Ebola 'could Become Airborne': United Nations Warns Of 'nightmare Scenario'

from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

I don't think bodily fluids being ejected into the air constitutes an airborne virus. ;)

So what do you think "airborne" means, that people living 50 miles downwind can contract the disease?
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

I don't think bodily fluids being ejected into the air constitutes an airborne virus. ;)

So what do you think "airborne" means, that people living 50 miles downwind can contract the disease?

Maybe being carried by a sneeze counts as airborne, although that seems like a pretty poor way to use the term to me (if someone flicks blood from an open wound containing a virus onto another person, does that make it airborne? :lol:). Anyway, I think of airborne as respiratory. Everything I have seen on Ebola is that it requires contact with bodily fluid. I would imagine that means that means the person would need to sneeze mucus directly onto another person to have a chance of infecting them, not that anyone nearby might breath in the virus. To quote from the OP article :
'Professor David Heymann CBE, chairman of Public Health England and professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said no virus transmitted by bodily fluids - as Ebola is - had ever mutated to airborne transmission.

"There has never been a virus transmitted in this manner that converts to a respiratory virus, and there is no evidence that this has ever occurred in the epidemiology," he said at a discussion programme on the virus in London on Wednesday night. He mentioned HIV and Hepatitis B as example of viruses transmitted by bodily fluids that had "never converted to a respiratory virus".'

So your bottom line of the disease being airborne seems questionable, at best.
Canadian Study Shows Airborne Transmission of Ebola
Canada has done this study saying limited airborne transmission of Ebola is possible. It was done with pigs and Monkeys that had no physical contact. They also are stating it's limited due to the weight of the airborne particles which means it is very limited on distance it can travel. The virus was spread through the respiratory tract.

So, within a few feet, they have shown the capacity of airborne transmission of the disease. Of course this is a test of swine to primates.

Here is the study.

Transmission of Ebola virus from pigs to non-human primates Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group
In Dallas, they are decontaminating the apartment, which has included burning the sheets and linen the man used and any possible material he came in contact with. At this point I haven't seen any of his potential contacts confirmed to get the disease. Yet they are monitoring at least 50 at this time as a precaution. Whether any one else contracts the disease will be determined in time. According to the CDC and Texas officials they don't expect any more cases but are watching none the less.

Ebola appears to be highly contagious when the fluids get into another person, yet hard to get started as the particles are heavy in nature. Either way, a small opening in the skin or simple ingestion of a droplet of the stuff seems enough to get the disease.

It is by no means, from what I'm reading, similar to the flu which transmits further and is easier to get.
A liberal told me yesterday that we should be more concerned about lung cancer from cigarettes since so many die of that every year.

It is amazing how fucking moronic liberals are. Really. He compared cancer to an infectious disease.

This country, through centuries of mass struggle has clawed its way to be a first world nation. One of the reasons why we are classified as a first world nation is the fact we successfully eradicated many of these infectious diseases that are prevalent in 3RD world nations. Small pox, yellow fever, malaria, tuberculosis, hook worm to name a few.

All of those diseases were eradicated from our country through the slow painful process of isolation, separation and quarantining.

Under this fucking president and his open door liberal policies of allowing ILLEGALS to flow in here, there are now diseases in here that have not been here in decades, or have never been here. Ebola, had never been here before this president, and this president still will not lift a finger to close the borders or ban flights from Sierra Leone or Liberia. Of course, he sends 3000 of our troops to do what there, I do not know. They are now all put in harms way, but he will not close the borders or stop flights. HE WAS THE ONE THAT SAID IT WAS UNLIKELY THAT EBOLA WOULD BE HERE. One week later, it is here like many of us said.

No, he will not do that because he does not want to rattle his pathetic base who sees the democrats as this mythical Robinhood for everything minority. Meanwhile they have no clue that their only interest in them are their votes.The election is a month away and this commie in chief pays russian roulette with our citizens for political gain. You fucking liberals defend him, like the fucking morons you are.

Then again, liberals are stupid about everything. Now, we have to listen to them drone on and on that one of the most dangerous infectious diseases known on the planet is here in the United States for the first time ever, and there is simply nothing to worry about.

The level of utter stupidity of liberals.......cannot be classified.
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A liberal told me yesterday that we should be more concerned about lung cancer from cigarettes since so many die of that every year.

It is amazing how fucking moronic liberals are. Really. He compared cancer to an infectious disease.

This country, through centuries of mass struggle has clawed its way to be a first world nation. One of the reasons why we are classified as a first world nation is the fact we successfully eradicated many of these infectious diseases that are prevalent in 3RD world nations. Small pox, yellow fever, malaria, tuberculosis, hook worm to name a few.

