Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?

288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Right. The UE rate went from 10% in Jan 2009 to 6.3% last month. Why would anybody care about that?
288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

Well it was JOBS that mattered to the Repups when there weren't any. And when JOBS provided a good talking point.

But when the jobs started coming back, that was a problem. At least for the Rethugs. I mean what could they talk about.

I know, the labor participation rate. Yea that's it. Rush told them about this wonderful new statistic called the labor participation rate and how that is falling and an entire new world of bitching opened up right before a Rethugs eyes.

And lord knows a rethug wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to bitch.

Even when there is good news for the rest of us, all they do is bitch.
288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Right. The UE rate went from 10% in Jan 2009 to 6.3% last month. Why would anybody care about that?

Because when the stupid number excluded those who have 'stopped looking', and does not show that less people are actually finding jobs, especially in comparison to those jobs being vacated or the population increase... it does not paint the realistic picture... fact is, the jobs situation is shitty and is the worst it has been since the Carter administration
The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

Well it was JOBS that mattered to the Repups when there weren't any. And when JOBS provided a good talking point.

But when the jobs started coming back, that was a problem. At least for the Rethugs. I mean what could they talk about.

I know, the labor participation rate. Yea that's it. Rush told them about this wonderful new statistic called the labor participation rate and how that is falling and an entire new world of bitching opened up right before a Rethugs eyes.

And lord knows a rethug wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to bitch.

Even when there is good news for the rest of us, all they do is bitch.

Jobs are NOT coming back.. you claim 300 or so K in increases while ignoring the number leaving the workforce, who have 'stopped looking' etc... when population increase of working age adults and the jobs that are vacated by retirement are taken into account (AS THEY SHOULD BE FOR A REALISTIC VIEW) you see there is no INCREASE...

Idiots... anything to paint you agenda in pretty colors... reality scares you just as equality in treatment does
there are less people working now in obama's sixth year

youre a fool regurgitating talking points.
if obama 'created" more jobs in five years than bush in 8 then:

you have some apologizing to do to "job creators" you have constantly inssiting havent created jobs.
you should admit it doesnt take "jobs bills' to create jobs since you've been crying like a baby that repubs "blocked" so many Dem "jobs bills'

and basically NOTHING you losers say; certainly not the stupidity you post here; holds up to scrutiny

How many times would you have to have it proven to you that there are more people working now than when Bush left office before you'd admit it?

Yet the % of the adult population working is LESS.. jobs lost or vacated are MORE than any f these 'jobs created'...

It is not ALL on the President.. but every time there is positive spin news, you guys place it on Obamalama like a royal robe.. yet when shown the numbers do not tell the whole truth, you backtrack to try and show it is not Obamalama's fault... which shows your hyper partisan bullshit agenda

Did I effusively credit Obama for this good report, which is what you're accusing me of? Where?
Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

Well it was JOBS that mattered to the Repups when there weren't any. And when JOBS provided a good talking point.

But when the jobs started coming back, that was a problem. At least for the Rethugs. I mean what could they talk about.

I know, the labor participation rate. Yea that's it. Rush told them about this wonderful new statistic called the labor participation rate and how that is falling and an entire new world of bitching opened up right before a Rethugs eyes.

And lord knows a rethug wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to bitch.

Even when there is good news for the rest of us, all they do is bitch.

Jobs are NOT coming back.. you claim 300 or so K in increases while ignoring the number leaving the workforce, who have 'stopped looking' etc... when population increase of working age adults and the jobs that are vacated by retirement are taken into account (AS THEY SHOULD BE FOR A REALISTIC VIEW) you see there is no INCREASE...

Idiots... anything to paint you agenda in pretty colors... reality scares you just as equality in treatment does

We've had what may be the biggest contraction in public sector jobs over several years now, something like 600,000 lost since the recession; why won't conservatives like yourself confront that while you're trying to paint a dismal picture of the job situation.

After all, that's what you all have wanted, smaller government.
Hey dave. Tell those people who found a job that jobs aren't coming back. They will believe you. Really.
288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Right. The UE rate went from 10% in Jan 2009 to 6.3% last month. Why would anybody care about that?

my Grandpa always said, "figgers don't lie.., but liars do figger"

what do you have to say about 92 million out of work ??

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in the labor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month. In March, 91,630,000 Americans were not in the labor force, which includes an aging population that is continuing to head into retirement.

Read more at Obama?s America: 92 million don?t work
how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?

288,000 people got employment.

