Easter Eggs Filled With Racist Notes (Yea Right!) Left In Yards In Richmond, VA

OMG but that's what it's come to. The press now calls you a racist if you object to the extermination of whites.!
OMG but that's what it's come to. The press now calls you a racist if you object to the extermination of whites.!

Dumbass. The blacks aren't going to genocide you. The ******* among the blacks may steal from you, thump you upside your dumb head, put a train on your girlfriend, sell you some crack, do a drive by on your white ass or GOD FORBID SPEED DOWN YOUR STREET, but at the end they're a declining species. At the bottom of the list in every possible category. So relax, you outnumber them drastically and, if their present condition continues to persist, doomed to to extinction with absolutely no help from you.
OMG but that's what it's come to. The press now calls you a racist if you object to the extermination of whites.!

Dumbass. The blacks aren't going to genocide you. The ******* among the blacks may steal from you, thump you upside your dumb head, put a train on your girlfriend, sell you some crack, do a drive by on your white ass or GOD FORBID SPEED DOWN YOUR STREET, but at the end they're a declining species. At the bottom of the list in every possible category. So relax, you outnumber them drastically and, if their present condition continues to persist, doomed to to extinction with absolutely no help from you.

When did i say blacks are going to exterminate whites? THINK
Wake a second, you guys have this completely backwards.

The "DIVERSITY=WHITE GENOCIDE" is a far right slogan.

The claim behind it, is that when people say we need more "diversity" it is code for getting rid of the white power structure.

These messages left in eggs, were left by whites, maybe very radical or even KKK members.

It's sounding a warning to other whites.

And by the way, while I am completely against any organizations such as the Klan, or other far right or far left that would call for violence, I don't necessarily disagree with this slogan.

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