Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

democrats were a two-year majority of the US government in that last 4 months of bush you speak of

funny how LOSERS LIKE YOU can whine that republicans in THE MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of obama's first 2 years "obstructed" him; but the Dem MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress for all of bush's last two years means nothing.

you're a friggen fool and a hypocrite lying to himself

You're such an idiot. How about you explain exactly HOW democrats in 2008 caused the economic crisis. You can't. That's what makes you an idiot.

Tell me, since 2010, how exactly have republicans made things better. THEY DIDNT
Holy crap batman, were back here? That battle ended a long time ago. Get on board the Dodd Frank act. Wow.
Again we see another No-Information voter who has been told by GOP hate radio that the Dodd/Frank act that was signed in 2010 caused the Dec 2007 Bush depression! :cuckoo:
You're such an idiot. How about you explain exactly HOW democrats in 2008 caused the economic crisis. You can't. That's what makes you an idiot.

Tell me, since 2010, how exactly have republicans made things better. THEY DIDNT
Holy crap batman, were back here? That battle ended a long time ago. Get on board the Dodd Frank act. Wow.
Again we see another No-Information voter who has been told by GOP hate radio that the Dodd/Frank act that was signed in 2010 caused the Dec 2007 Bush depression! :cuckoo:

you're still here making a fool of yourself; because you arent man enough to admit when you're wrong.

Dems didnt CAUSE the economic crisis; but you're such an idiot and coward you could never admit i can give you a hundred examples of policies and laws from the bush years Dems VOTED TO FUND AND/OR CONTINUE. so if dems didnt cause it neither did Republicans. you arent man enough to admit what Dems DIDNT support from the bush years is a tiny pile next to Bush and repub policies they DID support

you guys are crybabies pure and simple
obama IS cooking the books leftard; dont blame Fox News; because you WANT to remain ignorant
U.S. Unemployment: Retirees Are Not The Labor Exodus ...*


Jan 15, 2014 - Retirees playing shuffleboard in Sarasota, Florida (Photo credit: State Library ... The above numbers speak to a pronounced drop in labor force ...

you're still beating a dead horse and avoiding the real issue; WORKING AGE AMERICANS not participating in the labor market

why dont you be a man for once and admit you've been bested?
The LPR would be the same no matter who was president during the Boomers retirement. Funny how the steadily declining LPR was not worth a mention during the Bush Regime, and he didn't have Boomers retiring!!!

Funny how you keep thinking the boomers retiring is the only reason for the labor participation rate if people weren't wise enough to look at that number and mention it during the Bush Presidency that's on them. I suspect you would find the labor participation rate much more relevant if this was a Republican President and for the record this would still be a economy if it was.
No, it was not mentioned by the Right during the Bush Regime because the Right would have to say that Bush's low UE rate was due to the LPR dropping.

Had the Right not made a big deal of the LPR now, it would not be mentioned if the GOP were president, but since you have made a big deal of it and since it will continue to rise until the Boomers have all retired, if a Republican does get elected it will be rubbed in their face no matter how low the UE rate drops.

It was also not mentioned by the left either you can spin all you want dismiss this and that even bring Bush up it does not change the fact this is still a weak sluggish economy deal with it or don't.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

The real news is that 860,000 people dropped from the job market rolls in April, (they don't get counted as unemployed), giving us the lowest percentage of the working age people with jobs since 1978. You're really quite dishonest RW.

The counting is rigged in favor of the Regime.

Anything to favor der Fuhrer, eh Spinmeister?
Ah, but is the drop because people are taking soc sec? If so, I don't see the skewing.

But, my guess is that fewer are working to 70, but that is not really an option unless you have a good education and job that aren't physically demanding.
Funny how you keep thinking the boomers retiring is the only reason for the labor participation rate if people weren't wise enough to look at that number and mention it during the Bush Presidency that's on them. I suspect you would find the labor participation rate much more relevant if this was a Republican President and for the record this would still be a economy if it was.
No, it was not mentioned by the Right during the Bush Regime because the Right would have to say that Bush's low UE rate was due to the LPR dropping.

Had the Right not made a big deal of the LPR now, it would not be mentioned if the GOP were president, but since you have made a big deal of it and since it will continue to rise until the Boomers have all retired, if a Republican does get elected it will be rubbed in their face no matter how low the UE rate drops.

It was also not mentioned by the left either you can spin all you want dismiss this and that even bring Bush up it does not change the fact this is still a weak sluggish economy deal with it or don't.
That's because the Left are intelligent enough to know it a worthless stat and don't use it to try to mislead like the Right does. DUH!
No, it was not mentioned by the Right during the Bush Regime because the Right would have to say that Bush's low UE rate was due to the LPR dropping.

Had the Right not made a big deal of the LPR now, it would not be mentioned if the GOP were president, but since you have made a big deal of it and since it will continue to rise until the Boomers have all retired, if a Republican does get elected it will be rubbed in their face no matter how low the UE rate drops.

It was also not mentioned by the left either you can spin all you want dismiss this and that even bring Bush up it does not change the fact this is still a weak sluggish economy deal with it or don't.
That's because the Left are intelligent enough to know it a worthless stat and don't use it to try to mislead like the Right does. DUH!

you are a coward; pure and simple.
you refuse to address the number of ABLE-BODIED AND WORKING AGE Americans not participating it the labor market
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U.S. Unemployment: Retirees Are Not The Labor Exodus ...*


Jan 15, 2014 - Retirees playing shuffleboard in Sarasota, Florida (Photo credit: State Library ... The above numbers speak to a pronounced drop in labor force ...

you're still beating a dead horse and avoiding the real issue; WORKING AGE AMERICANS not participating in the labor market

why dont you be a man for once and admit you've been bested?
You can post the same crap over and over, but it does not change the fact that 3 million Boomers are retiring every year since 2010.

