Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

More older workers making up labor force - Los Angeles ...*

Los Angeles Times

Sep 4, 2012 - Many seniors are staying on the job or returning to the workforce, leaving ... are delaying retirement and being added to the workforce in record ...

Labor force participation collapse from younger dropouts not ...*

Jan 26, 2014 - “People 55 to 64 years old, the first forget-about-retirement generation, are staying in the labor force to an ever greater degree. In 1992, only ...
Not in the labor force

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work. Information is collected on their desire for and availability for work, job search activity in the prior year, and reasons for not currently searching. See also Labor force and


it says retired people are not counted in the labor force. but AGAIN RETIRED PEOPLE ARE STAYING IN THE LABOR MARKET LONGER; NOT LESS
so left-wing losers need to find another excuse for the low labor market participation rate
Yeah, up from 15.5% staying in the labor force to 18%. That means that 82% of Boomers are retiring by age 65!!!!!

Americans Working Part-Time After Age 65 - US News

Americans Working Part-Time After Age 65
Don’t count on full-time retirement, even after age 65. About 15.5 percent of Americans age 65 and older were still working in 2008, according to recently released data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Most of those seniors (62 percent) have cut back to part-time work. But over a third (38 percent) continue to work 35 hours a week or more during the traditional retirement years.

Not letting go: Companies hang on to their baby boomers - Fortune Management

In 1985, 10.8% of people over 65 worked full-time or part-time. By 2011, that figure rose to over 18%, according to the AARP Public Policy Institute.
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Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

there are fewer Americans with jobs in obama's sixth year than at the height of the "Bush" recession

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
At the height of the Bush Depression there were 138,013,000 employed and today there are 145,669,000
how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?

288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

No one is unhappy, it's more that you're happy that you can finally show a number worth a shit... But it didn't stop you before from claiming 100k jobs was FANTASTIC!!!

Now, trillions in stimulus later (non stop stimulus). Almost 6 years later and lie after lie after lie Obama finally gets a somewhat kinda sorta reasonable job number.
288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The LPR is the most meaningless labor stat because it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring, but since it is the ONLY stat the Right has, in desperation they elevate it to the highest level Of course, the LPR was declining throughout the Bush Regime, and Bush didn't have Boomers retiring, but there was not a peep from the Right about how terrible the Bush economy was with Bush's LPR declining!
How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

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How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The LPR is the most meaningless labor stat because it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring, but since it is the ONLY stat the Right has, in desperation they elevate it to the highest level Of course, the LPR was declining throughout the Bush Regime, and Bush didn't have Boomers retiring, but there was not a peep from the Right about how terrible the Bush economy was with Bush's LPR declining!

in fact is is FAR FROM MEANINGLESS. it is the ONLY meaningfull way of looking at the true employment figures

you're a loser and a fool; lying to yourself
how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?

288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

No one is unhappy, it's more that you're happy that you can finally show a number worth a shit... But it didn't stop you before from claiming 100k jobs was FANTASTIC!!!

Now, trillions in stimulus later (non stop stimulus). Almost 6 years later and lie after lie after lie Obama finally gets a somewhat kinda sorta reasonable job number.

I guess it is all relaive when you move rom an economy that was losing 700,000 jobs a month
the record welfare an food stamps speak for themselves loser; fewere people; WORKING AGE PEOPLE, ABLE-BODIED PEOPLE, are participating in the labor market

the retiring Boomer talking point is a CANARD you left-wing losers are mind-phucking yourselves with to avoid having to confront your economic FAILURES of the Progressive agenda
How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The LPR is the most meaningless labor stat because it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring, but since it is the ONLY stat the Right has, in desperation they elevate it to the highest level Of course, the LPR was declining throughout the Bush Regime, and Bush didn't have Boomers retiring, but there was not a peep from the Right about how terrible the Bush economy was with Bush's LPR declining!

in fact is is FAR FROM MEANINGLESS. it is the ONLY meaningfull way of looking at the true employment figures

you're a loser and a fool; lying to yourself
It is the most useless of all the economic stats, but it is all you have.
Record 20 Percent of Households on Food Stamps*

Heritage Foundation

Mar 6, 2014 - The alarming growth in the number of Americans on food stamps ... It also means that able-bodied recipients are not encouraged to move toward work. ... It would require able-bodied adults to work, prepare for work, or look for ...
The LPR is the most meaningless labor stat because it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring, but since it is the ONLY stat the Right has, in desperation they elevate it to the highest level Of course, the LPR was declining throughout the Bush Regime, and Bush didn't have Boomers retiring, but there was not a peep from the Right about how terrible the Bush economy was with Bush's LPR declining!

in fact is is FAR FROM MEANINGLESS. it is the ONLY meaningfull way of looking at the true employment figures

you're a loser and a fool; lying to yourself
It is the most useless of all the economic stats, but it is all you have.


no that would be obama's U-3 number that is the most useless

ur a loser lying to HIMSELF
UNBELIEVEABLE: 36%+ of able bodied adult AMERICANS ...*

Sep 7, 2012 - 89 million adult Americans, who are able to work, DO NOT WORK. ... of one sort or another, and I'm thinking of the record numbers in prisons, ...
Record 20 Percent of Households on Food Stamps*

Heritage Foundation

Mar 6, 2014 - The alarming growth in the number of Americans on food stamps ... It also means that able-bodied recipients are not encouraged to move toward work. ... It would require able-bodied adults to work, prepare for work, or look for ...

Yup! But let's not pay people enough to survive without them. :thup:
ACTUALLY more older Americans than ever are STAYING in the labor market.

but that retiring baby-boomer talking EXCUSE for low labor market participation is all YOU got

idiots and hypocrites

Average Retirement Age In America Hits Record High | Zero ...*

Zero Hedge

4 days ago - Retirement age may be increasing because many baby boomers are .... Every able bodied man will be issued a game controller and a case of Cool ... Broken labour and new debited graduates can not afford to leave the ...
the record welfare an food stamps speak for themselves loser; fewere people; WORKING AGE PEOPLE, ABLE-BODIED PEOPLE, are participating in the labor market

the retiring Boomer talking point is a CANARD you left-wing losers are mind-phucking yourselves with to avoid having to confront your economic FAILURES of the Progressive agenda
82% of Boomers retiring from the workforce is hardly a canard. As a result of the Boomers retiring the LPR is even more meaningless now then when it was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring, and the Right thought it was so meaningless under Bush that they never even brought it up once!!
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Record 20 Percent of Households on Food Stamps*

Heritage Foundation

Mar 6, 2014 - The alarming growth in the number of Americans on food stamps ... It also means that able-bodied recipients are not encouraged to move toward work. ... It would require able-bodied adults to work, prepare for work, or look for ...

Yup! But let's not pay people enough to survive without them. :thup:

good one doofus


that is 16 million that WERENT on them under bush


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