companies.

Most of the world scientists state that there is something going on, and if we don't stop it, we're screwed.

But.....................keep thinking that climate change isn't going on....................especially when they have to truck snow into Calgary while Washington DC sees it's worst snow.

Oh yeah.....................Sandy was one of the few hurricanes to hit NYC and the Jersey shore.

No, "most scientists" say no such thing. In fact, I recently read an article in some science rag at the doctors office, which said that something like 89% of scientists dispute AGW theory, in it's entirety. This is where I found the details about what botanical scientists say, regarding how plants were starving for carbon dioxide until about 600 years ago.

Many of the scientists who once believed in AGW, based this on the data... which turned out to be manipulated and erroneous. Scientists form opinions based on data and assume the data is correct. So what the AGW disciples have tried to do, is lay claim to these scientists who once trusted the data, but who now realize it was bunk. The only current scientists who are supporting the theory, are climatologists, most of whom are getting grant money from the government.

As for the weather... I can find plenty of examples of bizarre weather on Earth. The weather simply doesn't care if it happens in New York or Timbuctoo. Thousands, or perhaps tens of thousands of factors are involved when it comes to the weather. However, one factor that has always been a major source of science fiction, is that man can control the weather. We can't! We can invent nuclear weapons, land men on the moon, we can even clone sheep... but we have never been able to find a way to control weather. during WWII the Department of Defense spent untold amounts on secret research into this very thing, and came up empty. Yet, you maintain that we're doing something inadvertently, which is controlling the weather. You do realize, without the data to support the theory, you are espousing something that is pure science fiction? found one view that you read in a doctor's office and accept it as truth........................

Good to time I need verification of a theory, remind me to go to the doctor's office to find the truth.

Sorry, but that's even worse than trying to find the truth on the internet.

Are you sure he has the right subscription to the facts?

I doubt it................... found one view that you read in a doctor's office and accept it as truth........................

Good to time I need verification of a theory, remind me to go to the doctor's office to find the truth.

Sorry, but that's even worse than trying to find the truth on the internet.

Are you sure he has the right subscription to the facts?

I doubt it...................

My dear Idiot, I didn't find one view I read in a doctor's office and accept it as truth. I read an article about how most scientists do not accept the AGW theories as you want to claim. I mentioned that I had read an article on this, and it happened to be in the doctor's office. It was in a publication, so I am sure it was peer reviewed. It wasn't from some left-wing blogger on the Internet. I have no reason to doubt the article, it made perfect sense to me.

You are simply not the Keeper of The Facts. I know that you may think of yourself in such a way, but that isn't the reality here. Quite a few very prominent people in the science community, do not agree with your viewpoint, and they have spoken out quite vocally on this, but you are too busy spinning the latest natural disaster into more "evidence" to support your kook theory. Why the hell you are SO adamant about this, is kind of a mystery to me, I am thoroughly intrigued as to why this particular thing is something you just can't let go of, in spite of the facts. Do they give you some kind of a kickback? Are you involved with some kind of AGW-related business? Maybe you work for the government agency who is going to get to meddle in all our business, whenever Obama rams orders down our throats by EO? Who the fuck knows what your motive is?

I think you are far too dumb to be any of the above, by the way. I think you are one of the many millions of sheep out there, who think politics is some kind of personal game to play, and feel as if you are important. Everything in your pathetic little life, revolves around telling off the righties and refuting anything they have to say. By God, you are supposed to be FOR global warming, you're gonna die fighting for it! Those righties will never get to you! So you come here, with this kind of attitude, not willing to budge, not willing to even entertain the idea that you may be wrong, and determined to do everything you can think of to stand your ground.

The problem is, I don't really care. :eusa_hand:
Interestingly enough, the ones who said that global climate change didn't exist were those who were paid off by the oil companies.

Most of the world scientists state that there is something going on, and if we don't stop it, we're screwed.

But.....................keep thinking that climate change isn't going on....................especially when they have to truck snow into Calgary while Washington DC sees it's worst snow.

Oh yeah.....................Sandy was one of the few hurricanes to hit NYC and the Jersey shore.

All facts not in evidence.

Even the oil companies love the GW fraud.. It gives them grants and subsidies to do PR outreach to make them LOOK green.. They are not lining the pockets of the preeminent skeptics that I follow..

Your heroes have had to reincarnate GW as Climate Change and then some vague notion of Global Weirding --- because all of their models and projections go off the rails too quickly..

