Eco-Consciousness: A Vigilante Drill(!)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-activism/eco-terrorism debate between the fictional comic book vigilantes Two-Face (a disfigured punisher), Poison Ivy (a radical eco-terrorist), and Batman (a brooding idealist).



TWO-FACE: Industrial pollution is a sign of hastiness...
POISON IVY: Eco-terrorism is a proportional response!
BATMAN: We have to evaluate all the alternatives to terrorism.

TWO-FACE: There is no alternative to 'direct action.'
POISON IVY: Policemen and politicians don't care about 'idealism.'
BATMAN: Terrorism only creates more hostility.

TWO-FACE: Maybe Gotham's mayor can be 'swayed.'
POISON IVY: Eco-terrorism simply feels like creativity.
BATMAN: The law is there to make us more objective.

TWO-FACE: Big corporations don't care about everyday fears.
POISON IVY: Industrial pollution has become a savagery.
BATMAN: We can't fight eco-rape with slang...

TWO-FACE: There's nothing 'colloquial' about corporate greed.
POISON IVY: I think eco-terrorism will be remembered as 'folk music.'
BATMAN: Let's agree that eco-activists symbolize idealism.

TWO-FACE: Maybe Gotham will become a haven for free-speech.
POISON IVY: Maybe big corporations will be required to review excess.
BATMAN: I think eco-activism will be considered a 'rational model.'


{Two-Face & Poison Ivy & Batman}


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