From your own link:

Since 2008, the civilian non-institutional population has jumped by 11.9 million, yet the civilian labor force has only increased by 1.1 million, according to annual figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
It was also not mentioned by the left either you can spin all you want dismiss this and that even bring Bush up it does not change the fact this is still a weak sluggish economy deal with it or don't.
That's because the Left are intelligent enough to know it a worthless stat and don't use it to try to mislead like the Right does. DUH!

you are a coward; pure and simple.
you refuse to address the number of ABLE-BODIED AND WORKING AGE Americans not participating it the labor market
Yeah, stay-at-home moms and students over 16 and able-bodied retirees. Discouraged workers have been declining!
That's because the Left are intelligent enough to know it a worthless stat and don't use it to try to mislead like the Right does. DUH!

you are a coward; pure and simple.
you refuse to address the number of ABLE-BODIED AND WORKING AGE Americans not participating it the labor market
Yeah, stay-at-home moms and students over 16 and able-bodied retirees. Discouraged workers have been declining!

:lame2: What a huge pile of male bovine excrement!!! :mad:

US economy records bumper jobs growth in April


I read the BBC heading and wondered what they were talking We all know it won't be full-time at more than 30 hours per week.about. Then, take a look at the photo. Oh Great! Mickey D's is hiring floor sweepers for $300 a week! We all know these are all low-pay, part-time jobs

"The one thing I would be careful with though is the decline in the unemployment rate, the decline in the unemployment rate was a function of the labour force falling by 806,000, that is gargantuan decline," he added.

There was also some disappointment over weak wage growth. Average hourly earnings in the private sector did not increase in April and over the past year wages are up a modest 1.9%.

Read more @ BBC News - US economy records bumper jobs growth in April

At the same time, BBC adds these 2 stories:

US economic growth slows sharply to 0.1% in first quarter @ BBC News - US economic growth slows sharply to 0.1% in first quarter

US Federal Reserve continues to slow monthly bond-buying @ BBC News - US Federal Reserve continues to slow monthly bond-buying

So, which is it? Good news? Or not-so-good news?

And then comes this:

One Million People Dropped Out Of Labor Force In April

Participation Rate Plummets To Lowest Since 1978

Zero Hedge, May 2, 2014 @ Prison » One Million People Dropped Out Of Labor Force In April

Let's try getting to the truth about this pile of manure!!! :evil:
That's because the Left are intelligent enough to know it a worthless stat and don't use it to try to mislead like the Right does. DUH!

you are a coward; pure and simple.
you refuse to address the number of ABLE-BODIED AND WORKING AGE Americans not participating it the labor market
Yeah, stay-at-home moms and students over 16 and able-bodied retirees. Discouraged workers have been declining!

lol!! in times of record welfare and food stamps you think there are MORE moms staying at home?

and why arent jobs for 16-year olds included in all those obama good times?

what IS the obama record for teen employment/

ur a loser and a coward; beating aroung the edges of the issue; desperate to avoid the issue; yet too stubborn and ignorant to give up
no YOU can post the same thing over and over; it has been repeatedly pointed out to you that retiring baby boomers arent the main reason teh rate of labor market participation is at a 4- year low under obama

think record welfare and federal disability payments have anything to do with the issue?

once again you cowardly refuse to address WORKING AGE AND ABLE BODIED Americans not working in a responsible manner. they arent all 16 or stay-at-home moms

you're frankly a JOKE
no YOU can post the same thing over and over; it has been repeatedly pointed out to you that retiring baby boomers arent the main reason teh rate of labor market participation is at a 4- year low under obama

think record welfare and federal disability payments have anything to do with the issue?

once again you cowardly refuse to address WORKING AGE AND ABLE BODIED Americans not working in a responsible manner. they arent all 16 or stay-at-home moms

you're frankly a JOKE
It doesn't matter how many Right-wing liars you produce, the fact remains that about 3 million Boomers are retiring every year since 2010. The increase in the number of Boomers working past 65 is less than 100,000 per year.
How predictable...progressives rejoicing in positive job number developments...conservatives disappointed in same.
If concerned about ur kids and America's future...which party would YOU vote for?

Sent from my iPhone using

How predictable; left-wing losers rejoicing in phony numbers that tell half a story at best; and are almost ALWAYS REVISED DOWNWARD. look it up if you dont believe me; this is the trend under obama.

a 40-YEAR LOW in participation in the labor market is the number that matters; and it is nothing to rejoice about

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The baby boomers are retiring, Ahab.

U.S. Unemployment: Retirees Are Not The Labor Exodus Problem - Forbes
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The height of the financial crisis happened in Bush's final 4 months. We lost 8 million jobs starting then until the middle of 2009. From there, we had consistent job growth. Thanks in large part to Obama's stimulus package

You people have no perspective when you blame Obama for economic conditions being worse under him than Bush. Your logic is basically saying Bush fixed everything before Obama came into office and then Obama fucked everything up again. Obviously that is complete non sense. Obviously shit is going to be worse under Obama if the 2008 crisis would spill into his presidency.

Let's not forget that 2x as many private jobs were created in his first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

there are less people working now in obama's sixth year

youre a fool regurgitating talking points.
if obama 'created" more jobs in five years than bush in 8 then:

you have some apologizing to do to "job creators" you have constantly inssiting havent created jobs.
you should admit it doesnt take "jobs bills' to create jobs since you've been crying like a baby that repubs "blocked" so many Dem "jobs bills'

and basically NOTHING you losers say; certainly not the stupidity you post here; holds up to scrutiny

How many times would you have to have it proven to you that there are more people working now than when Bush left office before you'd admit it?

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