In fact --- a fairly UNIFORM distribution of CO2 and heating has a hard time explaining snow being displaced from Calgary to Wash D.C.

If you believe that a 1degF change in your lifetime is responsible for weather changes.
Please tell us how many hurricanes and tornadoes you expect where and when.. And HOW MUCH snow you expect in Wash due to that 1degF change. What is a 1degF change surface temp change to a thunderstorm? Is that a SUFFICIENT CONDITION for intensification??? Of course it's not.. You're being a tool...
Really? Limestone is formed in the deep ocean?

Limestone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go bullshit someone else.

Try using a legitimate source next time know a GEOLOGIC website. You fucking idiots are all the same...lazy, too fucking lazy to do a little tiny bit of research...

"How Does Limestone Form?
Most carbonate rocks were deposited from seawater. These sedimentary carbonate rocks are common on every continent and have formed through most of geologic history; they are still forming today in the tropics as coral reefs and at the bottoms of shallow seas.

Marine limestone forms because seawater has high concentrations of two key dissolved chemicals-calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions. In the near-surface layer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea-dwelling creatures use these two chemicals to make protective shells by combining them to form calcite or "aragonite," which is the same chemical composition as calcite but has a different crystal form.

Limestone: The Calcium Carbonate Chemical Sedimentary Rock

Because you originally said that limestone was formed in deep water. I showed you that it's not.

Evaporation of bodies of water also contributes to the formation of limestone.

It's not the deep ocean that does it dude.

The majority of the limestone created is in deep water because in the near shore are too many other sediments like kaolinite and other clay minerals which inhibit the formation of limestone. So, you are incorrect. It requires non turbulent areas for formation. Inland seas are an exception to the rule as are some of the island cays where no clay is present.

You only skim the surface as usual.
2000002013AD - the year the world will end?
Scientists have set a new date for the end of the world - but it is not for another two billion years.

All animals and plants will vanish from the Earth, which will be inherited by tiny microbes before life disappears completely, a new study suggests.
Ironically, Armageddon is going to arrive as a result of too little, rather than too much, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Currently experts are trying to find ways to cut levels of the greenhouse gas to prevent global warming running out of control.
But as the Sun ages and grows hotter, greater evaporation and chemical reactions with rainwater will take away more and more carbon dioxide.
In less than a billion years, its levels will be too low for photosynthesising plants to survive, say scientists. When that happens, life as we know it on Earth will cease to exist.

2000002013AD - the year the world will end? - Telegraph

So science is now finding that what will ultimately doom us, is carbon dioxide depletion. I have been reiterating this for years, that carbon dioxide is essential to all plant life. Without it, plants die and can't produce more oxygen, which we need to breathe. Getting rid of Co2, like it's the freaking plague, is not going to solve any problem, it might actually create a more rapid demise, if the above study is true. I mean, when you really think about it, the more CO2 we churn out, the greater head start we have when it starts running out, right? Oh... but what about the "greenhouse effect" ....those evil "greenhouse gasses" are lurking out there, threatening to kill every man, woman and child on the planet, if we don't act now! Well, we also need a greenhouse effect for plants to grow and for us to retain a stable atmosphere. If the greenhouse effect ever stops working, we're toast... literally. There would be nothing to protect us from UV or radiation from space, because the ozone layer is part of the greenhouse effect. It also retains a stable atmosphere on the planet, for the most part. We have occasional shifts which cause violent storms, but nothing like the storms seen on planets with less stable atmospheres.

This quiet revelation about our ultimate demise, is not getting much air play. It's a little embarrassing, after we've spent untold billions chasing the idiotic AGW theory. The EPA looks like a bunch of dunderheads declaring CO2 a "pollutant" in light of the fact that we're all going to die when it's gone. Of course, 2 billion years is a long time, and I speculate that people (if still around) will have completely forgotten about Al Gore and Obama, and this whole AGW nonsense. The chuckleheads of that time will argue that it was 'ancient times' when men worshipped gods and believed in fairy tales. This is generally what we see with chuckleheads, they push for something until they get it, then blame others for the consequences of it. I imagine they will be this way 2 billion years from now as well.

Don't tell me...............lemmie've gotten your PHD (Piled Higher and Deeper) from a Crackerjax Box, and you're trying to convince the rest of us.

Come back when you have some actual science under your belt and can discuss things in a logical manner.

