Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

And yet Libs fight this tooth and nail.
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how many are at Walmart; or some other place the Left hates like in the oil and gas producing sector?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Job strength was widespread.

In April, employment growth was widespread, led by gains in professional and business services, retail trade, food services and drinking places, and construction.

Employment Situation Summary
Most of those 288,000 jobs were fag jobs. Not real jobs.

That HAS to be it. They were fag jobs of some kind. They sure as shit weren't real work like picking cotton, I can tell you that!
How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The baby boomers are retiring, Ahab.

U.S. Unemployment: Retirees Are Not The Labor Exodus Problem - Forbes

Many Baby Boomers Reluctant to Retire
3 million Boomers have been retiring each year since 2010, which shoots a big hole in the Forbes rationalization!!!

From your link:

Since 2008, the civilian non-institutional population has jumped by 11.9 million, yet the civilian labor force has only increased by 1.1 million, according to annual figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
bush's U-6 number and U-3 numbers are better than obama's.

libs are crybabies and losers.
there are MORE long-term unemployed under obama

and the short-term (U-3) number for obama is garbage too.

In the 96 months Bush was President, nonfarm payrolls declined in 38 months, or 40% of the time. In the 63 months Obama has been President, nonfarm payrolls have declined in 16 months, or 25% of the time.

All Employees: Total nonfarm - FRED - St. Louis Fed
How many of you rightwingers realize that if you're going to hold presidents responsible for the job situation,

while you're trying to blame Obama for whatever you think is wrong with the job situation now,

you are by your own argument making the case for electing Hillary Clinton in 2016,

because Hillary is the closest thing to a replacement for Bill Clinton, and President Clinton had the best job situation in recent memory.

Fair enough?
In an economy that is stagnant this will be a one off. The labor force participation rate is still stuck in 1970s terrirtory.

Yes, March and April are when many businesses are seasonally hiring.

Right, which is why the actual change in jobs was +1,152,000 Seasonally adjusted, the change was +288,000 once the seasonal pattern was eliminated.
3 million Boomers have been retiring each year since 2010, which shoots a big hole in the Forbes rationalization!!!

Got a link for that?

From your link:

Since 2008, the civilian non-institutional population has jumped by 11.9 million, yet the civilian labor force has only increased by 1.1 million, according to annual figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Which means job creation is not keeping pace with population increases.
How many of you rightwingers realize that if you're going to hold presidents responsible for the job situation,

while you're trying to blame Obama for whatever you think is wrong with the job situation now,

you are by your own argument making the case for electing Hillary Clinton in 2016,

because Hillary is the closest thing to a replacement for Bill Clinton, and President Clinton had the best job situation in recent memory.

Fair enough?

With a technology boom and the GOP controlling the purse strings, sure. So what's the next technology boom?

BTW, Dole ran on a platform of increasing the GDP by 15-20% during his first term and Clinton scoffed at that, saying it was overly optimistic. So why does he take credit for something he didn't think was possible?
How many of you rightwingers realize that if you're going to hold presidents responsible for the job situation,

while you're trying to blame Obama for whatever you think is wrong with the job situation now,

you are by your own argument making the case for electing Hillary Clinton in 2016,

because Hillary is the closest thing to a replacement for Bill Clinton, and President Clinton had the best job situation in recent memory.

Fair enough?

With a technology boom and the GOP controlling the purse strings, sure. So what's the next technology boom?

BTW, Dole ran on a platform of increasing the GDP by 15-20% during his first term and Clinton scoffed at that, saying it was overly optimistic. So why does he take credit for something he didn't think was possible?

So you credit the Democratic Congress with economic expansion of the 80's?

lol, you people are pathetic.
The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

there are less people working now in obama's sixth year

youre a fool regurgitating talking points.
if obama 'created" more jobs in five years than bush in 8 then:

you have some apologizing to do to "job creators" you have constantly inssiting havent created jobs.
you should admit it doesnt take "jobs bills' to create jobs since you've been crying like a baby that repubs "blocked" so many Dem "jobs bills'

and basically NOTHING you losers say; certainly not the stupidity you post here; holds up to scrutiny

How many times would you have to have it proven to you that there are more people working now than when Bush left office before you'd admit it?

Yet the % of the adult population working is LESS.. jobs lost or vacated are MORE than any f these 'jobs created'...

It is not ALL on the President.. but every time there is positive spin news, you guys place it on Obamalama like a royal robe.. yet when shown the numbers do not tell the whole truth, you backtrack to try and show it is not Obamalama's fault... which shows your hyper partisan bullshit agenda
poor butt-hurt loser Progressive!1

ok go cry now

Ironic post is ironic

You've been showing your butthurt all over this thread, Bedwetter62, and crying for 11 pages over what a normal person with any sense of decency would be celebrating.

You're a lying loser lying to himself, or whatever it is you've said like a broken record.
how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?

288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

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