Why wouldn't you be happy? I thought jobs were important

The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

I retired last May and someone else is in my previous job. Why does it matter that I'm not in the workforce anymore? Is that Obama's 'fault'?
The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

Well it was JOBS that mattered to the Repups when there weren't any. And when JOBS provided a good talking point.

But when the jobs started coming back, that was a problem. At least for the Rethugs. I mean what could they talk about.

I know, the labor participation rate. Yea that's it. Rush told them about this wonderful new statistic called the labor participation rate and how that is falling and an entire new world of bitching opened up right before a Rethugs eyes.

And lord knows a rethug wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to bitch.

Even when there is good news for the rest of us, all they do is bitch.

Well....on the bright side

After Republicans are out of excuses for why the economy really is bad......they always have.......Obama didn't do it
Post the numbers.

i will dummy; but it's so hard to find a source that would be aceptable to you; because all of your liberal friends are like you; a loser who doesnt want to hear inconvenniant truths.

the right is the only people telling the truth about your trainwreck president now; and for that they get called "negative"

sheep; they all speak the same language

If you don't know the source, how can you know the numbers? You heard it somewhere from someone who wasn't telling the truth is my guess.

Hmm...the con here speaks only insults; no facts...the respondent comes back with a rational statement questioning his opponent without casting aspersions....
Typical of the conservative vs. progressive discussions on these forums...

Sent from my iPhone using
The unemployment numbers mean nothing Leftyloon. The only number that matters is the people in the workforce.. That number is down.

Right. The UE rate went from 10% in Jan 2009 to 6.3% last month. Why would anybody care about that?

my Grandpa always said, "figgers don't lie.., but liars do figger"

what do you have to say about 92 million out of work ??

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in the labor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month. In March, 91,630,000 Americans were not in the labor force, which includes an aging population that is continuing to head into retirement.

Read more at Obama?s America: 92 million don?t work
Well, lets look at your MessiahRushie's 92 million useless eaters.

There are 85 million moms and 28% are stay-at-home moms.
There are 38 million retired.
There are 11 million high school students over 16 years old 71% of whom do not work.
There are 8 million disabled.
There are 9 million college students who do not work.

Now some of these overlap, you have retired people and stay-at-home moms who attend school, or stay-at-home moms who are disabled, for example.

May 02, 2014
RUSH: 92,594,000 Americans are not working. They're all eating.
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Looks like you are going to be disappointed for the next two decades as baby boomers abandon the workforce

Odd, how up till now, it was jobs that mattered

Well it was JOBS that mattered to the Repups when there weren't any. And when JOBS provided a good talking point.

But when the jobs started coming back, that was a problem. At least for the Rethugs. I mean what could they talk about.

I know, the labor participation rate. Yea that's it. Rush told them about this wonderful new statistic called the labor participation rate and how that is falling and an entire new world of bitching opened up right before a Rethugs eyes.

And lord knows a rethug wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to bitch.

Even when there is good news for the rest of us, all they do is bitch.

Well....on the bright side

After Republicans are out of excuses for why the economy really is bad......they always have.......Obama didn't do it
Exactly, it will be either the GOP House did it, or it would have recovered faster without Obama.
How many of you rightwingers realize that if you're going to hold presidents responsible for the job situation,

while you're trying to blame Obama for whatever you think is wrong with the job situation now,

you are by your own argument making the case for electing Hillary Clinton in 2016,

because Hillary is the closest thing to a replacement for Bill Clinton, and President Clinton had the best job situation in recent memory.

Fair enough?

With a technology boom and the GOP controlling the purse strings, sure. So what's the next technology boom?

BTW, Dole ran on a platform of increasing the GDP by 15-20% during his first term and Clinton scoffed at that, saying it was overly optimistic. So why does he take credit for something he didn't think was possible?

So you credit the Democratic Congress with economic expansion of the 80's?

lol, you people are pathetic.

Are you incapable of actually having a conversation?

Must be all the head injuries you sustained.

Take a good look at that chart, rubes.

Notice when the labor force participation started dropping?

How come you did not wake out of your fucking comas until January 20, 2009? How come you did not harp and harp and harp and harp about it whenever good employment news came out during 2001-2009?


I'll tell you why. Because you are the biggest pack of partisan willful creduloids to come down the pike in centuries.
288,000 jobs? That's pathetic. It's pathetic that people think that a number that low is good simply because its higher that the previous numbers.

So Obama is failing at a slightly slower rate than before. Whoop-de-doo! He's still a pathetic failure.

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