Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

the record welfare an food stamps speak for themselves loser; fewere people; WORKING AGE PEOPLE, ABLE-BODIED PEOPLE, are participating in the labor market

the retiring Boomer talking point is a CANARD you left-wing losers are mind-phucking yourselves with to avoid having to confront your economic FAILURES of the Progressive agenda
72% of Boomers retiring from the workforce is hardly a canard. As a result of the Boomers retiring the LPR is even more meaningless now then when it was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring, and the Right thought it was so meaningless under Bush that they never even brought it up once!!

IT IS A CANARD; and you're a self-deceiving loser

fact is more older workers are still in the labor market than ever

try another excuse
More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not ...*

Alex Jones

Apr 8, 2013 - The percentage of the working age population in the United States that ... says that there are89,967,000 working age Americans that are “not in the labor force”. That is a new all-time record, and that number increased by a ...



again; find a better excuse for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
Working Late, by Choice or Not - The New York Times*

The New York Times

May 9, 2012 - A record 7.2 million Americans age 65 and older are working — double the number 15 years ago — partly because many older Americans love ...

IS THE NEW YORK TIMES too right-wing for you:

if anything more older workers are STILL IN THE LABOR MARKET

find another excuse for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
Unemployment dips to 7.3 percent, but only 63% of Americans*

The Washington Post

Sep 6, 2013 - August job gains not enough to offset declining participating rate; ... site recently ranked metro areas with the highest number of job openings. ... Government data showed that only 63.2 percent of working-age Americans have a job ... For much of the past generation, growing numbers of working ...


LIBS ARE LOSERS who lie to themselves
ACTUALLY more older Americans than ever are STAYING in the labor market.

but that retiring baby-boomer talking EXCUSE for low labor market participation is all YOU got

idiots and hypocrites

Average Retirement Age In America Hits Record High | Zero ...*

Zero Hedge

4 days ago - Retirement age may be increasing because many baby boomers are .... Every able bodied man will be issued a game controller and a case of Cool ... Broken labour and new debited graduates can not afford to leave the ...
A perfect example of how easily the No-Information voter can be deceived.

More Boomers may be delaying retirement, but the number is still VERY small! The number is up from 15.5% to 18% which means 82% of Boomers are retiring by age 65.
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Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

why were there so many LESS working people on food stamps in the Bush years?

ready to admit any jobs added by obama (minus the lower rate of labor market participation and the RECORD WELFARE AND DISABILITY) have been LOW-PAYING JOBS?



LIBS are losers who lie to themselves
the record welfare an food stamps speak for themselves loser; fewere people; WORKING AGE PEOPLE, ABLE-BODIED PEOPLE, are participating in the labor market

the retiring Boomer talking point is a CANARD you left-wing losers are mind-phucking yourselves with to avoid having to confront your economic FAILURES of the Progressive agenda
82% of Boomers retiring from the workforce is hardly a canard. As a result of the Boomers retiring the LPR is even more meaningless now then when it was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring, and the Right thought it was so meaningless under Bush that they never even brought it up once!!

IT IS A CANARD; and you're a self-deceiving loser

fact is more older workers are still in the labor market than ever

try another excuse
No, the canard is that there is a significant increase in the number of Boomers delaying retirement. The increase was only 2.5%.
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ACTUALLY more older Americans than ever are STAYING in the labor market.

but that retiring baby-boomer talking EXCUSE for low labor market participation is all YOU got

idiots and hypocrites

Average Retirement Age In America Hits Record High | Zero ...*

Zero Hedge

4 days ago - Retirement age may be increasing because many baby boomers are .... Every able bodied man will be issued a game controller and a case of Cool ... Broken labour and new debited graduates can not afford to leave the ...
A perfect example of how easily the No-Information voter can be deceived.

More Boomers may be delaying retirement, but the number is still VERY small! The number is up from 15.5% to 18% which means 72% of Boomers are retiring by age 65.

you're an insignificant loser lying to himself about the facts of PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

THE ONLY LOW-INFORMATION ONE HERE IS YOU; willfully keeping yourself wallowing in igorance because being a man and admitting failure hurts too bad for you
288,000 jobs added in April

Excellent news for Americans, bad news for the far right, which is good news for Americans

How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

Responsible Americans, from left to right, rejoice.

Bad Americans complain.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

Another No-Information voter! The number of part-time jobs DECLINED last month!!!!
Record 20 Percent of Households on Food Stamps*

Heritage Foundation

Mar 6, 2014 - The alarming growth in the number of Americans on food stamps ... It also means that able-bodied recipients are not encouraged to move toward work. ... It would require able-bodied adults to work, prepare for work, or look for ...

Yup! But let's not pay people enough to survive without them. :thup:

It's rather sad that the folks screaming about food stamps don't like to address the matter of decades of flat wages/low wages. As a matter of fact they defend those who are paying low wages. I wonder how many of those on food stamps, work at the Walmarts of the world?. We know that many of the Walmart employees are forced to get government assistance and Walmart helps them to do just that.
Nope, let's blame the people who make low wages, let's not blame those who are paying low wages.
a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about
The numbers increase is of course something to rejoice about. Another thing to rejoice about is the marginalization of the far right.
poor butt-hurt loser Progressive!1

as a consolation prize i will agree with you this much:
the number of retiring baby boomers OR the number not retiring isnt that significant

it has been repeatedly shown to you that under your Messiah Obama RECORD NUMBERS OF WORKING-AGE, ABLE-BODIED Americans ARE NOT PARTICIPATING in the Labor Market

you can be smug; arrogant and a self-deceiving idiot all day if you so choose

but you cant change facts

own it you pathetic clown

ok go cry now
you can rant about "flat or low wages" all day if you want
there are 16 MILLION NEW food stamp recipients under obama
and despite cliams of "50 striaght months of job growth" and other absurd claims that number is still at record levels.

if wages have been stagnant for "decades" as you say; that only highlights the PROGRESSIVE FAILURE of obama to see that number JUMP SO HIGH SO FAST

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about
The numbers increase is of course something to rejoice about. Another thing to rejoice about is the marginalization of the far right.

LOL if we're so marginalized you'd think left-wing nutjobs wouldnt need to use the right as scapegoats for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

it's comical yet sad; real peple are suffering while you pretend things are so great; all for your rabid partisan; FAR-LEFT ideology
In spite of the hard work from the right to stop job creation, its the lowest unemployment in five years.

However, it will be a long time before we recover from the enormous job losses under Bush, especially since the Rs continue to fight that as well. And, especially since there are still some who actually believe the "tickle down" lie that the wealthy are the job creators.

Interestingly, the low inflation rate is actually hurting our economic recovery.
288,000 jobs added last month

I thought Obamacare was going to kill employment?
the "far-right" isnt the reason obama and Progressives have failed.
they are small; unintelligent and fading right leftard?

the "far-right" isnt the reason for the record welfare and food stamps in the EIGHT-STRAIGHT YEAR OF PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY RULE

idiots and hypocrites

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