All of those diseases were eradicated from our country through the slow painful process of isolation, separation and quarantining.

Under this fucking president and his open door liberal policies of allowing ILLEGALS to flow in here, there are now diseases in here that have not been here in decades, or have never been here. Ebola, has never been here, and this president still will not lift a finger to close the borders or ban flights from Sierra Leone or Liberia. Of course, he sends 3000 of our troops to do what there, I do not know. They are now all put in harms way, but he will not close the borders or stop flights.

No, he will not do that because he does not want to rattle his pathetic base who sees the democrats as this mythical Robinhood for everything minority. Meanwhile they have no clue that their only interest in them are their votes.The election is a month away and this commie in chief pays russian roulette with our citizens for political gain. You fucking liberals defend him, like the fucking morons you are.

Then again, liberals are stupid about everything. Now, we have to listen to them drone on and on that one of the most dangerous infectious diseases known on the planet is here in the United States for the first time ever, and there is simply nothing to worry about.

The level of utter stupidity of liberals.......cannot be classified.

They are just defending the President's Foreign policy, if this were Bush they would be foaming at the mouth. The troops are building hospitals in Liberia and across the region. 22 Seabees are now prepping ground for a 22 Million dollar Medical Facility that is a 25 bed hospital for Medical personnel that contract the disease. It will also be a storage point, for supplies coming into the region. Another 17 100 bed Medical facilities around the region are to be built for Medical personnel to treat those infected with Ebola. Troops are to provide security at these sites, and for Medical personnel. Help in shipping Medical supplies to these locations and current Hospitals and treatment places around the Hot Zone.

These will take some time, but the Seabees know how to build. Probably supervising local labor forces. When they will be completed is unknown to me. I read an article yesterday where one of the Seabees was mad that the rock crusher was broken.. Apparently the site prep was done and they were ready to make concrete or put in a base material to prep for a concrete pour. It appears they have already leveled the surface and close to pouring the foundation for some buildings.

Where they are at, on the other sites, I don't know.

The other stuff I've read are that the military is sending Doctors, Nurses, Medics, and Corpsmen to help treat infected patients. Where they are at on that I don't know.

The military is also setting up a base camp for conducting the operations which is a pretty standard deployment op, to provide a safe zone for military in the region as a supply and command base.
ChAd3 Vaccine Effective Against Ebola

A potential vaccine against the virus set for human trials next year coming out of Seoul Korea.

Inovio to Advance Ebola Vaccine to Human Trials

test strips advances to give quick diagnosis time on Ebola are also making advances.

Scientists Dream of Holy Grail Device to Detect Ebola - NBC News

These STUDENTS were given and extra credit assignment at college. They are Freshmen at Emory University. They now have actually proceeded on making a possible test strip that could detect the Ebola virus. Interesting story here.

REDS Rapid Ebola Detection Strips Indiegogo
There is a race on by Universities and labs world wide to be head of the line in manufacture of test strips for Ebola.

This is Uganda.....A university attempting to create the test strips.

Scientists developing rapid test kit for Ebola virus - SciDev.Net Sub-Saharan Africa

It looks like sometime next year, test strips will be available to perform rapid tests for Ebola.

It looks like a possible vaccine may be found next year.

Another issue coming up is ZMapp. Using Tobacco to treat patients.

Experimental Ebola Serum Grown in Tobacco Leaves

Aug. 4, 2014 -- ZMapp, the experimental treatment rushed to two Americans infected with Ebola in Africa, is grown in specially modified leaves of tobacco -- a plant better known for harming health than healing.

“We complied with a request from Emory University and Samaritan’s Purse to provide a very limited amount of ZMapp last week,” says David Howard, a spokesman for Reynolds American Services, the parent company of Kentucky BioProcessing. The small biopharma company in Owensboro, KY, has been contracted to grow the drug.

Making the serum is slow, in part, because the plants must be grown for several weeks before they are “infected” with a type of protein. “Basically the plants act like a photocopier of the proteins,” Howard says.

Once they’re infected, Howard says it takes a week for the plants to make enough of the protein to harvest and distill into a useable drug.

“Talk about transforming tobacco,” Howard says.

Interesting on this article about Emory University getting some of the Serum........This was all started by a couple of College Freshmen that has turned into a FULL RESEARCH PROJECT by the University, the Students, and the Staff.


It is an Amazing story.
CDC Ebola could infect 1.4 million people by January

Listen to this expert.........Listen to the video.........

