EC vote live

2016 just keeps getting better and betterer. The Leftwing loons have convinced some of the Electors pledged to hiLIARy to vote for other people:

Electoral College voters in Washington cast eight votes for Hillary Clinton, three votes for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and one vote for a local Native American leader.

Reports from Washington showed more faithless electors went against Clinton, continuing a trend seen in Maine, Minnesota and Colorado.

The votes were cast for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in Maine and Minnesota — both of which were thrown out — and it's unknown whom the elector in Colorado chose. His vote was also thrown out.

The votes in Washington will not be thrown out, as that state does not require electors to vote from among the two top vote-getters. That means Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American elder, will be among the candidates getting votes....

3 faithless electors vote for Colin Powell in Washington state

This map illustrates why the Founding Fathers brilliantly came up with the idea of the EC, which requires a candidate to have broad support across the country! The Hillary supporters can stew in their own juices for as long as they feel like being petulant, but at the end of of the day, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and California don't get to elect a president all by themselves!

The founders despised and feared the common man, they didn't even allow the masses to vote. That last thing they were going to allow was for everyone to vote and for one hominid one vote to be more than lofty rhetoric.
Nope, they despised and feared the English tyrants. Which is why we kicked their sorry tea sipping asses.

This map illustrates why the Founding Fathers brilliantly came up with the idea of the EC, which requires a candidate to have broad support across the country! The Hillary supporters can stew in their own juices for as long as they feel like being petulant, but at the end of of the day, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and California don't get to elect a president all by themselves!

The founders despised and feared the common man, they didn't even allow the masses to vote. That last thing they were going to allow was for everyone to vote and for one hominid one vote to be more than lofty rhetoric.
The founders despised and feared the common man, they didn't even allow the masses to vote. That last thing they were going to allow was for everyone to vote and for one hominid one vote to be more than lofty rhetoric.

You have to go to a modern college to learn to be that stupid.
HAHAHA! Trump wins with 304 electoral votes. 2 of his 306 turned faithless. At least 6 of hiLIARy's turned against her and voted for someone else.

So what was the result of all the Prog Wailing and Whinging about the EC? To WIDEN Trump's victory margin.

HAHAHA! Trump wins with 304 electoral votes. 2 of his 306 turned faithless. At least 6 of hiLIARy's turned against her and voted for someone else.

So what was the result of all the Prog Wailing and Whinging about the EC? To WIDEN Trump's victory margin.


They keep digging deeper and deeper.

Do these arrogant idiots enjoy looking the fool or what?????
HAHAHA! Trump wins with 304 electoral votes. 2 of his 306 turned faithless. At least 6 of hiLIARy's turned against her and voted for someone else.

So what was the result of all the Prog Wailing and Whinging about the EC? To WIDEN Trump's victory margin.


They keep digging deeper and deeper.

Do these arrogant idiots enjoy looking the fool or what?????

They are so insulated in their bubble that they have no idea how loony toons they really are.
HAHAHA! Trump wins with 304 electoral votes. 2 of his 306 turned faithless. At least 6 of hiLIARy's turned against her and voted for someone else.

So what was the result of all the Prog Wailing and Whinging about the EC? To WIDEN Trump's victory margin.


They keep digging deeper and deeper.

Do these arrogant idiots enjoy looking the fool or what?????

They are so insulated in their bubble that they have no idea how loony toons they really are.

Trump was right again:

I am getting tired of WINNING!
This is awesome. The North Carolina electors singing God Bless America as they marched to cast their votes for Donald Trump.


This is beautiful!

In response to the Democrat effort to undermine the American Electoral College, some electors are fighting back.

They’re showing the side they’re on. And they’re doing it by singing while they march.

Watch (via Julia Sims):

NC electors sing "God Bless America" as they go to cast 15 electoral votes for #Trump. #wral

— Julia Sims (@WRALJulia) December 19, 2016

And note what they have on their sign: “Thank You President Elect Donald J. Trump – Make America Great Again” – Wow!

If you look closely, you can see something interesting on the bottom part of the sign:


Is that Trump’s signature on the sign?

It sure looks like it!

More at link:

AWESOME! GOP Electors Sing "God Bless America" as They March to Statehouse to Vote For Trump (VIDEO)
I sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah every time the Metamucil kicks in. :dunno:

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