Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

you've been whining for 6 years that Republicans, the Tea Party, Grover Norquist, the Koch Brothers, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh...etc have been "obstructing" obama and doing everything they can to see him fail; including corporations putting their money into the "cayman Islands" rather than create jobs; all to embarrass obama.................................

now you're trying to brag about job creation by the very people you've been demonizing all along; and you have the gall to try to paint ME as contradicting myself?

you're a joke idiot

but we knew this:

ANYWAY now that you have all this job growth; can welfare and food stamps be cut by one penny or one day of eligibility from the EMERGENCY LEVELS set at the end of the bush year and start of the obama years that THEY ARE STILL AT NOW, without you losers calling people "heartless"?

idiots and hypocrites
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

By Obama's poor standards, that is good news. Before so many jobs were destroyed, a gain of 400K because of new workers and immigrants was considered neither good nor bad. So this would have been bad. But under Obama it went up, so yeah, you're right, we have to take what we can get. It didn't go down. Good news.
LOL if we're so marginalized you'd think left-wing nutjobs wouldnt need to use the right as scapegoats for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE it's comical yet sad; real peple are suffering while you pretend things are so great; all for your rabid partisan; FAR-LEFT ideology

Your use of 'progressive' is counterproductive: much of the right is progressive in that it wants government to do certain things.

The far right exaggerates ("while you pretend things are so great") tries to cover its failures.

Partisanship is the staple of the far right and the far left.
LOL if we're so marginalized you'd think left-wing nutjobs wouldnt need to use the right as scapegoats for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE it's comical yet sad; real peple are suffering while you pretend things are so great; all for your rabid partisan; FAR-LEFT ideology

Your use of 'progressive' is counterproductive: much of the right is progressive in that it wants government to do certain things.

The far right exaggerates ("while you pretend things are so great") tries to cover its failures.

Partisanship is the staple of the far right and the far left.

i refer to the left-wing type in power; the ones pretending they arent and blaming their failures on others?
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

By Obama's poor standards, that is good news. Before so many jobs were destroyed, a gain of 400K because of new workers and immigrants was considered neither good nor bad. So this would have been bad. But under Obama it went up, so yeah, you're right, we have to take what we can get. It didn't go down. Good news.

Progressives are always rebranding their failures as successes; and defining success down.
If a 2.5% increase is a "huge number" then the 82% of Boomers retiring by age 65 must be super colossal!!!

no matter how much you insist on making a fool of yourself here; it has already been pointed out to you that the low rate of labor market participation has more to do with RECORD NUMBERS OF ABLE-BODIED, WORKING AGE AMERICANS not participatin

a real adult would give up by now
You have proved no such thing, retirees are not required to work until they die no matter how able-bodied they are. You are claiming that a 2.5% increase in Boomers working past 65 is more significant than 82% of Boomers retiring by age 65. :cuckoo:

i'm claiming no such thing leftard. i AM saying that you would be hard-pressed to find a time in our history; especially in the modern era of SS and Medicare; when peoplre of retirement age chose to NOT RETIRE. since they ARENT RETIRING; your numbers are made moot AND
as usual you're way too cowardly too address an even larger issue; the numbers of able-bodied workers NOT AT RETIREMENT AGE that still ARENT PARTICIPATING in the labor market
If a 2.5% increase is a "huge number" then the 82% of Boomers retiring by age 65 must be super colossal!!!

no matter how much you insist on making a fool of yourself here; it has already been pointed out to you that the low rate of labor market participation has more to do with RECORD NUMBERS OF ABLE-BODIED, WORKING AGE AMERICANS not participatin

a real adult would give up by now
You have proved no such thing, retirees are not required to work until they die no matter how able-bodied they are. You are claiming that a 2.5% increase in Boomers working past 65 is more significant than 82% of Boomers retiring by age 65. :cuckoo:

that 2.5% you're trying to dismiss amounts to 7.5 MILLION workers of retirement age still in the labor force; and is DOUBLE the number of just 15 years ago; according to the very un-right-wing New York times

and then there's still the one you cant even bring yourself to talk about; the number of WORKING-AGE Americans not working in the obama years
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.
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The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

democrats were a two-year majority of the US government in that last 4 months of bush you speak of

funny how LOSERS LIKE YOU can whine that republicans in THE MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of obama's first 2 years "obstructed" him; but the Dem MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress for all of bush's last two years means nothing.

you're a friggen fool and a hypocrite lying to himself
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

there are less people working now in obama's sixth year

youre a fool regurgitating talking points.
if obama 'created" more jobs in five years than bush in 8 then:

you have some apologizing to do to "job creators" you have constantly inssiting havent created jobs.
you should admit it doesnt take "jobs bills' to create jobs since you've been crying like a baby that repubs "blocked" so many Dem "jobs bills'

and basically NOTHING you losers say; certainly not the stupidity you post here; holds up to scrutiny
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

democrats were a two-year majority of the US government in that last 4 months of bush you speak of

funny how LOSERS LIKE YOU can whine that republicans in THE MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of obama's first 2 years "obstructed" him; but the Dem MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress for all of bush's last two years means nothing.

you're a friggen fool and a hypocrite lying to himself

You're such an idiot. How about you explain exactly HOW democrats in 2008 caused the economic crisis. You can't. That's what makes you an idiot.

