Ebola 'could Become Airborne': United Nations Warns Of 'nightmare Scenario'

Bripat is fapping away to Ebola.

Do yo thang Bripat. I won't judge. :rofl:

fapping LMAO ... now THAT's funny, not to mention pat's profession.

I intended to mention that last night but the website took a dive, so
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.
What a catch 22. Either the left has to down play Ebola or admit the UN is lying. Fortunately the left is fearless and smarter...
It truly shocks me that Rightturds are constantly grasping for anything they can in order to fling poo.

And be afraid of...they feed on that stuff.

Oh it could become airborn?!?! Thats just like saying IT HAS become airborn right? Or it WILL BE airborn?
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

sorry you're sooo slow .. the death rate comes from 3rd world Africans without the drugs and/or facilities to fight Ebola... YOU MORON !

from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

sorry you're sooo slow .. the death rate comes from 3rd world Africans without the drugs and/or facilities to fight Ebola... YOU MORON !


So, what is the death rate from advanced Western societies? . . . . . oh, you have no idea. Yeah, no reason there to be concerned!


Liberals are so nonchalant about risking the lives of millions of people just so they can feel like they are sticking to their PC agenda.
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Does government have any hand in "upgrading" Ebola so it becomes airborne and so epidemic that the November elections have to be cancelled and everybody confined to their homes?


Meanwhile, the prudent are hoping for winds out of the West, particularly those living in Connecticut - y'know, just a short reach of water East of Plum Island.

But just as a totally unnecessary precaution.

It truly shocks me that Rightturds are constantly grasping for anything they can in order to fling poo.

The left has dragged politics into the gutter with their lies, demonizing, and division. This is what you people wanted, well get your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench you created.
It truly shocks me that the libturds in this forum are so confident that the epidemic can't spread to the United States:

Ebola could become airborne United Nations warns of nightmare scenario as virus spreads to the US - Telegraph

Exclusive: Anthony Banbury, chief of the UN's Ebola mission, says there is a chance the deadly virus could mutate to become infectious through the air. There is a ‘nightmare’ chance that the Ebola virus could become airborne if the epidemic is not brought under control fast enough, the chief of the UN’s Ebola mission has warned. Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special Representative, said that aid workers are racing against time to bring the epidemic under control, in case the Ebola virus mutates and becomes even harder to deal with. “The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate,” he told the Telegraph. “It is a nightmare scenario [that it could become airborne], and unlikely, but it can’t be ruled out.” He admitted that the international community had been “a bit late” to respond to the epidemic, but that it was “not too late” and that aid workers needed to “hit [Ebola] hard” to rein in the deadly disease.

Oh noes, we're all going to die!!!
Does government have any hand in "upgrading" Ebola so it becomes airborne and so epidemic that the November elections have to be cancelled and everybody confined to their homes?


Meanwhile, the prudent are hoping for winds out of the West, particularly those living in Connecticut - y'know, just a short reach of water East of Plum Island.

But just as a totally unnecessary precaution.


That was some truly batshit crazy thinking, but not surprising to me at all..
Does government have any hand in "upgrading" Ebola so it becomes airborne and so epidemic that the November elections have to be cancelled and everybody confined to their homes?


Meanwhile, the prudent are hoping for winds out of the West, particularly those living in Connecticut - y'know, just a short reach of water East of Plum Island.

But just as a totally unnecessary precaution.


That was some truly batshit crazy thinking, but not surprising to me at all..

Google "Plum Island" if you figure out how then get back to us.
With apologies to The Kinks ...

I caught it in Zaire, and it made me ill.
Now there ain't cure, and there ain't no pill
For Ebola
EB-O-L-A, Ebola

Stay away from the girl with the bleeding head
Or you'll cough up blood and then you're dead
From Ebola
Eeee-boh-boh-boh-boh-laaaa ...
Worst case scenario-

We do have a major outbreak and Obama will rewrite history and claim that Dems warned all along that we needed to be vigilant.

Right now we are being laughed at by the libs around here for stating that an illness that spread quicker and killed more people than the dreaded swine flu should be taken more seriously.

Time for Obama to reconsider putting the quarantine rule back in place. And while he is at it, he needs to restrict travel from Ebola hot spots. People need to be checked before traveling.

It's already been said that Ebola can survive on surfaces for up to a week. So, one way it could spread would be people touching the door knobs in public, then touching their mouths or their children. Just like the flu virus. We know Ebola spreads fast, just look at the high number of people who contracted it and I doubt that all of them lived in the same place and directly touched patients. Even doctors taking precautions caught it.
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Best thing Obozo could do is jet off to West Africa for a first hand look and sniff.
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

I don't think bodily fluids being ejected into the air constitutes an airborne virus. ;)
It truly shocks me that the libturds in this forum are so confident that the epidemic can't spread to the United States:

Ebola could become airborne United Nations warns of nightmare scenario as virus spreads to the US - Telegraph

Exclusive: Anthony Banbury, chief of the UN's Ebola mission, says there is a chance the deadly virus could mutate to become infectious through the air. There is a ‘nightmare’ chance that the Ebola virus could become airborne if the epidemic is not brought under control fast enough, the chief of the UN’s Ebola mission has warned. Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special Representative, said that aid workers are racing against time to bring the epidemic under control, in case the Ebola virus mutates and becomes even harder to deal with. “The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate,” he told the Telegraph. “It is a nightmare scenario [that it could become airborne], and unlikely, but it can’t be ruled out.” He admitted that the international community had been “a bit late” to respond to the epidemic, but that it was “not too late” and that aid workers needed to “hit [Ebola] hard” to rein in the deadly disease.

I think what irks me more is the patronizing style of communication that the CDC representatives have during their news conferences, i.e. "calm down children, dont panic." Quite frankly they seem to be more concerned with managing our emotions our fears than actually controlling (containing hosts) what could POSSIBLY become an epidemic.

I think it is just a wee bit hubris to proclaim that Americas health care system is infallible. We are an interconnected group now. And although they can assert that we are more hygenic and have things such as bleach and so forth -- that doesnt account for the demographic that already has compromised (autoimmune/any other disease) immune systems.

Ebola has mutated, some state that it is small too small to be concerned. Any sort of mutation - deserves a DIFFERENT viewpoint and a DIFFERENT method of responding, for example how you dealt with it 30 years ago or 40 years ago (however long) shouldnt be the official model just like putting an engine from 30 years ago into a modern car now.

Another thing, this is purely political - the response. If you recall, Obama had an African summit - this summit promised open borders in fact they all begged Obama to have open borders...and the political element of it is fueled by some corporate entities that want to compete with China, quite frankly.
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