Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April

record welfare and food stamps in obama's 6th year

if so many jobs are being created how can left-wing nutjobs be labeling the Right as heartless for asking why the level of food stamps cant be cut by one penny or unemployment by one day?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Cutting a billion or two or three from food stamps is stupid. The yearly deficits are under $500 billion now.

Food stamps aren't the problem; huge loopholes in the tax code that give tens upon tens of billions of dollars in corporate welfare ARE the problem.

We can afford to help people out who need a little help; we can't afford to keep giving the Michele Bachmann family farm $250K a year in subsidies her family doesn't need.

The only negative of all the new jobs created is that trickle-down economics have left us with primarily with a service economy where a few people own everything while tens of millions are now working full-time hours or more and being paid so low that they actually need Food Stamp assistance.

It makes no sense. These corporations actually encourage their workers to get food stamps.

We now live in a world where people are working tons of hours and their companies are raking in billions instead of mere millions. In the old days, if your company was making millions, you'd get a Xmas bonus and a raise. Now you work so the company store can make billions but not pay you enough so that you can even support yourself.

Just makes no sense. We're a rich country. We can pay our legion of minimum wage workers a few dollars more per hour. We could practically eliminate all the taxpayer money going into social assistance that way, but Republicans are against raising the minimum wage because then it would take away their talking point where they love to blame poor people for everything.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts


And that's without the government adding jobs.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

More great news...... If you're a Democrat....

Jobs Report: Unemployment Down, But 800,000 Leave Workforce


Gloom and doom from the right.

Gotta love it.

It was the same way when Clinton turned around the economy too.
It's widely accepted that to keep pace and stay even 200,000 jobs need to be created every month.
So we really only have 88,000 jobs created.
That coupled with so many people leaving the workforce and GDP growing at just .1% for the first quarter.

What exactly is the celebration about?

Speaking of low information. The topic is not about the definition. It is about how the bullshit numbers are being spun.
Yeah, it's the Right trying to spin good numbers into bad by misrepresenting everyone who leaves the workforce as getting discouraged and giving up.

Take a good look at that chart, rubes.

Notice when the labor force participation started dropping?

How come you did not wake out of your fucking comas until January 20, 2009? How come you did not harp and harp and harp and harp about it whenever good employment news came out during 2001-2009?


I'll tell you why. Because you are the biggest pack of partisan willful creduloids to come down the pike in centuries.

Good point.

the thing about the "Labor Participation Rate" is that the first Baby boomers were born in 1946. (Six months after guys like my dad returned from World War II)

which means they all started hitting retirement age about now. So of course, the labor participation rate is going to drop as these baby-boomers start retiring.

And this is going to be a challenge, because medicare and social security are going to need to remain solvant to support them.

Take a good look at that chart, rubes.

Notice when the labor force participation started dropping?

How come you did not wake out of your fucking comas until January 20, 2009? How come you did not harp and harp and harp and harp about it whenever good employment news came out during 2001-2009?


I'll tell you why. Because you are the biggest pack of partisan willful creduloids to come down the pike in centuries.

Good point.

the thing about the "Labor Participation Rate" is that the first Baby boomers were born in 1946. (Six months after guys like my dad returned from World War II)

which means they all started hitting retirement age about now. So of course, the labor participation rate is going to drop as these baby-boomers start retiring.

And this is going to be a challenge, because medicare and social security are going to need to remain solvant to support them.

The driop in the participation rate is only mildly impacted by boomers. The large part is the working class who are just giving up. Need to help contribute to the .01% GDP soon to be downgraded to negative


Take a good look at that chart, rubes.

Notice when the labor force participation started dropping?

How come you did not wake out of your fucking comas until January 20, 2009? How come you did not harp and harp and harp and harp about it whenever good employment news came out during 2001-2009?


I'll tell you why. Because you are the biggest pack of partisan willful creduloids to come down the pike in centuries.

Good point.

the thing about the "Labor Participation Rate" is that the first Baby boomers were born in 1946. (Six months after guys like my dad returned from World War II)

which means they all started hitting retirement age about now. So of course, the labor participation rate is going to drop as these baby-boomers start retiring.

And this is going to be a challenge, because medicare and social security are going to need to remain solvant to support them.

The driop in the participation rate is only mildly impacted by boomers. The large part is the working class who are just giving up. Need to help contribute to the .01% GDP soon to be downgraded to negative

You have 3 million Boomers retiring every year since 2010, that's 12 million since 2010, and you say that is only a mild impact, and there are less than 1 million discouraged workers in total right now and you say the less than 1 million has a greater impact than the 12 million. :cuckoo:
Good point.

the thing about the "Labor Participation Rate" is that the first Baby boomers were born in 1946. (Six months after guys like my dad returned from World War II)

which means they all started hitting retirement age about now. So of course, the labor participation rate is going to drop as these baby-boomers start retiring.

And this is going to be a challenge, because medicare and social security are going to need to remain solvant to support them.