Tell me, since 2010, how exactly have republicans made things better. THEY DIDNT
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

there are less people working now in obama's sixth year

youre a fool regurgitating talking points.
if obama 'created" more jobs in five years than bush in 8 then:

you have some apologizing to do to "job creators" you have constantly inssiting havent created jobs.
you should admit it doesnt take "jobs bills' to create jobs since you've been crying like a baby that repubs "blocked" so many Dem "jobs bills'

and basically NOTHING you losers say; certainly not the stupidity you post here; holds up to scrutiny

How do you not see the implications of the loss of 8 million jobs? Why can't you explain how exactly it is Obama's fault?
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

Leaf rakers?
Street sweepers?
Toilet cleaners?
Burger flippers?

I know that the fracking companies in Colorado are starting to put folks to work. Those are truly good jobs but I wonder what percentage of the "288,000" jobs the OP is speaking of are actually decent jobs.
Average hours and average pay stayed the same, so no, it wasn't an influx of part time min wage jobs.
The labor participation rate is also at its worst in thirty years according to the same report. There is good news as well but overall the economy is still weak.
The LPR would be the same no matter who was president during the Boomers retirement. Funny how the steadily declining LPR was not worth a mention during the Bush Regime, and he didn't have Boomers retiring!!!

Funny how you keep thinking the boomers retiring is the only reason for the labor participation rate if people weren't wise enough to look at that number and mention it during the Bush Presidency that's on them. I suspect you would find the labor participation rate much more relevant if this was a Republican President and for the record this would still be a economy if it was.
no matter how much you insist on making a fool of yourself here; it has already been pointed out to you that the low rate of labor market participation has more to do with RECORD NUMBERS OF ABLE-BODIED, WORKING AGE AMERICANS not participatin

a real adult would give up by now
You have proved no such thing, retirees are not required to work until they die no matter how able-bodied they are. You are claiming that a 2.5% increase in Boomers working past 65 is more significant than 82% of Boomers retiring by age 65. :cuckoo:

that 2.5% you're trying to dismiss amounts to 7.5 MILLION workers of retirement age still in the labor force; and is DOUBLE the number of just 15 years ago; according to the very un-right-wing New York times

and then there's still the one you cant even bring yourself to talk about; the number of WORKING-AGE Americans not working in the obama years
That 2.5% is less than 100,000 you pinhead!

The number of working age Americans not working is 9,753,000. When Bush left office it was 12 million.
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The labor participation rate is also at its worst in thirty years according to the same report. There is good news as well but overall the economy is still weak.
The LPR would be the same no matter who was president during the Boomers retirement. Funny how the steadily declining LPR was not worth a mention during the Bush Regime, and he didn't have Boomers retiring!!!

Funny how you keep thinking the boomers retiring is the only reason for the labor participation rate if people weren't wise enough to look at that number and mention it during the Bush Presidency that's on them. I suspect you would find the labor participation rate much more relevant if this was a Republican President and for the record this would still be a economy if it was.
No, it was not mentioned by the Right during the Bush Regime because the Right would have to say that Bush's low UE rate was due to the LPR dropping.

Had the Right not made a big deal of the LPR now, it would not be mentioned if the GOP were president, but since you have made a big deal of it and since it will continue to rise until the Boomers have all retired, if a Republican does get elected it will be rubbed in their face no matter how low the UE rate drops.
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

democrats were a two-year majority of the US government in that last 4 months of bush you speak of

funny how LOSERS LIKE YOU can whine that republicans in THE MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of obama's first 2 years "obstructed" him; but the Dem MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress for all of bush's last two years means nothing.

you're a friggen fool and a hypocrite lying to himself

You're such an idiot. How about you explain exactly HOW democrats in 2008 caused the economic crisis. You can't. That's what makes you an idiot.

Tell me, since 2010, how exactly have republicans made things better. THEY DIDNT
Holy crap batman, were back here? That battle ended a long time ago. Get on board the Dodd Frank act. Wow.
These people have spent 5 years trying to replace U-3 with U-6 so they can compare Bush's U-3 numbers to Obama's U-6 numbers.

It's what passes for genius on the Right.
The FOX Gossip Channel already did that!


I think Obama's cooking the books. and I trust Faux to confirm this, for I am a republican.

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