Easy Fix for Birth Control Coverage Gap.

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I honestly don't understand the big deal over healthcare. When I moved out of parent's house, at 19, my mom told me to buy health insurance so I did and I've never had any of these issues. Birth control was always covered. I've never had one problem.

If a 19 year old kid can do the research and find good health insurance before Obama deemed it a law, it doesn't seem that it was that big a deal.

Obama made it into a big deal so he could have another issue to suck people into thinking they are helpless victims.

You probably screwed up by finishing high school, ya big dummy.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. If you hadn't of done gone and screwed up by graduating, you could be getting health insurance paid for by the rest of us for the rest of your life! (In libspeak, that's "free insurance".)
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How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

God made us the way we are. Sexual creatures.

Not even Adam and Eve could help themselves. God himself threatened them and they still got down.

You sound like a misogynist who hasn't been inside a woman since he visited the Statue of Liberty.

You must really hate women who have sex with men. All the women your fat ugly ass will never touch.

Envy. It's a sin, dickless.

We'll add Genesis to things you dont know about.
How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

Thus, only women are resposible for unwanted pregancy. Gotcha......:doubt:
How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

Thus, only women are resposible for unwanted pregancy. Gotcha......:doubt:

Is that what I said, Pinhead?

The issue here happens to cover only certain type of female products, not rubbers. But, since a pregnancy (parasite) is the sole choice of the woman as to whether it lives or is sucked out of her like so much feces, I suppose it could be said that women have all the responsibility.
How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

Thus, only women are resposible for unwanted pregancy. Gotcha......:doubt:

Is that what I said, Pinhead?

The issue here happens to cover only certain type of female products, not rubbers. But, since a pregnancy (parasite) is the sole choice of the woman as to whether it lives or is sucked out of her like so much feces, I suppose it could be said that women have all the responsibility.

Many women do consult with their partner, and some pregnancies are the result of sexual battery.
Thus, only women are resposible for unwanted pregancy. Gotcha......:doubt:

Is that what I said, Pinhead?

The issue here happens to cover only certain type of female products, not rubbers. But, since a pregnancy (parasite) is the sole choice of the woman as to whether it lives or is sucked out of her like so much feces, I suppose it could be said that women have all the responsibility.

Many women do consult with their partner, and some pregnancies are the result of sexual battery.

Many may, but none have to.
How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

God made us the way we are. Sexual creatures.

Not even Adam and Eve could help themselves. God himself threatened them and they still got down.

You sound like a misogynist who hasn't been inside a woman since he visited the Statue of Liberty.

You must really hate women who have sex with men. All the women your fat ugly ass will never touch.

Envy. It's a sin, dickless.

I see you fall into the category of useless ****, hence your moronic vitriol. Buy your own pills, cow. :eusa_clap:
Another defender of the WoW. And you wonder why they don't vote for your side...
God made us the way we are. Sexual creatures.

Not even Adam and Eve could help themselves. God himself threatened them and they still got down.

You sound like a misogynist who hasn't been inside a woman since he visited the Statue of Liberty.

You must really hate women who have sex with men. All the women your fat ugly ass will never touch.

Envy. It's a sin, dickless.

I see you fall into the category of useless ****, hence your moronic vitriol. Buy your own pills, cow. :eusa_clap:
Another defender of the WoW. And you wonder why they don't vote for your side...

World of Warcraft?

There is always going to be a fairly large portion of the populace who will vote for the people who promise them free shit and don't simply tell them to be responsible for their own choices. These same apes are too stupid to understand that nothing is free.

That's quite a group you hang with.
SCOTUS Offers Obama A Way To Fix Birth Control Coverage Gap

In his 5-4 majority opinion in Hobby Lobby v. Burwell on Monday, Justice Samuel Alito suggested that as one way to provide birth control coverage without running afoul of the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which imposes strict scrutiny standards for laws that burden religious practices.

"The Government could, e.g., assume the cost of providing the four contraceptives to women unable to obtain coverage due to their employers’ religious objections. Or it could extend the accommodation that HHS has already established for religious nonprofit organizations to non-profit employers with religious objections to the contraceptive mandate," Alito wrote for the Court. "That accommodation does not impinge on the plaintiffs' religious beliefs that providing insurance coverage for the contraceptives at issue here violates their religion and it still serves HHS's stated interests."

Thanks Sam.

Hopefully the President will take your advice.

He already had to know there were other options. But if he admits that the issue could be easily resolved, then he couldn't use it to get people riled. Sandra Fluke and other radicals are pretending that the HL decision ended birth control for women. Even some libs I know aren't buying the hype on this one.

