Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The baby boomers are retiring, Ahab.

seriously you're a walking lemming of left-wing talking points

i doubt you're even capable of thinking for yourself

that doesnt explain the 40-year low in labor market participation

it's already been debunked

in fact as people live longer; healthier lives than before; and because of the weak obamaconomy; MORE PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING TO KEEP WORKING
it's a fact dork;.

ur a joke
People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

good one dolt; but obama and you lemmings have been claiming positive job growth for years;

then why are food stamps and welfare still at record levels?

ur a joke

You claimed that fewer Americans are working now than were working at the height of the recession.

Post the numbers.

Do the math, Mr. Obama, you've run out of excuses on jobs ...*

Fox News Channel

Sep 7, 2012 - Despite a growing population, fewer Americans have jobs today ... the recession are being replaced lower-wage jobs during Obama's recovery.

Obama 'Jobs Recovery' More Than 100 Million Not Working ...*

Mar 18, 2014 - In fact, more than 100 million Americans have not been working in Obama's workers' ... employed was still only 145.244 million, or about 1 million fewer jobs. ... have gotten food stamps under Obama than have gotten jobs.
there are fewer Americans with jobs in obama's sixth year than at the height of the "Bush" recession

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Post the numbers.

i will dummy; but it's so hard to find a source that would be aceptable to you; because all of your liberal friends are like you; a loser who doesnt want to hear inconvenniant truths.

the right is the only people telling the truth about your trainwreck president now; and for that they get called "negative"

sheep; they all speak the same language

If you don't know the source, how can you know the numbers? You heard it somewhere from someone who wasn't telling the truth is my guess.
First, the 288K doesn't include part time numbers, so that shouldn't be an argument. Second, the hire sectors are good: Professional and Business Services lead that way, which is a typically a middle class job market.
(1) Professional and Business Services - 75K
(2) Retail - 35K (many are minimum wage)
(3) Food & Drink - 33K (ditto)
(4) Construction - 32K (high paying and good to see the increase)
(5) Healthcare - 19K (ditto)
(6) Wholesale - 16K
(7) Mining - 10K
Employment in other major industries, including manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, information, financial activities, and government, changed little over the month.
seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?

People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.
I'm surprised you would say that. Around here, SNAP bennies are for less than $1,800 for a single member household. A full time job might cover that.
i know the truth is painful left-wing nutjobs:

U.S. Unemployment: Retirees Are Not The Labor Exodus ...*


Jan 15, 2014 - If the labor force participation rate had held steady at its 2008 level, ... As the study notes, “retirement had not played much of a role until around 2010. ... noted that “since 2000 the labor force participation rates of workers 55 and over .... to the civilian labor force — participation would be even lower than it ...
seems like only yesterday the loser Left was crying and trying to ridicule the "job creators" while ranting that they were not hiring and holding onto trillions.

now the Left is bragging about job creation?
and the government didnt do it?
aren't you left-wing idiots glad we got job creation without having to spend the tens of billions or hundreds of billions you wanted for more "jobs bills"? you care about the debt and the middle class taxpayer right?

now can welfare and food stamps be cut? i mean since all these jobs are out there?

People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

Not true! Welfare yet, but food stamps? No way!
Who Is Dropping Out Of The Labor Force, and Why?*

Jan 14, 2014 - But since 2000 the labor force participation rates of workers 55 and over have been ... in school, then declining labor force participation might not be negative. ... One reason for few jobs for younger workers is the increasing labor force participation rate of older workers who are delaying retirement, leaving ...

older workers are delaying retirement if anything

stop lying to yourselves libs
People who come off unemployment to take one of those 288,000 jobs automatically have their government benefits cut.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

good one dolt; but obama and you lemmings have been claiming positive job growth for years;

then why are food stamps and welfare still at record levels?

ur a joke

You claimed that fewer Americans are working now than were working at the height of the recession.

Post the numbers.

1,446,000 fewer Americans are working today than six years ago, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In January 2008, 146,378,000 Americans 16 and over were employed, and in April 2014, 144,824,000 are employed, a difference of 1,446,000.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Everybody knows it is true, except the knob-slurpers like you
While I am all for good news, I have to question the lefts idea of good news.

This is like a man advertising to Me that he can fix My car so I should go with him.

Six years later, I get My car back and 2/3's of the parts are now missing, but at least its getting fixed!

good one dolt; but obama and you lemmings have been claiming positive job growth for years;

then why are food stamps and welfare still at record levels?

ur a joke

You claimed that fewer Americans are working now than were working at the height of the recession.

Post the numbers.

1,446,000 fewer Americans are working today than six years ago, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In January 2008, 146,378,000 Americans 16 and over were employed, and in April 2014, 144,824,000 are employed, a difference of 1,446,000.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Everybody knows it is true, except the knob-slurpers like you

January 2008 was not the height of the Bush recession you idiot.
While I am all for good news, I have to question the lefts idea of good news.

This is like a man advertising to Me that he can fix My car so I should go with him.

Six years later, I get My car back and 2/3's of the parts are now missing, but at least its getting fixed!


2/3rds of what is missing in our economy since January of 2009?
...the U.R. fell so sharply because yet again an very high number of people "left" the labor force!!! 806K to be exact. That is close to 3x that received jobs! This labor participation rate is the lowest since the Great Depression. Note: during in the Great Depression it was common to have stay-at-home moms. Now-a-days it's more common to have two working parents esp amongst Latinos. So I don't think all those so called leaving the workforce are stay-at-home moms, or retirees (which there are a ton of stories that baby boomers are actually retiring later than expected)!
The civilian labor force dropped by 806,000 in April. The labor force participation rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 62.8 percent in April. The participation rate has shown no clear trend in recent months and currently is the same as it was this past October. The employment-population ratio showed no change over the month (58.9 percent) and has changed little
over the year.

You can get happy about a high number of jobs found, however, when nearly 3x that amount so-called leave the labor force, you have to take those numbers with a grain of salt!

500,000 entered the labor force in March. Your rant is easier when you cherry pick data, isn't it?
How many of the 288,000 were part time?

Or government jobs.

The US has lost about 600,000 government jobs since the recession began. Just what conservatives want.

Of course that impacts the UE number negatively, contrary to what conservatives claim.

when you say govenment jobs you mean state and local jobs.


you're nothin but a lemming posting "facts" that arent really facts; just stats you're twisting; talking points

you cant think for yourself; you're here to LIE and misrepresent things for your rabid partisan left-wing agenda
How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

Have any proof that these numbers are ALWAYS revised downward? Notice that I am stressing the always.

Did you happen to see this month's report? February and March were both revised upward.
NYcarb; if you were an adult man or woman with a sense of shame; you'd just go away after being made a fool of so often

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