Ebola and Benghazi: Anyone Notice the Similarities?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Just before the 2012 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation in Benghazi. The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, four Americans were left to die while a phony story about an internet video was told to the public.

Just before the 2014 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation with Ebola.
The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, Americans are being put at risk while phony assurances are being told to the public.

Notice any similarities?
President Obola is in wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over his head and should resign before he gets more Americans killed
Just like delaying bad news about obolacare before the elections...twice.
And now we wont learn about how the deserter Bowe Bergdahls trial turned out till after the elections.
Talk about your patterns of deceit.
Benghazi: It was a video maker's fault

Ebola: It's the nurse's fault

Similarity: Deflection
Just before the 2012 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation in Benghazi. The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, four Americans were left to die while a phony story about an internet video was told to the public.

Just before the 2014 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation with Ebola.
The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, Americans are being put at risk while phony assurances are being told to the public.

Notice any similarities?

Notice any similarities?

certainly, both give RW's something to go bat shit crazy over.
Just before the 2012 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation in Benghazi. The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, four Americans were left to die while a phony story about an internet video was told to the public.

Just before the 2014 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation with Ebola.
The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, Americans are being put at risk while phony assurances are being told to the public.

Notice any similarities?

Notice any similarities?

certainly, both give RW's something to go bat shit crazy over.

Were the benghazi murders over an internet video?
Yes or no?

Would you ride in a plane/car/bus with someone who has ebola?
Yes or no?
Just before the 2012 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation in Benghazi. The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, four Americans were left to die while a phony story about an internet video was told to the public.

Just before the 2014 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation with Ebola.
The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, Americans are being put at risk while phony assurances are being told to the public.

Notice any similarities?

Notice any similarities?

certainly, both give RW's something to go bat shit crazy over.

The irony of your response is instructive: Like your Feckless Leader, you are entirely consumed by political considerations rather than addressing the substance of any issue. Congratulations.
What you guys fail to recognize is that it's not incompetence..it's indifference. They know that people are dying, they know that their action and inaction causes it..that's all part of the plan and they're okay with it.
Were the benghazi murders over an internet video?
Yes or no?

Would you ride in a plane/car/bus with someone who has ebola?
Yes or no?

two of the dumbest question of the day and YOU thought of them all by yourself didn't you.

you deserve NO answer you idiot moron
Were the benghazi murders over an internet video?
Yes or no?


Would you ride in a plane/car/bus with someone who has ebola?
Yes or no?

Depends. Are they shitting, vomitting and bleeding themselves to death? If yes, I wouldn't want to ride on a bus with them.....because of all the shit, vomit and blood.

If they were, like the nurse on the plane, running a slight fever? Sure, why not? I have as much chance of catching HIV sitting next to someone with those symptoms as I do catching Ebola.
Were the benghazi murders over an internet video?
Yes or no?


Would you ride in a plane/car/bus with someone who has ebola?
Yes or no?

Depends. Are they shitting, vomitting and bleeding themselves to death? If yes, I wouldn't want to ride on a bus with them.....because of all the shit, vomit and blood.

If they were, like the nurse on the plane, running a slight fever? Sure, why not? I have as much chance of catching HIV sitting next to someone with those symptoms as I do catching Ebola.

Tell that to the infected nurses. I didn't think that one could be an idiot and a moron at the same time, but you and Siete are causing me to reconsider...
Just before the 2012 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation in Benghazi. The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, four Americans were left to die while a phony story about an internet video was told to the public.

Just before the 2014 election, the Obama administration was faced with an emergency situation with Ebola.
The response was to ignore the actual problem and instead concentrate on its political implications. As a result, Americans are being put at risk while phony assurances are being told to the public.

Notice any similarities?

Great thread! There are so many lib lies to stomp out but Benghazi is certainly one near and dear so thanks for staying on top....
Were the benghazi murders over an internet video?
Yes or no?


Would you ride in a plane/car/bus with someone who has ebola?
Yes or no?

Depends. Are they shitting, vomitting and bleeding themselves to death? If yes, I wouldn't want to ride on a bus with them.....because of all the shit, vomit and blood.

If they were, like the nurse on the plane, running a slight fever? Sure, why not? I have as much chance of catching HIV sitting next to someone with those symptoms as I do catching Ebola.

LMAO...really? You don't know much about transmission of the virus, it seems.
Go look up some facts.

..and if you can't discern the difference between what it takes to catch HIV vs catching ebola, I wonder how you get both shoes on every day.
You have to almost try to catch HIV....if you are an IV drug user, participate in male homosexual acts you are at risk..ebola isn't passive like that. It reaches out to people.

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