Eco-Art: Street Talk


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
When Edward Abbey wrote his ecology activism nihilism story "The Monkey Wrench Gang" (1975) and presented ideas in it regarding the passionate motivations inherent in the protection of Earth's natural beauty at any radical cost, people took notice of the social value that art has in promoting political dialogue.

Because 'complications' in this dominion arose in various movements such as the haunting Nazi Germany initiative which dangerously linked art with violence, people are wary of connecting art with government.

However, relevant modern era consumerism themed ecology activism avatars such as Captain Planet and Poison Ivy remind people of the simple entertainment value of using art to stir conversation about everyday anxieties regarding ecology ironies.

Because 'complications' in this dominion arose in various movements such as the haunting Nazi Germany initiative which dangerously linked art with violence, people are wary of connecting art with government.

Never seemed to bother the Soviets...
When Edward Abbey wrote his ecology activism nihilism story "The Monkey Wrench Gang" (1975) and presented ideas in it regarding the passionate motivations inherent in the protection of Earth's natural beauty at any radical cost, people took notice of the social value that art has in promoting political dialogue.

Because 'complications' in this dominion arose in various movements such as the haunting Nazi Germany initiative which dangerously linked art with violence, people are wary of connecting art with government.

However, relevant modern era consumerism themed ecology activism avatars such as Captain Planet and Poison Ivy remind people of the simple entertainment value of using art to stir conversation about everyday anxieties regarding ecology ironies.


I have a feeling Abbey was envisioning more like retro poster art than realism.. Because nature is art itself, we need only observe to value it.. Any "message" tagged onto depictions of natural beauty would be like tagging a park statue..

But MAYBE -- in the context of the Monkey Wrench gangs --- that's exactly what he had in mind.. Sometimes you have to destroy the beautiful to protect it ?????

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