A Florida doctor who helped fight the expanding Ebola outbreak in West Africa says the disease can be stopped, but only if nations quickly step up their response and make border control a priority. (Sept. 22) AP

She is an expert on this subject. She states clearly about them helping Nigeria control entry points and is specific about means of entry into the country. Shoring up airports in Nigeria.....She says this.

I've have stated on other threads that we should limit travel to this region. In response my opinion I see the Fruit of the Lunatics claiming I'M HIDING UNDER MY BED, and promoting Fear Mongering over this disease. Stating they will LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS.

Well, this expert says differently than the official CDC and WHO recommendations of not restricting or banning travel to the infected areas.

Yet the policy used in Nigeria is the exact OPPOSITE of what they are now stating in past outbreaks..

Why would they do this..........Because there are ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES for shutting down travel to nations.......

I maintain my opinion on limiting or banning travel to the infected areas. This Doctor is an expert on Ebola and has been fighting it for some time. She is saying the same.

This now goes back to the worst case scenarios from the WHO and the CDC. Under their worst case scenarios, it mutates and goes to an airborne virus........They are not saying it will happen. They think it is unlikely, but they are saying IT IS POSSIBLE.

Which is why experts are pushing to end the spread as rapidly as possible.

Sierra Leon has gone to EXTREME MEASURES to do so. Placing nearly 2 million people under House arrest for a period of 3 weeks to try and CONTAIN THE SPREAD. I will repeat that number. 2 MILLION PEOPLE CONFINED TO THEIR HOMES FOR 3 WEEKS........

This is an extreme measure, to attempt to end the spread. I hope it works, and it took a lot of Balls to do this.

The video I'm referring to so their is not a misunderstanding of what I was referring to in post #50.
CDC Ebola could infect 1.4 million people by January

Listen to this expert.........Listen to the video.........

A Florida doctor who helped fight the expanding Ebola outbreak in West Africa says the disease can be stopped, but only if nations quickly step up their response and make border control a priority. (Sept. 22) AP

She is an expert on this subject. She states clearly about them helping Nigeria control entry points and is specific about means of entry into the country. Shoring up airports in Nigeria.....She says this.

I've have stated on other threads that we should limit travel to this region. In response my opinion I see the Fruit of the Lunatics claiming I'M HIDING UNDER MY BED, and promoting Fear Mongering over this disease. Stating they will LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS.

Well, this expert says differently than the official CDC and WHO recommendations of not restricting or banning travel to the infected areas.

Yet the policy used in Nigeria is the exact OPPOSITE of what they are now stating in past outbreaks..

Why would they do this..........Because there are ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES for shutting down travel to nations.......

I maintain my opinion on limiting or banning travel to the infected areas. This Doctor is an expert on Ebola and has been fighting it for some time. She is saying the same.

This now goes back to the worst case scenarios from the WHO and the CDC. Under their worst case scenarios, it mutates and goes to an airborne virus........They are not saying it will happen. They think it is unlikely, but they are saying IT IS POSSIBLE.

Which is why experts are pushing to end the spread as rapidly as possible.

Sierra Leon has gone to EXTREME MEASURES to do so. Placing nearly 2 million people under House arrest for a period of 3 weeks to try and CONTAIN THE SPREAD. I will repeat that number. 2 MILLION PEOPLE CONFINED TO THEIR HOMES FOR 3 WEEKS........

This is an extreme measure, to attempt to end the spread. I hope it works, and it took a lot of Balls to do this.

If we even attempted to do that, which is the only real way to stop the spread, we would be called racists by the usual gang of fucking losers.

Hell, we are already being called racists for even suggesting we should be stopping flights from there, or we should not allow ILLEGALS to come here with out going through any basic health screenings.

The country of origin has already charged the asshole that lied on his questionnaire. Yes, that is what we are relying on to prevent a possible outbreak here of one of the most deadly diseases on the face of the planet. A questionnaire. That, is even a racist move to the left.

The question is, why hasn't this country charged him yet? Well, it would be called racism, wouldn't it?

You think I am exaggerating this. No, this is no exaggeration at all. Do we all have an appreciation over how fucking lost we are as a result of liberals?
from your link

A low risk exposure includes any of the following
  • Household contact with an EVD patient
  • Other close contact with EVD patients in health care facilities or community settings. Close contact is defined as
    1. being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of an EVD patient or within the patient’s room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., health care personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., standard, droplet, and contact precautions; see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/patient-management-us-hospitals.html))
    2. having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD patient while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
  • Brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute close contact
LOW RISK EXPOSURE ... which YOU left out making you an even BIGGER IDIOT ,YOU LIAR/ IDIOT/ DOLT / MORON !!

