

May 5, 2014
Tea partiers, i am what you would call a stinking liberal, but please hear me out! We are all being duped. It is not republicans or democrats that are problem. It is the vast power of dynastic wealth that threatens our very way of life . Once again the tyranny of money and power threaten our democracy using race, religion, immigration and fear to divide us so that the root of our problems are so clouded in the extreme, we lose sight of what is really happening. " A house divided will fall." We are falling back into the old European model of social structure. We went to war to fight extremism, but are we not now also an extremist nation? Change is inevitable, just as the sun rises each day. But let us not confuse change with transformation. There is only one race, the human race, so should we not work for the benefit of us all? There are bigger fish to fry and it's certainly not the person next to you. This country was founded as an attempt to escape the king and court, should we now not unite to regain what is slowly being taken away? Let's let go of the trivial and unite as one voice to take back the true freedom that our founding fathers envisioned. We are the UNITED STATES of AMERICA! The enemy is not your neighbor, not the other races, not the other religions, it is the same one it has been since history began, power and greed.

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