VIP Member
It's a bit unclear to you because you're stupid. You only read it to find things to pick apart and question. It's like attempting to have a reasonable conversation with a spoiled 7-year-old who doesn't want to take a nap. When the CO2 depletes to a certain level, photosynthesis can no longer occur, and plant life dies... followed closely by all other life. This is because the plant life produces oxygen, and without it, the other life can't live. Because CO2 is a natural byproduct of mammal decomposition, in the VERY end, there will be CO2... there will not be people. It's kind of like when someone bleeds to death, and yet, they still have some blood left in their body.
The only question is, as you do, are you going concern yourself with little more than your own well being? *Or do you consider the well being of others as well?
Why do you continue to pull at my heartstrings with your debunked theory? I consider the well-being of people who are trying to put food on the table and keep jobs, over and beyond the well-being of charlatans. I consider the well-being of corporations, businesses and taxpayers, over those who are running around like Chicken Little, screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
Of course I am reading it to pick it apart. I am also reading it to put it together. It is called critical thinking, you brainless numbnuts.
And it says what I quoted, not a decrease in CO2 but that eventually all it would be is nitrogen and CO2, with a little methane.
You are scanning things to find bullshit interpretations to support your own delusions. Try reading things for undertanding.
I read the article because I posted the article. I know what the entirety of the article says. Life cannot survive on nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane, therefore, it ceases to exist. What killed it, was the loss of oxygen, from the loss of plant life, which produces oxygen. What kills the plants is lack of carbon dioxide. LACK OF.... not complete absence of! So we find that while you assume you are "critically thinking" what you are actually doing is "struggling with reading comprehension." This is because you are an idiot and can't help it.
It's this same kind of shallow-brained idiocy that makes you believe man's contributions to the atmosphere, effects anything at all, with regard to the climate. This is one of those things that man of the future will get a chuckle out of, that people actually once thought.
Then explain what this means at the end of the article; "By the point at which all life disappears from the planet, we're left with a nitrogen/carbon-dioxide atmosphere with methane being the only sign of active life"
I quoted it. I posted it with my comment. If you can't deal with someone dissagreeing with your post, then don't post.
If you can, respond intelligently and explain why it end that way, so clearly the opposite of what you claim it says.