When the mortality rate is 60%, there's no such thing as "low risk." The bottom line is that the disease is airborne. An infected individual sneezing can spread the disease to anyone nearby.

Writing in all caps is the sure sign of a hot tempered ignoramus.

I don't think bodily fluids being ejected into the air constitutes an airborne virus. ;)

So what do you think "airborne" means, that people living 50 miles downwind can contract the disease?

Maybe being carried by a sneeze counts as airborne, although that seems like a pretty poor way to use the term to me (if someone flicks blood from an open wound containing a virus onto another person, does that make it airborne? :lol:). Anyway, I think of airborne as respiratory. Everything I have seen on Ebola is that it requires contact with bodily fluid. I would imagine that means that means the person would need to sneeze mucus directly onto another person to have a chance of infecting them, not that anyone nearby might breath in the virus. To quote from the OP article :
'Professor David Heymann CBE, chairman of Public Health England and professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said no virus transmitted by bodily fluids - as Ebola is - had ever mutated to airborne transmission.

"There has never been a virus transmitted in this manner that converts to a respiratory virus, and there is no evidence that this has ever occurred in the epidemiology," he said at a discussion programme on the virus in London on Wednesday night. He mentioned HIV and Hepatitis B as example of viruses transmitted by bodily fluids that had "never converted to a respiratory virus".'

So your bottom line of the disease being airborne seems questionable, at best.

EVERY virus is a mutation...

viruses mutate unpredictably and they don't ask "experts" for permission when they do.
CDC Ebola could infect 1.4 million people by January

Listen to this expert.........Listen to the video.........

A Florida doctor who helped fight the expanding Ebola outbreak in West Africa says the disease can be stopped, but only if nations quickly step up their response and make border control a priority. (Sept. 22) AP

She is an expert on this subject. She states clearly about them helping Nigeria control entry points and is specific about means of entry into the country. Shoring up airports in Nigeria.....She says this.

I've have stated on other threads that we should limit travel to this region. In response my opinion I see the Fruit of the Lunatics claiming I'M HIDING UNDER MY BED, and promoting Fear Mongering over this disease. Stating they will LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS.

Well, this expert says differently than the official CDC and WHO recommendations of not restricting or banning travel to the infected areas.

Yet the policy used in Nigeria is the exact OPPOSITE of what they are now stating in past outbreaks..

Why would they do this..........Because there are ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES for shutting down travel to nations.......

I maintain my opinion on limiting or banning travel to the infected areas. This Doctor is an expert on Ebola and has been fighting it for some time. She is saying the same.

This now goes back to the worst case scenarios from the WHO and the CDC. Under their worst case scenarios, it mutates and goes to an airborne virus........They are not saying it will happen. They think it is unlikely, but they are saying IT IS POSSIBLE.

Which is why experts are pushing to end the spread as rapidly as possible.

Sierra Leon has gone to EXTREME MEASURES to do so. Placing nearly 2 million people under House arrest for a period of 3 weeks to try and CONTAIN THE SPREAD. I will repeat that number. 2 MILLION PEOPLE CONFINED TO THEIR HOMES FOR 3 WEEKS........

This is an extreme measure, to attempt to end the spread. I hope it works, and it took a lot of Balls to do this.

If we even attempted to do that, which is the only real way to stop the spread, we would be called racists by the usual gang of fucking losers.

Hell, we are already being called racists for even suggesting we should be stopping flights from there, or we should not allow ILLEGALS to come here with out going through any basic health screenings.

The country of origin has already charged the asshole that lied on his questionnaire. Yes, that is what we are relying on to prevent a possible outbreak here of one of the most deadly diseases on the face of the planet. A questionnaire. That, is even a racist move to the left.

The question is, why hasn't this country charged him yet? Well, it would be called racism, wouldn't it?

You think I am exaggerating this. No, this is no exaggeration at all. Do we all have an appreciation over how fucking lost we are as a result of liberals?

I have already been called all of this for stating my opinions. My opinion is unchanged and that the travel should be limited or banned until the disease is under control. I'm called Racist, for saying I disagree with this administration's policy. I've been called a Fear Monger and told I was AFRAID and hiding under my bed............

To those that state that, They can KISS MY ASS. I simply don't care. I have been reading about this. I'm no expert, but COMMON SENSE should rule instead of Stupidity.

