Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?
800,000 people left the workforce.

The drop in the unemployment rate from March’s 6.7 percent came as the agency’s survey of households showed the labor force shrank by more the 800,000 in April. The so-called participation rate, which indicates the share of working-age people in the labor force, decreased to 62.8 percent, matching the lowest level since 1978, from 63.2 percent a month earlier.

Payrolls in U.S. Rise Most Since 2012, Unemployment at 6.3% - Bloomberg

The economy "grew" at 0.1%.

Does the government have any credibility left.
Well, your participation in the labor market may be at an all time low. My problem is over employment. But then there are always losers and winners in any market.

In the meant time, yes, corperate profits are a good thing. And there should be more taxes coming out of them. These corperations depend on the infrastructure the same as the rest of us, more so, really. And that is in bad need of repair.
Well, your participation in the labor market may be at an all time low. My problem is over employment. But then there are always losers and winners in any market.

In the meant time, yes, corperate profits are a good thing. And there should be more taxes coming out of them. These corperations depend on the infrastructure the same as the rest of us, more so, really. And that is in bad need of repair.
That's why they collected taxes in the first place. Why didn't they spend it on infrastructure and what confidence do you have that they would spend new tax money on it if they haven't already?

Very good news, all things considered.

If we can string together a few 250,000+ figures we may have the momentum we need.


I think you don't get too excited about any one month in BLS data. Now three months and you might have a trend. But it definitely is going in the right direction.

And you are exactly right on another point: to return to the long term growth path requires steady job growth of 250--300,000 net jobs per month.
288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans
288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves
...the U.R. fell so sharply because yet again an very high number of people "left" the labor force!!! 806K to be exact. That is close to 3x that received jobs! This labor participation rate is the lowest since the Great Depression. Note: during in the Great Depression it was common to have stay-at-home moms. Now-a-days it's more common to have two working parents esp amongst Latinos. So I don't think all those so called leaving the workforce are stay-at-home moms, or retirees (which there are a ton of stories that baby boomers are actually retiring later than expected)!
The civilian labor force dropped by 806,000 in April. The labor force participation rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 62.8 percent in April. The participation rate has shown no clear trend in recent months and currently is the same as it was this past October. The employment-population ratio showed no change over the month (58.9 percent) and has changed little
over the year.

You can get happy about a high number of jobs found, however, when nearly 3x that amount so-called leave the labor force, you have to take those numbers with a grain of salt!
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Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

there are fewer Americans with jobs in obama's sixth year than at the height of the "Bush" recession

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Post the numbers.
Q3 GDP revised sharply downward — again « Hot Air*

Hot Air

Dec 22, 2009 - The Obama administration hailed it as a sign that their economic policies had spurred real growth. Even when Commerce sharply revised the

The US Economy - Back To The Slow Lane Again ...*

Mar 4, 2014 - If Obama and defense secretary Chuck Hagel get their way, the Army ... Thus, the latest downward revision to 4Q GDP diminished hopes for an ...

as you can see from obama's first year in office until this year his numbers are often revised; and the direction is usually DOWNWARD

this is what the Loser Left is "rejoicing" in; and trying to slam Republicans for pointing out information the crybaby Left just doesnt want to hear; OBAMA LIES
seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?

People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

there are fewer Americans with jobs in obama's sixth year than at the height of the "Bush" recession

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Post the numbers.

i will dummy; but it's so hard to find a source that would be aceptable to you; because all of your liberal friends are like you; a loser who doesnt want to hear inconvenniant truths.

the right is the only people telling the truth about your trainwreck president now; and for that they get called "negative"

sheep; they all speak the same language
seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?

People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

good one dolt; but obama and you lemmings have been claiming positive job growth for years;

then why are food stamps and welfare still at record levels?

ur a joke
how many of the 16 MILLION NEW food stamp recipients under obama have been able to get off the dole then carbin-tard?

i mean since all these jobs are out there?
and i'm sure they arent all Walmart jobs right?
Unemployment dropped to the lowest level since September 2008. [...]

So, smack-dab in the worst recession in WORLD HISTORY, President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush managed a lower Unemployment rate that the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

Funny, that.

The drop in the unemployment rate from March’s 6.7 percent came as the agency’s survey of households showed the labor force shrank by more the 800,000 in April.

800,000 Americans left the work force and dimocrap scum are celebrating?

What incredible dirtbags.

It's gonna all come tumbling down, people.

I was going to start a thread about this, but it isn't worth it.

A good read. Take about a minute of your time.

Spengler » Why Liberals Don?t Care About Consequences

I think they're just scumbags, personally.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

Leaf rakers?
Street sweepers?
Toilet cleaners?
Burger flippers?

I know that the fracking companies in Colorado are starting to put folks to work. Those are truly good jobs but I wonder what percentage of the "288,000" jobs the OP is speaking of are actually decent jobs.
288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The baby boomers are retiring, Ahab.
seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?

People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

good one dolt; but obama and you lemmings have been claiming positive job growth for years;

then why are food stamps and welfare still at record levels?

ur a joke

You claimed that fewer Americans are working now than were working at the height of the recession.

Post the numbers.

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