Economic BAD News.....more people LEFT the job market than jobs created in April

And do you hold him responsible for the weakest GDP recovery since WWII and for labor participation being at record lows? Or does holding him responsible for you just mean cherry picking stats you like?

GDP? Sure. Labor participation? Only partially.

In 3 weeks, Obama is tied with Clinton for the longest streak of job growth in the private sector in BLS history. That's gonna be fun watching the loony right bitch about. :D

Enough people quit looking for work or took part time jobs to keep an ultra slow streak of growth going. You must be so proud...

People who quit looking for work do not contribute to the 50 month long streak of job growth in the private sector, so who knows why you even mention them. And yes, I am proud that the man I elected for president is probably going to break the record of 51 consecutive months. By the way, I also voted for the man who currently holds the record of 51 months.

You're welcome.

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