Economically I'm ultra far left

No crystal ball. I see an example of it right now. In the ultra-liberal county where my mother lives, and thus there are all sorts of giveaway policies, the people who never saved enough to pay for assisted living get an upscale new facility, complete with a gorgeous dining room and granite/stainless steel kitchens, pay a pittance to live there. My mother lives across the street in a comfortable but not lavish facility for which she pays 5x as much.

My sister and I joke that once Mom‘s money runs low enough, she can move to an upscale place and live with the other low-income people. Right now she’s too rich to afford it.
Where in the world do you live? My 80 year old retired father lives with me in VA.
Okay, let's look at that.

Poverty relief spending.

Food Stamps $85 Billion
Section 8 housing $68.7 Billion
TANF $30 Billion
WIC 4.9 Billion
Medicaid 359 Billion

So total of Poverty Relief programs- $548 billion.

Middle Class Entitlements

Social Security - 1.1 TRILLION
Medicare - $776 Billion
Unemployment spending - 794 billion in 2020 (although usually a lot less.)
Veterans Administration - 270 Billion

So total spending on middle class entitlements in 2020 was 3.488 TRILLION. Even taking out the fluke of 2020 and unemployment, we still spend six times as much keeping middle class white people from becoming poor than we do keeping poor people of color from outright starving.
I was going to answer you, and then I saw you inject the race card into a discussion that has nothing to do with it - along with some snark for white people. I don’t reply to racist posts, so bye bye.
Are they?

Most people just want to have a roof over their heads and food on the table. If left to the right, they'd have a hard time doing that.

Used to be, you graduated high school, you joined a union, you were able to make a living wage and start a family.

Today, thanks to the wonders of conservatism, you leave college with a mountain of debt, you end up in a job with no protections, and you maybe put off having a family until your 30's when the Biological clock is ticking down.

I agree, the 47% who keep voting Republican are fucking idiots economically.
Your right Joe in some respects but blaming all this on republicans and conservatives, makes you terribly uninformed and diminishes your point.
I support working less hours and days a week but with bigger payment I support welfare for everyone even the ones who work but don't earn above a certain amount so they can afford more some work but can not make a end with their bills I support free free housing for homeless free healthcare and to do that I support taxing the rich I support minimum taxes for the poor and low income classes
the USSR tried that
Pol Pot tried that
I support working less hours and days a week but with bigger payment I support welfare for everyone even the ones who work but don't earn above a certain amount so they can afford more some work but can not make a end with their bills I support free free housing for homeless free healthcare and to do that I support taxing the rich I support minimum taxes for the poor and low income classes
Where in the world do you live? My 80 year old retired father lives with me in VA.
My mother is in her 90s and too cognitively limited for me to care for her. If she were only 80, she could easily live with me. She lives in Maryland, although my sister wantEd to relocate her to central Virginia, where she lives. We have been told that a move at her age, and her conditon, would accelerate her decline. The cost of care for elderly adults is a travesty, and there’s no help unless they are low-income. Then they can live like kings.
You know as well as I do that working Americans don't do that. They spend everything they make. To excess. Democrat or Republican. Tax refunds are their savings accounts. Get real.

Have you ever taken a sociology survey course on "class," in America? Most folks are insulted at the very idea that class even exists in this nation, but it does.

"Class," is not, as most would assume, a function of just. . . how much money you have. It is more, familial knowledge and culture, secrets, if you will, to living. A, sort of, family culture.

Not all families in America have the same attitude toward living. And this cuts across all ethnic groups and religious groups.

I admit, you are right though, the vast majority, those who watch TEE VEE over four or five hours everyday, make shopping and eating into hobbies, do indeed, spend to excess.
Economically, most people are far left.

If we decided elections on purely economic issues, the Democrats/Liberals/whatever would win every time.

Sadly, we have social issues to keep the right in business playing on people's religious, racial and sexual fears.
For that to even begin to work people would have to be civil, have ethics, morals and honest ways. That is not how it is.
I support working less hours and days a week but with bigger payment I support welfare for everyone even the ones who work but don't earn above a certain amount so they can afford more some work but can not make a end with their bills I support free free housing for homeless free healthcare and to do that I support taxing the rich I support minimum taxes for the poor and low income classes

What you should support is getting your ass in a remedial ESL class. Maybe they can assist you in putting your thoughts in a manner that's a bit more organized. No one can take your word salad seriously. Once you learn the language, then you might want to learn about economics. Like Margret Thatcher said, socialism is great, till you run out of other peoples money.

