Economy Doing Well - Covid or No Covid


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You just CAN'T STOP THE TRUMP TRAIN. :biggrin:

Despite Covid lockdowns across the country (mostly in Democrat areas), the economy has been roaring back, and is doing very well right now, and has been for last 3 months.

1. Record highs in stock market (all 3 indicators - Dow Jones, NASDAQ, S & P)

2. 10.6 Million jibs added since May (CNBC - 9/4/20) - Now it's much more.

3. Big drop in unemployment rate. (Fox Business, 9/4/20)

4. US added 1.4 Million jobs in August. (Forbes, 9/4/20).

Democrat inaction to block your stimulus checks$$, and keep economy bad, has failed.
Yes, massive government spending and hyperactive, unprecedented Fed intervention have really kept us afloat.
the economy is going gangbusters.

the point of the free market is not to compete...but to WIN, and we have a winner as President Of The United States

let's keep it that way, my friends
Er ...

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