GayBikerSailor,........................................................................................ You got yours from the..............................................................................Same place you got your ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Style guide.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Obviously.....................................................................................
Try using a legitimate source next time know a GEOLOGIC website. You fucking idiots are all the same...lazy, too fucking lazy to do a little tiny bit of research...

"How Does Limestone Form?
Most carbonate rocks were deposited from seawater. These sedimentary carbonate rocks are common on every continent and have formed through most of geologic history; they are still forming today in the tropics as coral reefs and at the bottoms of shallow seas.

Marine limestone forms because seawater has high concentrations of two key dissolved chemicals-calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions. In the near-surface layer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea-dwelling creatures use these two chemicals to make protective shells by combining them to form calcite or "aragonite," which is the same chemical composition as calcite but has a different crystal form.

Limestone: The Calcium Carbonate Chemical Sedimentary Rock

Because you originally said that limestone was formed in deep water. I showed you that it's not.

Evaporation of bodies of water also contributes to the formation of limestone.

It's not the deep ocean that does it dude.

The majority of the limestone created is in deep water because in the near shore are too many other sediments like kaolinite and other clay minerals which inhibit the formation of limestone. So, you are incorrect. It requires non turbulent areas for formation. Inland seas are an exception to the rule as are some of the island cays where no clay is present.

You only skim the surface as usual.

Okay.................I'll play along.................I've provided links to disprove you.

Provide links to prove you're right.

BTW..................CO2 doesn't provide the climate for limestone. Prove your point.
Because you originally said that limestone was formed in deep water. I showed you that it's not.

Evaporation of bodies of water also contributes to the formation of limestone.

It's not the deep ocean that does it dude.

The majority of the limestone created is in deep water because in the near shore are too many other sediments like kaolinite and other clay minerals which inhibit the formation of limestone. So, you are incorrect. It requires non turbulent areas for formation. Inland seas are an exception to the rule as are some of the island cays where no clay is present.

You only skim the surface as usual.

Okay.................I'll play along.................I've provided links to disprove you.

Provide links to prove you're right.

BTW..................CO2 doesn't provide the climate for limestone. Prove your point.

LOL...............................................he already's right there......................................................................A link to's a good thing...................
Sorry...........but the idiot tried to say that limestone was formed in deep water because there was a lot of CO2.

Limestone doesn't form in deep water.

And CO2 is a gas, not a solid. There is no place on Earth that will keep CO2 as a solid for any kind of significant time.
Sorry...........but the idiot tried to say that limestone was formed in deep water because there was a lot of CO2.

Limestone doesn't form in deep water.

And CO2 is a gas, not a solid. There is no place on Earth that will keep CO2 as a solid for any kind of significant time.

Dude CO2 is used to create limestone.. The warmer claims is that rising CO2 content in the oceans makes the ocean acidic.. It's a silly claim, but based on actual chemistry,just twisted in application..

Limestone by your own link is sedimentary rock made from calcite and aragonite. And both of them are forms of Calcium Carbonite.. read it carefully.. CALCIUM CARBONATE....Carbonate, as in made from carbon. Just as Carbon Dioxide has carbon involved so does calcium carbonite also known as CaCO3

Calcium carbonite CaCO3, Carbon Dioxide CO2.. Take a dash of calcium most likely from decomposing shell fish or crustaceans or coral I believe, add a touch of carbon from decomposing sea life, and/or CO2 breaking down over time in the sea, and then a touch of Oxygen via the water being Hydrogen Dioxide (H2O), give a long time and Bingo! You got Limestone... The cool part is, as the oceans become more saturated with CO2, the faster the limestone breaks down again and there you have it the carbon cycle via the ocean..

You are taking the term "Deep ocean" to mean what exactly? By your own link below 3000-5000 feet Limestone generally doesn't form. BUT you missed the part where it tells you it changes drastically from place to place and with time. Most likely due to CO2 and temperature variance as well as pressure relating to them...

So how deep is deep? I figure if it's too deep for me to scuba to it, it's deep. But you seem to want to quibble over a varied depth, so let's call it very, very deep and cold and High CO2 content oceans limestone doesn't form, while deep ocean, where I can't easily dive to, is just deep where limestone can and DOES form.. Happy?
Nice try at trying to link bullshit.

Tell me how a gas contributes to making a solid in temperatures that it has to remain a gas.

Sorry..................but the coral tends to filter the seawater to make their homes, and they don't require CO2 to do it.

