Eco Nazi Thought Police


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
westwall, it has long been the practice of our culture to indoctrinate the masses into completely insane ideologies in order to maintain order and control.

Just one example of many is religion. The brainwashing begins at the earliest ages and lasts a lifetime. The ideology could not be more irrational, and the masses eat it up.

GWA is just another kind of ideology designed to control mankind's dumbest population blocks in preparation for the population bomb and resource scarcity impasses of the near future. As well as legitimate environmental concerns and perhaps a one world government. Remember the UN is smack dab in the middle of this, having originally concocted this scheme as a revenue source to feed the world's poor:

UN panel suggests new international taxes to help fund development

Followed of course by Kyoto, a UN treaty, and the IPCC a UN org, as well as a UN carbon credits finance scheme.
Of course it has. That is why the loons need to be exposed early so that their particular philosophies don't have time to germinate. Otherwise the harm they will cause is usually counted in the millions of people affected.....detrimentally.
Of course it has. That is why the loons need to be exposed early so that their particular philosophies don't have time to germinate. Otherwise the harm they will cause is usually counted in the millions of people affected.....detrimentally.

I hate to sound pessimistic because I have always been an eternal optimist. So forgive me for arriving at a place of being 100% cynical regarding politics. Our politics.

As it looks right now there is nothing we can do. Copenhagen failed as are most of the NGO summits failing recently. There is a massive rift between the developed and developing nations.

That rift is almost sure to trump the social engineering efforts of the UN. It is time to worry about us and our future, not the schemes of orgs on the brink of collapse.

Just my opinion of course. You are obviously free to yours as well.
Here is an interesting video of James Cameron and Eric Schmidt (of Google fame) discussing how "deniers" should be imprisoned because we don't beieve in AGW. These are the nutcases the alarmists listen to. When you advocate the jailing of people for their "beliefs" the term Nazi is apropo.

Thought Police: Google CEO & James Cameron ? It?s ‘CRIMINAL’ to Doubt Global Warming | The Blaze

A New Kind of Crime Against Humanity?: The Fossil Fuel Industry's Disinformation Campaign On Climate Change - Climate Ethics

Can we speak for ourselves? Tell us what you think and I'll tell you what I think. Choosing any old whacko and considering them "typical" is rdiculous. You're judt trying to create a strawman for us to defend. Nice try, but you don't have me fooled. All it shows is the desperation of a side losing steam now that their "Climategate revelations" are sinking into a hoaxer's oblivion.
Cameron is a blowhard who runs away like a little girl when he is called upon to defend his views. Like last summer when he called out the skeptical community to debate the issues and then backed out at the last minute.

Gore is the same. He is only effective when he doesn't have to debate the issues and answer questions.

It makes you wonder why the alarmists won't defend their case in public against the other side seeing as their case is supposedly so strong and unassailable.

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