Editorial Alert: The Whining President


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Editorial: Opinion. Not facts.

RealClearPolitics - The Unhappy President

April 23, 2011
The Unhappy President
By Jonah Goldberg

The Oval Office, I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. . . . I'm like, "C'mon guys, I'm the president of the United States. Where's the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up?" It doesn't happen. - Pres. Barack H. Obama

The list of people I feel sorry for is long. It includes not just all of the people I know personally who are suffering from one misfortune or another, but the billions around the world who're having a rougher time than they ought: Japanese earthquake victims, targets of ethnic cleansing, etc. Then there's the supplemental list, which includes everyone from fans of Lost who were ripped off by the series finale to the guy in the middle seat on a long flight.

But one guy who doesn't make the list is Barack Obama.

And yet the president seems eager for people to know he feels aggrieved. All of a sudden, he's had a few "hot mic" incidents in which he "accidentally" vented his displeasure about various alleged insults. His staff let it be known that the president feels the head of China's one-party authoritarian regime has it better than him, because no one second-guesses Hu Jintao.

"I just miss - I miss being anonymous," he told some magazine executives recently. "I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls . . . taking walks. I can't take a walk." He says the reason he plays so much golf is that it's the only way he can get away from the "bubble" he's in.

None of this is entirely new. The president has always had a gift for self-pity. And blame-shifting. "It's Bush's fault" could be the subtitle of his presidency...
Obama is far out of his depth.

This is a candid observation, not a criticism. I feel sorry for him. The dems should have known better and I blame the DNC for setting the poor man up. Furthermore it really irritates me that they had to pick a black guy to set up for failure.
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage. And this goes on, to a great degree, even after you're no longer POTUS.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

The only way I'd do it is if I knew I'd only be there 4 years, and I'd just say any fucking thing that crossed my mind, and do crazy shit like fly to Dallas and ride around in an open convertible.
Obama is far out of his depth.

This is a candid observation, not a criticism. I feel sorry for him. The dems should have known better and I blame the DNC for setting the poor man up. Furthermore it really irritates me that they had to pick a black guy to set up for failure.

I feel the same way. I feel very sorry for Obama. He was billed as Much more than he can deliver. He is as you say far out of his depth.

I also feel for Blacks in General. Was a wonderful thing to see a black finally in the WH, only to see him fail miserably. I am sure they were hoping for a better performance out of their first president.
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage. And this goes on, to a great degree, even after you're no longer POTUS.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

1 Word.

One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

The only way I'd do it is if I knew I'd only be there 4 years, and I'd just say any fucking thing that crossed my mind, and do crazy shit like fly to Dallas and ride around in an open convertible.

There are NO conditions in which I would do it. Or even consider it. I love my personal freedom and privacy way too much.
Editorial: Opinion. Not facts.

RealClearPolitics - The Unhappy President

April 23, 2011
The Unhappy President
By Jonah Goldberg

The Oval Office, I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. . . . I'm like, "C'mon guys, I'm the president of the United States. Where's the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up?" It doesn't happen. - Pres. Barack H. Obama

The list of people I feel sorry for is long. It includes not just all of the people I know personally who are suffering from one misfortune or another, but the billions around the world who're having a rougher time than they ought: Japanese earthquake victims, targets of ethnic cleansing, etc. Then there's the supplemental list, which includes everyone from fans of Lost who were ripped off by the series finale to the guy in the middle seat on a long flight.

But one guy who doesn't make the list is Barack Obama.

And yet the president seems eager for people to know he feels aggrieved. All of a sudden, he's had a few "hot mic" incidents in which he "accidentally" vented his displeasure about various alleged insults. His staff let it be known that the president feels the head of China's one-party authoritarian regime has it better than him, because no one second-guesses Hu Jintao.

"I just miss - I miss being anonymous," he told some magazine executives recently. "I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls . . . taking walks. I can't take a walk." He says the reason he plays so much golf is that it's the only way he can get away from the "bubble" he's in.

None of this is entirely new. The president has always had a gift for self-pity. And blame-shifting. "It's Bush's fault" could be the subtitle of his presidency...
Goldgerg is notorious for pathological lies scripted by the GOP passed off as worthless opinion.

by Jonah Goldberg

"While touring Monticello, Gore asked a guide, “Who are these people?” while pointing at statues of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin."
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

The only way I'd do it is if I knew I'd only be there 4 years, and I'd just say any fucking thing that crossed my mind, and do crazy shit like fly to Dallas and ride around in an open convertible.

I would simply do and say what I felt was right. Fuck what people think of it. If I win a second term cool, if not so be it.

I have long advocated for a change to Presidential Terms. Instead of 2 possible 4 year terms. Which leads to a president fearful to do what he really wants in the first 4 Years, and unafraid of doing anything in the Second. Not to mention a president campaigning for the first 4 years. What I would do is have us elect a president who could in theory serve for life. Every 2 or 4 years or so we would hold a national Vote of Confidence or No Confidence on the President. If a majority voted no confidence, we would then have another Election to pick a new President.
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One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage. And this goes on, to a great degree, even after you're no longer POTUS.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

1 Word.

The POTUS really is one of the most powerless figures in our government. The old saw of "the most powerful man in the world" just isn't true.

BUT, I do see what you're saying. The quest for and desire for power might very well be the motivator for some. Then, after they got what they asked for - they find out it's not nearly the power position they thought it was.
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I think Obama has all these glorious ideals for improving the lot in life for the bottom half of our society in terms of wealth, but neither he nor those around him seem to know what really works and what doesn't. Plus he's far too interested in being PC and appeasing his base than he is in actually doing what best for all of us.
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage. And this goes on, to a great degree, even after you're no longer POTUS.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

1 Word.


The power the President has is nothing compared to the power we as people have if we accept what we've been blessed with.
One should always be careful what one asks for. The job of POTUS has got to be by far the worst job on the planet. You are in the United States of America and you have zero freedom, zero privacy, every minute of every day is scheduled... It's a gilded cage. And this goes on, to a great degree, even after you're no longer POTUS.

Why anyone would want that job still befuddles me to this day. Why the hell they would campaign for it again renders me speechless.

1 Word.


The power the President has is nothing compared to the power we as people have if we accept what we've been blessed with.

You mean.....

...free internet porn?

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