Might wanna try watching PBS, Animal Planet, Discovery, the Science Channel or History Channel sometime.

It might teach you more than what FAUX Nooze could have ever dreamed about educating you.
The ultimate fate of the Earth has nothing to do with CO2. Eventually the Sun will run out of Hydrogen and expand outwards becoming a Red Giant. It will then likely consume the Earth with our final fate being vaporized and slightly raising the Sun's mass and temperature. It is also possible that the expansion will just burn the Earth to a cinder or that the Earth will be flung out of the Solar System, but the most probably fate is Solar consumption. Time's getting short. We only have about five billions years or so to get ready.

Rest assured there will be one last nice day, there will come a time when the atmosphere is blown away, the seas will either be subsumed into the crust or boil away into space, and the last 3 billion years or so of the Earth's existence will pretty much suck for surface-dwelling hairless apes, but that's still about 2 billion years down the road.
The ultimate fate of the Earth has nothing to do with CO2. Eventually the Sun will run out of Hydrogen and expand outwards becoming a Red Giant. It will then likely consume the Earth with our final fate being vaporized and slightly raising the Sun's mass and temperature. It is also possible that the expansion will just burn the Earth to a cinder or that the Earth will be flung out of the Solar System, but the most probably fate is Solar consumption. Time's getting short. We only have about five billions years or so to get ready.

Rest assured there will be one last nice day, there will come a time when the atmosphere is blown away, the seas will either be subsumed into the crust or boil away into space, and the last 3 billion years or so of the Earth's existence will pretty much suck for surface-dwelling hairless apes, but that's still about 2 billion years down the road.

You're right...............the Earth may still survive.

But the big question is, will mankind be alive to see it?

If we keep going the way we're going, I doubt it.
Sorry...........but the idiot tried to say that limestone was formed in deep water because there was a lot of CO2.

Limestone doesn't form in deep water.

And CO2 is a gas, not a solid. There is no place on Earth that will keep CO2 as a solid for any kind of significant time.

Again, CO2 is an element, not a gas. On Earth, it is found in gaseous form, but it can also be a solid or liquid, just as any element, depending on various factors. I realize this is an anal point, but it's no more anal than arguing about limestone formation. It appears you are way in over your head when it comes to actual chemistry and geology. This probably explains why you are so easily fooled by AGW alarmists.

Anthropogenic Global Warming was a hypothesis that has been discredited by a series of findings, most notably, that scientists concocted data to support it. I know you are unhappy, but your balloon has popped. It's time to get up out of the floor and stop throwing a temper tantrum. You aren't changing minds, it's not going to be different next week, this is the facts of life you need to face. The more you continue to deny reality on this, the more you just look like a partisan political hack, who simply doesn't want to give up the ghost.
Again, CO2 is an element, not a gas. On Earth, it is found in gaseous form, but it can also be a solid or liquid, just as any element, depending on various factors. I realize this is an anal point, but it's no more anal than arguing about limestone formation. It appears you are way in over your head when it comes to actual chemistry and geology. This probably explains why you are so easily fooled by AGW alarmists.

Anthropogenic Global Warming was a hypothesis that has been discredited by a series of findings, most notably, that scientists concocted data to support it. I know you are unhappy, but your balloon has popped. It's time to get up out of the floor and stop throwing a temper tantrum. You aren't changing minds, it's not going to be different next week, this is the facts of life you need to face. The more you continue to deny reality on this, the more you just look like a partisan political hack, who simply doesn't want to give up the ghost.

Not to get too pedantic, but CO2 is a compound, not an element.
"Again, CO2 is an element, not a gas."

It is not either/or. Still, CO2 is not an element. Carbon is an element. Oxygen is an element. CO2 is a compound. It can exists in all three phases, as a solid, liquid, or gas. The phase is dependent on the pressure and temperature. So, at high enough temperature and low enough pressure CO2 is both a compound and a gas. It is always a compound. It is never an element. It is sometimes a solid, sometimes a liquid, and sometimes a gas.

Google CO2 phase diagram and CO2 compound. You gave me reason to check it out. It appears that, at 1 atm., CO2 falls short of existing as a liquid.
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"Anthropogenic Global Warming was a hypothesis that has been discredited"

Yeah, now there is a revelation. Better get that memo out to like...everyone...because it seems like...everyone is still clear that AWG is a fact. I could go down the list, UN, national govts, US state and gov agencies, scientists, private companies... Maybe in a couple of years, if something dramatic changes.

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