Eating at Home Makes You Healthier - Research


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
Time may be one of the most essential ingredients for a healthy diet, finds new research in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Spending more time at home preparing meals is associated with several indicators of a better diet, such as eating more fruits and vegetables. Conversely, spending less than an hour a day preparing food at home is associated with eating more fast food and spending more money eating out.

"There is very little data on the time cost of healthy eating," said Pablo Monsivais, Ph.D., M.P.H., the study's lead author and a senior university lecturer with the Center for Diet and Activity Research at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine in England.

The findings are based on responses from 1,319 adults who participated by phone in the Seattle Obesity Study in 2008 and 2009. Participants answered questions about how many hours a day they averaged preparing and cooking food and cleaning up after meals. They also reported on food consumption and spending, as well as use of restaurants. About 16 percent of participants said they spent less than one hour a day on meal preparation. About 43 percent reported spending between one and two hours per day on meal preparation, while 41 percent said they spent more than two hours a day on it.

Employment outside the home was associated with fewer hours spent preparing meals. Notably, about two-thirds of those who reported that they prepped, cooked and cleaned up were women. People with less time available for meal preparation also appear to value convenience, choosing more often to eat out or to buy fast food and ready-made foods to eat at home.
Source: Eating at Home Makes You Healthier - Research - eReporter
Only people who enjoy cooking will be eating healthier at home. People who don't like to cook, or don't have a family to cook for, will eat as unhealthily at home as they would if they went out.
Only people who enjoy cooking will be eating healthier at home. People who don't like to cook, or don't have a family to cook for, will eat as unhealthily at home as they would if they went out.

Not necessarily. Before I got married and lived on my own I would cook for myself from scratch. On Fridays I'd really push the boat out and I used to spend all day deciding what I was going to prepare when I got home. I'm making chicken and chorizo risotto this evening, but then I'm going to contradict my healthy-eating piety by sinking at least a gallon of lager after my food's gone down.
I almost never eat out. Food for the masses is cooked for pleasure and filling you to the brim. It's easy to cook healthy meals at home and will save you tons of money, and time. So you miss out on the waitress hanging her tits in your face, you can go online for that.

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