Economic Professor- A Teaching Moment

Any teacher who never failed a single student grades on a curve and is therefore a poor teacher

What do you care? You think you could just sit at home alone with the economics text and learn just as much, right?
Whatever! I'm getting tired of people posting the work of others, especially when it's the same story over and over again. Tell us what YOU think. I thought it was liberals that were supposed to be lazy. :eusa_eh:

I did tell you what I think.
All 5 sentences are true.
The bigger that a Government becomes, the more it will fail.

It is the left wing liberals that are this lazy. At least the OP posted an article look at Franco's posts, nothing ever except his opinion which is his reality, not most people's. What did your reply take? 2 seconds to post? How lazy is that? At least the OP went to the trouble to read an article.

At least it's his own writing and we don't see the same thing over and over again.
Bullshit story passed off as fact
It matters little if the story is real or fake.

The lessons taught in the story are very real and used to be considered truisms( they still are by intelligent people) until the 'give me, give me' mentality and liberal socialists began teaching how government is the savior of all.
What makes people think that Obama is spending more on welfare or food stamps in this country because if you would review the revenue and outlay expenses on the federal budget or what the treasury pays out it definitely tells you a different story. In 2011, 86 million was spent on welfare, collected revenue was 2.1 trillion.
Bullshit story passed off as fact
It matters little if the story is real or fake.

The lessons taught in the story are very real and used to be considered truisms( they still are by intelligent people) until the 'give me, give me' mentality and liberal socialists began teaching how government is the savior of all.

A fabricated outcome to prove a point?
Bullshit story passed off as fact
It matters little if the story is real or fake.

The lessons taught in the story are very real and used to be considered truisms( they still are by intelligent people) until the 'give me, give me' mentality and liberal socialists began teaching how government is the savior of all.

A fabricated outcome to prove a point?
The outcome is not fabricated. We are seeing it every day. One has but to look around them.
It matters little if the story is real or fake.

The lessons taught in the story are very real and used to be considered truisms( they still are by intelligent people) until the 'give me, give me' mentality and liberal socialists began teaching how government is the savior of all.

A fabricated outcome to prove a point?
The outcome is not fabricated. We are seeing it every day. One has but to look around them.

Every day?

Which Obama program? Name one
A fabricated outcome to prove a point?
The outcome is not fabricated. We are seeing it every day. One has but to look around them.

Every day?

Which Obama program? Name one
Do you watch any news at all?

Do you look around at your community? Have you looked at the job listings in your local paper? Do you not see the programs being enacted by obamacare that is now placing billions of dollars a year on our school systems with nanny state restrictions on food and drinks?

In any instance where a nanny state mentality exists, that is an example. Look at the fact that we borrow 40 cents for every dollar spent and that we must take nearly 60% of the only commodity that people have just to support the entire ideology.

You cannot lift the poor out of poverty by dragging the rich down to poverty.

Government does not create wealth and the only jobs they do create are jobs that bring a net negative effect.

I don't even know why I am bothering. You're a close-minded acolyte who worships at the feet of the government priesthood.
The outcome is not fabricated. We are seeing it every day. One has but to look around them.

Every day?

Which Obama program? Name one
Do you watch any news at all?

Do you look around at your community? Have you looked at the job listings in your local paper? Do you not see the programs being enacted by obamacare that is now placing billions of dollars a year on our school systems with nanny state restrictions on food and drinks?

In any instance where a nanny state mentality exists, that is an example. Look at the fact that we borrow 40 cents for every dollar spent and that we must take nearly 60% of the only commodity that people have just to support the entire ideology.

You cannot lift the poor out of poverty by dragging the rich down to poverty.

Government does not create wealth and the only jobs they do create are jobs that bring a net negative effect.

I don't even know why I am bothering. You're a close-minded acolyte who worships at the feet of the government priesthood.

I see where you failed to name a single one

The OP has a premise where all output is shared equally by all with the result of total output reaching zero

Show an Obama program that does that
Bullshit story passed off as fact
It matters little if the story is real or fake.

This explains everything about you, actually. The desire to believe something is more important to you than if it is actually true or not. You have walked right out of the the pages of Hayek's Road to Serfdom, and Orwell's 1984.

This is how people like you end up walking around in self-delusions, blindly accepting whatever you like as FACT, and denying things you don't like as untruths, without the slightest bit of evidence to support either conclusion.

That is not what true conservatism is about.

I am not kidding when I say critical thinking is alien technology to UnConservatives like yourself.

You are destroying the conservative movement from within.

Instead of real world facts, you are happy with making shit up and pointing to it as truth.

This topic is a teaching moment, all right. It demonstrates everything that is wrong with the Right today.
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It appears the Professor was able to connect when lecturing re: Socialism



An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.... (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that. These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

The fatal flaw in this made up bullshit story is that it assumes all students go to college for the grades, and not to learn. You ASSUME that no student would bust his balls to learn for the sake of learning regardless of the stupid grading protocols.

You ASSUME the students really would behave this way even though you have NO EVIDENCE they would. It just happens to agree with your point of view, and so you accept the false premises upon which the whole story is built.

Show us a REAL class that behaved this way.

I'm sick and tired of soft headed right wingers dragging down the conservative movement who are unable to debate actual issues and come up with actual solutions, and who just MAKE SHIT UP in their misguided attempts to win at any cost.
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