How much could the morning after pills cost? And since insurance plans have deductibles anyway, people should realize that they will pay out of pocket for some things. It still amazes me that people think health insurance should cover every little thing for them. That's part of the reason it's so damn expensive. Your auto insurance doesn't pay for routine maintenance and your home owners insurance doesn't pay to have your lawn mowed, yet health insurance is supposed to pay for even the most minor things. Insurance was meant for catastrophic events that the average person couldn't afford. Should stay that way. And people who don't have insurance should make payments on what they owe, even if it's a small amount each month. Would sure make a difference with hospitals and keep many going considering how many people owe each facility. But too many think they shouldn't have to pay for their own care, no matter how little.

HL employees are paid well above minimum wage, so they especially can afford things like birth control.

Since HL does cover many forms of contraception, it might be wise for women who work there to think ahead. Not difficult unless they are so brainwashed that they believe others are supposed to do everything for them.

However, the left will continue to act like women are totally helpless to the point where they can't make good decisions or handle it when they make a mistake. The majority of abortions aren't due to rape so don't throw that argument in there. And when women are raped, I suppose that have to handle that the same as a person who gets injured because of someone else. It sucks, but we don't go around paying for everyone because they went through an ordeal. Many people suffer at the hands of others, yet the left only seems concerned when it involves the abortion issue.

No one is stopping women from getting them. And they can make payments for the procedure without imposing on others. Millions of people do this to pay their medical bills and there should be no exceptions.
I see you fall into the category of useless ****, hence your moronic vitriol. Buy your own pills, cow. :eusa_clap:
Another defender of the WoW. And you wonder why they don't vote for your side...

World of Warcraft?

There is always going to be a fairly large portion of the populace who will vote for the people who promise them free shit and don't simply tell them to be responsible for their own choices. These same apes are too stupid to understand that nothing is free.

That's quite a group you hang with.
More of those stupid ******* down on the old Dem plantation eh? Got it...
How about all the useless sluts try insuring their own *****.

If you can't afford birth control, find some other form of fun other than recreational fucking.

God made us the way we are. Sexual creatures.

Not even Adam and Eve could help themselves. God himself threatened them and they still got down.

You sound like a misogynist who hasn't been inside a woman since he visited the Statue of Liberty.

You must really hate women who have sex with men. All the women your fat ugly ass will never touch.

Envy. It's a sin, dickless.

We'll add Genesis to things you dont know about.

So Adam and Eve didn't screw even after God told them not to?

That's pretty much the point of the story.

The first story in the bible, tells us that we are born innocent of our sexual nature, but when adolescence hits, we become aware of our sexuality and attempt to cover up. Knowledge of pleasure leads to temptation of the flesh.

The story is a literary allegory for the sexual nature of man-- on one hand you have the life creating act of love making, on the other you have the cave man jumping from the bushes to force himself on the cavewoman from behind. The sex drive can be both violent and sinful, and/or a loving creation of life.

The problem with many religious folks, there's no in between. There's no lovemaking for the save love. Sperm must rush in after egg and every sperm is sacred.

The part about the woman being created from Adam's rib proves the story was created by a man, passed down by men through the oral tradition, finally being written down on a scroll by a man.
Some guy on the radio once offered to give free Birth Control to every woman who wanted it, no charge.

He offered to send ever woman who asked, a free quarter. WIth instructions to place it on the inside of one knee, and hold it in place with the other knee.

Mission accomplished. :eusa_clap:

I don't know how many takers he got. :D
Some guy on the radio once offered to give free Birth Control to every woman who wanted it, no charge.

He offered to send ever woman who asked, a free quarter. WIth instructions to place it on the inside of one knee, and hold it in place with the other knee.

Mission accomplished. :eusa_clap:

I don't know how many takers he got. :D
Zero of course. That's how many women will call a useless little prick...
Another defender of the WoW. And you wonder why they don't vote for your side...

World of Warcraft?

There is always going to be a fairly large portion of the populace who will vote for the people who promise them free shit and don't simply tell them to be responsible for their own choices. These same apes are too stupid to understand that nothing is free.

That's quite a group you hang with.
More of those stupid ******* down on the old Dem plantation eh? Got it...

Only the real bigots (leftists) see any simian reference as racial. Again, you fit right in with your chosen crowd. :eusa_clap:
World of Warcraft?

There is always going to be a fairly large portion of the populace who will vote for the people who promise them free shit and don't simply tell them to be responsible for their own choices. These same apes are too stupid to understand that nothing is free.

That's quite a group you hang with.
More of those stupid ******* down on the old Dem plantation eh? Got it...

Only the real bigots (leftists) see any simian reference as racial. Again, you fit right in with your chosen crowd. :eusa_clap:

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