They will continue to do this, as it is in their nature. And I will continue to state my opinion that travel to these regions should have been limited a long time ago.
2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa - Outbreak Distribution Map Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

CDC information. Including the Map.

Started in Guinea and has spread to all the other regions. Including spread into Nigeria from people TRAVELING OUT OF INFECTED AREAS........

Had we locked down Guinea in the beginning for a period of 3 weeks to 2 months at the onset of this it probably wouldn't have spread across the region.

But that didn't happen did it?

So now will we make the same mistake as travelers go to other countries out of the new infected areas.?

Not only are we not doing that...........We are allowing them to travel on planes around the globe.........

Here's the map

Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo - Alert - Level 2 Practice Enhanced Precautions - Travel Health Notices Travelers Health CDC

CDC travel advisory to Congo.......

What can travelers do to prevent Ebola?
There is no vaccine or specific treatment for Ebola, and many people who get the disease die. It is important to take steps to prevent Ebola.

If you are traveling to DRC, please make sure to do the following:

  • Practice careful hygiene. Avoid contact with blood and body fluids of people who are sick with Ebola.
  • Do not handle items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids.
  • Avoid funeral or burial rituals that require handling the body of someone who has died from Ebola.
  • Avoid contact with wild animals and with raw or undercooked meat (bushmeat).
  • Avoid hospitals where Ebola patients are being treated. The US Embassy or consulate is often able to provide advice on facilities that are suitable for your needs. The US Embassy in Kinshasa can be reached at +(081) 556-0151.
  • Seek medical care immediately if you develop fever (greater than 101.5°F or 38.6°C) and additional symptoms such as severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or unexplained bleeding or bruising.
    • Limit your contact with other people when you travel to the doctor; avoid public transportation. Do not travel anywhere except to the doctor’s office or hospital.
Ebola in Liberia - Warning - Level 3 Avoid Nonessential Travel - Travel Health Notices Travelers Health CDC

Updated: September 11, 2014

CDC urges all US residents to avoid nonessential travel to Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone because of unprecedented outbreaks of Ebola in those countries. CDC recommends that travelers to these countries protect themselves by avoiding contact with the blood and body fluids of people who are sick with Ebola.

The Liberian government has recently instituted enhanced measures to combat the spread of Ebola, many of which will likely make travel to, from, and within the country difficult. The government has taken the following steps:

  • Closed all borders except major entry points (Roberts International Airport, James Spriggs Payne Airport, Foya Crossing, Bo Waterside Crossing, and Ganta Crossing).
  • Instituted prevention and screening measures at entry points that remain open. This new travel policy will affect incoming and outgoing travelers.
  • Instituted restrictions on public and other mass gatherings.
  • Instituted quarantine measures for communities heavily affected by Ebola; travel in and out of those communities will be restricted.
  • Authorized military personnel to help enforce these and other prevention and control measures.
Thanks Africa, the shithole of the world that has given us so much grief, ignorance, and disease.
I'll post a little more and then move on............It's hard to post hiding under the bed BTW.......

What were they doing at the apartment of the infected patient..........in Dallas........

Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

3. How should spills of blood or other body substances be managed?
The basic principles for blood or body substance spill management are outlined in the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen Standards (29 CFR 1910.1030).5 CDC guidelines recommend removal of bulk spill matter, cleaning the site, and then disinfecting the site.4 For large spills, a chemical disinfectant with sufficient potency is needed to overcome the tendency of proteins in blood and other body substances to neutralize the disinfectant's active ingredient. An EPA-registered hospital disinfectant with label claims for non-enveloped viruses (e.g., norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, poliovirus) and instructions for cleaning and decontaminating surfaces or objects soiled with blood or body fluids should be used according to those instructions.

4. How should disposable materials (e.g., any single-use PPE, cleaning cloths, wipes, single-use microfiber cloths, linens, food service) and linens, privacy curtains, and other textiles be managed after their use in the patient room?
These materials should be placed in leak-proof containment and discarded appropriately. To minimize contamination of the exterior of the waste bag, place this bag in a rigid waste receptacle designed for this use. Incineration or autoclaving as a waste treatment process is effective in eliminating viral infectivity and provides waste minimization. If disposal requires transport offsite then this should be done in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR, 49 C.F.R., Parts 171-180).6, 7 Guidance from DOT has been released for Ebola.7

They used number 4...Gathered up anything this guy touched. His linen, clothes, towels, etc. anything he could have touched. Placed them in special bags........Then took them off to be INCINERATED..........

They then used number 3 and gave that apartment and surrounding area the most thorough cleaning you've ever seen in your life.

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