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There is a famous Scottish Aristocrat that felt much the same as you, and also felt, that because of this, Democracy is never sustainable as a workable form of government.

We may be seeing that in the history of our nation, mostly, because folks like you don't respect Republican form of government.

Actually, what we will probably see eventually is America becoming more like Europe... and we'll be better off for it.
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I was going to answer you, and then I saw you inject the race card into a discussion that has nothing to do with it - along with some snark for white people. I don’t reply to racist posts, so bye bye.

That's okay, you probably would have just embarrassed yourself anyway...

But enjoy that White People Welfare... I mean "entitlements", yup... entitlements.
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My mother is in her 90s and too cognitively limited for me to care for her. If she were only 80, she could easily live with me. She lives in Maryland, although my sister wantEd to relocate her to central Virginia, where she lives. We have been told that a move at her age, and her conditon, would accelerate her decline. The cost of care for elderly adults is a travesty, and there’s no help unless they are low-income. Then they can live like kings.

Quite right... we should go back to the Good Old days before Social Security and Medicare and other White People Welfare... where people rarely lived past 62 and that was fine, as they were no longer of any use to the Plutocrats.

Not as effective as putting your elderly on an iceberg, but it works.
Actually, what we will probably see eventually is America becoming more like Europe... and we'll be better off for it.
I see no evidence of that. What makes you believe this?

I think it’s much more likely we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny, and your beloved D Party plays an integral role.
I support working less hours and days a week but with bigger payment I support welfare for everyone even the ones who work but don't earn above a certain amount so they can afford more some work but can not make a end with their bills I support free free housing for homeless free healthcare and to do that I support taxing the rich I support minimum taxes for the poor and low income classes
Mortimer. I think you need to work way more hours and a lot harder

Every time I see a new avatar, your girth keeps expanding East and West
That's okay, you probably would have just embarrassed yourself anyway...

But enjoy that White People Welfare... I mean "entitlements", yup... entitlements.
I wonder if you are a black man who is racist against whites or a self-loathing leftist fool. I suspect the latter, since the black people I know are actually embarrassed, or even irate, by what the left is doing.
I wonder if you are a black man who is racist against whites or a white self-loathing white leftist fool. I suspect the latter, since the black people I know are actually embarrassed, or even irate, by what the left is doing.
Okay, let's look at that.

Poverty relief spending.

Food Stamps $85 Billion
Section 8 housing $68.7 Billion
TANF $30 Billion
WIC 4.9 Billion
Medicaid 359 Billion

So total of Poverty Relief programs- $548 billion.

Middle Class Entitlements

Social Security - 1.1 TRILLION
Medicare - $776 Billion
Unemployment spending - 794 billion in 2020 (although usually a lot less.)
Veterans Administration - 270 Billion

So total spending on middle class entitlements in 2020 was 3.488 TRILLION. Even taking out the fluke of 2020 and unemployment, we still spend six times as much keeping middle class white people from becoming poor than we do keeping poor people of color from outright starving.

Wow, great propaganda. Here's a clue for ya commie, people of color get every benefit of the programs you say are intended to keep white people from becoming poor. So ya want to try again?

Quite right... we should go back to the Good Old days before Social Security and Medicare and other White People Welfare... where people rarely lived past 62 and that was fine, as they were no longer of any use to the Plutocrats.

Not as effective as putting your elderly on an iceberg, but it works.
More anti-white racism, I see.

Where I live, blacks are on what you call “white welfare” too - Social Security and Medicare. And they paid into It just as whites did. Not the case with food stamps. Medicaid, subsidized housing, and government child support.
My mother is in her 90s and too cognitively limited for me to care for her. If she were only 80, she could easily live with me. She lives in Maryland, although my sister wantEd to relocate her to central Virginia, where she lives. We have been told that a move at her age, and her conditon, would accelerate her decline. The cost of care for elderly adults is a travesty, and there’s no help unless they are low-income. Then they can live like kings.

There's a solution for that, put her assets into a trust.


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