The driop in the participation rate is only mildly impacted by boomers. The large part is the working class who are just giving up. Need to help contribute to the .01% GDP soon to be downgraded to negative

You have 3 million Boomers retiring every year since 2010, that's 12 million since 2010, and you say that is only a mild impact, and there are less than 1 million discouraged workers in total right now and you say the less than 1 million has a greater impact than the 12 million. :cuckoo:

Just another example of that fuzzy rethug math. You know math and science are not the strong suits of the Republican party.
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

More great news...... If you're a Democrat....

Jobs Report: Unemployment Down, But 800,000 Leave Workforce


Gloom and doom from the right.

Gotta love it.

It was the same way when Clinton turned around the economy too.

Can anyone explain how adding 288,000 jobs is not good news?
Proof that the economy can heal itself in spite of the morons in the White House and Congress.

Do people honestly think Obama had anything to do with this. His unemployment record makes him the worst president in history....hands down.

Of all the Presidents since WWII, unemployment has averaged higher under Obama than any other President at 8.5%.

Civilian Unemployment Rate - FRED - St. Louis Fed

The second highest?

No wonder you use a bull for an avatar. The size of the market makes a huge difference, percentages only give us a partial view of what's going on.

Reagan vs. Obama: These 5 Charts Prove Who Was the Better President
LFP Participation
Reagan’s “recovery” came from an expanding labor market, and not from a shrinking one.
Reagan’s economy created 15.8 million new jobs, but Obama’s has only produced 3.2 million over five years. And… fewer people are working now than six years ago.
3. 1,687,000 Fewer People Working Than Six Years Ago


Gloom and doom from the right.

Gotta love it.

It was the same way when Clinton turned around the economy too.

Can anyone explain how adding 288,000 jobs is not good news?

Here's a reason


Unemployment rate falls, but for wrong reasons - May. 2, 2014

Stocks: Down Friday, but up for the week - May. 2, 2014

Investors should have been dancing on their trading desks after a strong jobs report, but it seems they were sleeping under them instead.

Gloom and doom from the right.

Gotta love it.

It was the same way when Clinton turned around the economy too.

Can anyone explain how adding 288,000 jobs is not good news?

Here's a reason


Unemployment rate falls, but for wrong reasons - May. 2, 2014

Stocks: Down Friday, but up for the week - May. 2, 2014

Investors should have been dancing on their trading desks after a strong jobs report, but it seems they were sleeping under them instead.

I have a math question for you...

Would the labor participation rate be higher or lower if we had only added 188,000 jobs last month?
Can anyone explain how adding 288,000 jobs is not good news?

Here's a reason


Unemployment rate falls, but for wrong reasons - May. 2, 2014

Stocks: Down Friday, but up for the week - May. 2, 2014

Investors should have been dancing on their trading desks after a strong jobs report, but it seems they were sleeping under them instead.

I have a math question for you...

Would the labor participation rate be higher or lower if we had only added 188,000 jobs last month?

IDK- Is it a negative number?


Here's a reason


Unemployment rate falls, but for wrong reasons - May. 2, 2014

Stocks: Down Friday, but up for the week - May. 2, 2014

Investors should have been dancing on their trading desks after a strong jobs report, but it seems they were sleeping under them instead.

I have a math question for you...

Would the labor participation rate be higher or lower if we had only added 188,000 jobs last month?

IDK- Is it a negative number?



Nice dodge

Does adding 288,000 jobs help or hurt the labor participation rate?
I have a math question for you...

Would the labor participation rate be higher or lower if we had only added 188,000 jobs last month?

IDK- Is it a negative number?



Nice dodge

Does adding 288,000 jobs help or hurt the labor participation rate?

Instead of playing 5 year-old-girl-games, just make your point and stop acting like you gotta pee.

The jobs created were burger-flipper jobs.

And the only reason people got off their sorry asses to go get a job is because their unemployment ran out.

Unemployment benefits for 1.3 million expire Saturday. Here?s why.

This is a SHIT economy and NOBODY is trying to tell us otherwise... Well, except for the occasional knob-slurping moron.

Even the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is telling his evil minions not to use the word 'recovery' because they'll get beaten to death with it if they do.

AP: After Years of Touting It, Dems Told Not to Say 'Recovery' | NewsBusters

But here you are, trying to tell us that everything's just rosie?

What a queef
Peter Schiff: Largest Exodus from Workforce Since Stats Were Kept

"In April, almost a million Americans left the labor force in one month. I think that's the largest exodus from the labor force since they began keeping the statistics," economist Peter Schiff says, adding that he doesn't believe 280,000 jobs were created.

"Better than 80 percent of them potentially were just made up by the government because over 240,000 of the jobs were the result of the birth-death assumptions where the government simply assumes that new businesses were created in April and that they hired people," Schiff told J.D. Hayworth and Miranda Kahn on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV.

Read Latest Breaking News from Peter Schiff: Largest Exodus from Workforce Since Stats Were Kept

"he doesn't believe 280,000 jobs were created." .., and i also do NOT believe the fucking pablum the regime is trying to feed us patriots who know better, for certain there are some libs here who swallow every bit of crap the regime hands out.

sooooo, in other words which would be more truthful.., there were NO jobs added. :up:

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