Ebola 'could Become Airborne': United Nations Warns Of 'nightmare Scenario'

Ebola in Liberia - Warning - Level 3 Avoid Nonessential Travel - Travel Health Notices Travelers Health CDC

Updated: September 11, 2014

CDC urges all US residents to avoid nonessential travel to Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone because of unprecedented outbreaks of Ebola in those countries. CDC recommends that travelers to these countries protect themselves by avoiding contact with the blood and body fluids of people who are sick with Ebola.

The Liberian government has recently instituted enhanced measures to combat the spread of Ebola, many of which will likely make travel to, from, and within the country difficult. The government has taken the following steps:

  • Closed all borders except major entry points (Roberts International Airport, James Spriggs Payne Airport, Foya Crossing, Bo Waterside Crossing, and Ganta Crossing).
  • Instituted prevention and screening measures at entry points that remain open. This new travel policy will affect incoming and outgoing travelers.
  • Instituted restrictions on public and other mass gatherings.
  • Instituted quarantine measures for communities heavily affected by Ebola; travel in and out of those communities will be restricted.
  • Authorized military personnel to help enforce these and other prevention and control measures.

Your posts are extremely thorough; I love that.

I really think that we need to use litigation as a method of recourse if one of their citizens breach their borders. I also think that we need to use this litigation to possibly explore suing the airline (communicable diseases transported without possible screening - TSA already screens us, why cant they screen in this instance?). I think that litigation should be explored for the person/parties that choose(s) to recklessly disobey the protocols/danger/warnings put [suggested] in place by health officials.
What I want to know is why Obama stop all CDC requirements about Ebola in 2010. Did he know something back then that he is not telling us like creating this chaos so he can do martial law when it is time to step down...In 2010 Obama Admin Scrapped CDC Ebola Quarantine Rules The Daily Caller

It truly shocks me that the libturds in this forum are so confident that the epidemic can't spread to the United States:

Ebola could become airborne United Nations warns of nightmare scenario as virus spreads to the US - Telegraph

Exclusive: Anthony Banbury, chief of the UN's Ebola mission, says there is a chance the deadly virus could mutate to become infectious through the air. There is a ‘nightmare’ chance that the Ebola virus could become airborne if the epidemic is not brought under control fast enough, the chief of the UN’s Ebola mission has warned. Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special Representative, said that aid workers are racing against time to bring the epidemic under control, in case the Ebola virus mutates and becomes even harder to deal with. “The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate,” he told the Telegraph. “It is a nightmare scenario [that it could become airborne], and unlikely, but it can’t be ruled out.” He admitted that the international community had been “a bit late” to respond to the epidemic, but that it was “not too late” and that aid workers needed to “hit [Ebola] hard” to rein in the deadly disease.

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